In the face of an ever-changing world, how can young people get out of their own way and care for society and others? How can they have compassion in their hearts? How do they speak for a better world, speak for love? And how can they contribute to the sustainable development of society? 
Committed to elevating the global youth, Global Youth Philanthropy (GYP) has partnered up with different strategic partners including BlueFocus, Business Link Media Group, Boston international media consultancy, Blue Oak, and western Australia Chinese radio FM90.5 to launch the Youth Journalist club--Youth Voices, which will invite senior professional mentors in the media industry to provide continuous training for young journalists and both online and offline interviews for our young journalists. Reporting various activities and in-depth interviews with guests in different fields and industries, it will allow them to speak out for a better world from their own unique perspectives, understanding, and appreciation. Through these conversations, we also empower our young journalists to find the denominators that fuel their motivation. 
Review of the Youth Journalists Project 
(phase I)
In early 2022, Global Youth Philanthropy, in partnership with Canada's Business Link Media Group, launched the Youth Journalists Program (Phase I). The program recruits young people from China, the United States, Canada, Oman and other countries. Under the guidance of senior mentors in the media industry and through continuous online empowerment training, these young journalists learned about news reporting, communication and develop writing skills. Through the Global Youth Philanthropy platform, we invited remarkable ambassadors on board the program, including Member of Parliament of Canada Mike Lake, Mayor of Leduc Bob Young, City Councillor of Edmonton Jennifer Rice, Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion,  Liu Daming, Shen Qun, Luo Xin, Xiong Xianjun, Fu Yong, Yuan Jia, Chen Zhuo, and other interviewed guests with different industry backgrounds and life experiences. The young journalists conduct one-on-one interviews and group visits, during which they absorbed the essence of these wonderful life stories and experiences. In addition, the journalists also volunteered to help the 28th Canadian National Games remotely, conducting live interviews on the Canadian Chinese Cultural Festival and other activities. For details, please refer to this article——《为美好世界代言,为爱发声——有斯公益小记者项目(第一期)精彩回顾》and the following review video. The "recommended reading" at the end of this article is accompanied by a series of interview articles written by the young journalists. 
The new "Youth Voices"  Journalist club will be launched in January 2023. We welcome young people from all over the world to participate in this project and obtain an all-inclusive experience. 
Overview of the Club
The club is open to middle and high school students as well as college students who are interested in interviewing and writing. The program introduces professional news communication and related theoretical learning through customized project practice and field interview opportunities. These opportunities and experiences help expand young people's vision, and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, cultivating the innovative spirit, creative thinking, effective communication, efficient team cooperation and in-depth social practice abilities. Focusing on public welfare, the club provides members with in-depth interview opportunities for philanthropy projects, while encouraging members to go deep into social practice and discover newsworthy people and things. The club also promotes the values of sustainable social development through conversations with elite examples and role models. Youth Journalist Club offers a platform in which young people get to escape the self and broaden their horizons. The club also has strategic cooperation with many well-known media platforms, providing members with the most valuable opportunities for practical training and stage presentations.
Characteristics of the Club
· Move away from passive learning to project-based learning in interviews with real events and people
· Accompanied and empowered by club mentors throughout the process
· Professional guidance and conversation coaching from industry gurus
· Learn and share with members from different countries and regions, and cultivate an international perspective
· Guide competent young journalists to lead the establishment of local offline young reporters stations and provide offline activity reporting opportunities
· Excellent members have the opportunity to participate in middle and high-level professional training courses and summer training camps, and the project mentors will lead the team to the United States, Canada, China and other representative regions for special field interviews and reports, comprehensively improving the professional quality and leadership of members
Member recruitment target
· Teens interested in people interviewing and news writing
· Teens interested in reporting on new things and events
· Teens who respect different points of view and enjoy sharing discussions
· Teens who want to challenge themselves and practice critical thinking
· Young people who want to contribute to the sustainable development of society
· Young people who want to speak for good things and help love
· Young people who want to improve their overall listening, speaking, reading and writing skills
Club activity planning
· Weekly empowerment training: senior experts and mentors in the media industry will improve the journalism professionalism and ability of young journalists through background investigation, on-site reporting, interviews, photography and video recording, multimedia material production and other methods.
Monthly theme-driven essay: The club is open to monthly submissions. Submitted pieces will be carefully reviewed and edited by professional editorial teams and subsequently published in media platforms in cooperation;
Monthly assignment: coordinated by reporters around the organization, journalists will complete exit interviews at the scene of the news; they will go to relevant press conferences and representative community activities to report on the spot, observe and learn; they will plan and launch special offline reporter station theme activities.
· Journalists will conduct interviews with government officials, diplomats, scientists, artists, educators, public service leaders, world champions, entrepreneurs and other elites. They will conduct series of thematic interviews (in-depth online and offline interviews) and will have the opportunity to publish their own series such as Interviews with diplomats, interviews with mayors/city councilors, interviews with African first ladies, interviews with presidents, interviews with philanthropy leaders, interviews with business elites.
The club introduces insight into areas like Metaversechain blocks, NFT cutting-edge technology. 
The club encourages a deep dive into underprivileged areas and communities, where journalists will carry out philanthropy activities and reports, an angel for philanthropy.
Part of the project mentors
Club schedule
The club, which is scheduled to officially launch in January 2023, will meet from January to June, with an average of four workshops per month, along with corresponding mentor sharing. Meeting dates will be confirmed in January.
Preliminarily proposed meeting times:
17:00 ~18:30 Pacific time every Saturday
Mountain Time (MST) every Saturday from 18:00 to 19:30
Central Time (CST) every Saturday from 19:00 to 20:30
EST (20:00 to 21:30 EST) every Saturday
Beijing Time every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m
Please note: Meeting times are subject to change based on registration.
Club membership fees
The club will charge appropriate membership fees for the allocation of basic operating costs and the sustainable development of the philanthropy organization. For low-income families, membership fees will be discounted or waived if they submit their applications and relevant proof. GYP donors and core volunteers are entitled to fee discounts or waivers in return for their support.
Other Benefits
· Professional Certification: Members will receive a certificate of community services in GYP (certified volunteer hours), the opportunity to receive the Outstanding Volunteer Award, the U.S. Presidential Volunteer Service Award (applicants for this award must be U.S. citizens or green card holders), media platform apprenticeship, etc
· Media release: Excellent members will have the opportunity to publish their works on quality media platforms, and encourage and guide competent young journalists to recruit young people in their local areas to set up offline small reporter stations, create exclusive we-media platforms, and produce various podcasts so that the voices of young people can be widely disseminated
· Anthology publishing: Excellent members' works will have the opportunity to be published (paper books or e-books).
· Letters of Recommendation: Outstanding members will have the opportunity to obtain official letters of recommendation, which will help them in their future study
If you are curious about the world, want to have more awareness of society and life, and tell the stories around you to more people; If you want to express your own voice, get to know more peers, speak for a better world, speak for love, and contribute to the sustainable development of society......
No matter where you are located in world, come on, we are looking forward to your participation in the club, where you will flourish in these experiences in the greater world. 
Sign up to sign up
 Please scan the code to fill in the registration form, and join the WeChat group!
Strategic partner
BlueFocus is a marketing technology company dedicated to enhancing our clients’ enterprise capabilities in their intelligent management and operation in the era of big data and social networks. Major service offerings provided by BlueFocus and its subsidiaries are comprehensive promotion services (digital marketing, public relations, event management, etc.), comprehensive media services (digital media placement, overseas media placement, smart TV/OTT related services, etc.),meta-universe marketing and international business. Our expertise covers a broad range of services in marketing communications with a global network and through intelligent management based on marketing technology.
Founded in 2003, Business Link Media Group has been an industry leader in the publishing of B2B direct mail newspapers, magazines, specialty publications, and event programs, as well as marketing through social media and online platforms. Since 2020, Business Link has added digital multi-media marketing services including Blockchain business solutions, NFTs, DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and Metaverse. Our traditional and modern media platforms are designed to educate, inform, and connect your organization with the stakeholders that matter to them. For 19 consecutive years, 40 Under Forty Business Achievement Awards have recognized more than 1000 outstanding entrepreneurs and business leaders from the Niagara and Hamilton regions. Business Link's multitude of resources and network has provided their businesses the opportunity to be promoted locally and internationally.
Boston International Media Consulting Inc. (BIMC), founded by several media professionals who have been working in the American Chinese press for many years, was registered in the Massachusetts Government of the United States to serve the overseas Chinese in North America. It aspires to be a positive force for the Chinese media in North America, neutral and open, with ideas and opinions. It focuses on new media operation (WeChat official account, WeChat group, Weibo, FB, Twitter, etc.), and owns WeChat public account platforms such as "Bo Cheng First Mingji" and "Boston Chinese Website".Multimedia platforms such as Boston Chinese Radio and Television (BARTV), North American news Web portal (www.hellousa.info), mobile App, Boston Film Academy, and boutique interview program "Bosh Talk" cover news and information about the work, life, food, clothing, housing and other aspects of the Chinese community in New England. With hundreds of thousands of subscribers, BarTV is among the most influential in the local community.
Founded at the end of 2013, Blue Oak has attracted the attention of 2 million parents over the past nine years with its education depth and excellent literature.Its subsidiaries include Blue Oak, Children's Education, Blue Oak Study Abroad, Blue Oak Yanxuan wechat official account, Blue Oak, ChuangXinyu video account, and 250+ communities, covering 70,000 parents.
FM90.5 is the first and only 24-hour Chinese radio station in Perth, Australia. Founded in 2007, FM90.5 focuses its programming on Mandarin Chinese and serves about 150,000 people in Western Australia who can speak or listen to Chinese. Of these, 97% live in the Perth metropolitan area.FM90.5 offers a wide variety of programming including local, national, Chinese and international news, local community events, CRI (China Radio International) Mandarin programming, music, entertainment, health, education, finance and investment programming.It has become one of the main sources of culture and information for the local Chinese community. While striving to build programs to meet the needs of the local community, the station has also participated in or organized many large and medium-sized activities, including cultural performances and Chinese language competitions.FM90.5 also has a free Chinese newspaper, Oriental Post, and its corresponding WeChat official account.
The registration channel has been opened, p
lease scan the code to fill in the registration form, and join the WeChat group!
有斯公益(Global Youth Philanthropy)是先后在美国麻州、加州、加拿大多伦多注册的非营利组织,由热心公益与教育事业的全球爱心人士携手组建,致力于为全球青少年搭建公益创新平台,提供各类公益创新行动和社会活动的规划指导和资源支持,努力挖掘和孵化一批优秀的青少年公益创新项目,为有需要帮助的个人及群体提供支持,培养有思想和行动力、有社会责任感的青少年公益领袖和未来世界公民。
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