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致力于青少年公益创新, 促进教育公益组织交流。

日前,应有斯公益小记者项目要求,来自上海建平中学西校12岁的小记者夏行健(Alex Xia)用英文撰写了一篇文章,作为三月份女性主题月的随笔。Alex的妈妈建议他以自己喜欢的书中的一位女性榜样作为主角,但是Alex经过思考后,选择了在生活中带给他最多影响的一位女性——他的妈妈(上海建桥学院外国语学院副教授胡卫卫),记录了妈妈兼顾家庭、事业、义工等不同角色,用心引领和陪伴孩子成长,关爱学生和社会,做孩子言传身教的好榜样,成为了孩子心中的英雄。本文读来令人感动,特此分享,欢迎查看。
We all need special people to help us in times of great need: to inspire us, to challenge us, and to motivate us to go on in our journey no matter how difficult it may be. We call them our guiding posts, the stars that guide our life. They are the heroes in our lives. For me, the person who has always been there, in all my ups and downs, is my mom. She is my modern-day hero who loves, cares, and helps me the best way she can.
Although my mom is very busy with her teaching, she does a great job of taking care of the family, especially her son, me. For most of us, when we are busy workingwe easily feel tired and want to take a rest, and put away the things we are doing. But for my mom, she doesn’t have much time to rest. She does not complain about how exhausted she is after a whole day of hard work, considering that she does all the work by herself in almost perfect order. Since we do not live together with my father, and my grandparents are neither living with us, it is truly amazing how my mother manages to shoulder all the responsibilities by herself.
On taking care of me, she also does an awesome job. She helps me have many opportunities to talk with influential people in society. For example, she facilitated my meeting with Mr. FU, a great and famous cross-country runner, so that I had the chance to have a one-to-one interview with him. She guided me on how to prepare questions for the interview. Indeed, it was a total success, thanks to my mom’s support. What’s more, she always encourages me to teach other kids English reading, go hiking for 100 kilometers in four days, read difficult books, and enroll in public speaking classes to develop my English communication skills. She always listens to me when I am talking to her, and gives me the freedom to plan my own schedule. Sometimes, she even listens to my ideas and follows some of my advice.

Moreover, to her friends, she is always helpful, especially in their times of great need. During the time of Covad 19, she bought hundreds of masks and donated all of them to her friends in America. One of the benefactors has three children’s museums built in different cities. Unfortunately, few people have visited these places due to the pandemic. Because of this, my mom launched a donation campaign for the museum and collected more than 5,000 dollars to help sustain their condition.
To her students, she is truly one of the best teachers in their lives. Many of them want to be a teacher or find a decent job, but they need help and guidance to go about it. In effect, my mother organized a forum and invited some of her friends from different sectors of society to help answer her students’ concerns. In the end, the students were all enlightened.
After all, I think she really does a good job of being a mom, a friend, and a teacher. She always takes good care of me and provides me with various opportunities to grow. More importantly, she helps other people, too, by giving her best in her teaching profession, helping them achieve their dreams, and offering them timely help or support in their hour of distress.
今年暑假,有斯公益诚邀全球各地青少年开启2022暑期主题夏令营,这是一次全面打造精英思维、敏锐观察、技术前沿“青少年小记者”的旅程;这是一次深度对话加拿大市长、议员等资深政界人士的旅程;这也是一次与资深经济学教授、顶级媒体人、企业家、投资人深度碰撞的旅程;这更是一次帮助孩子们准备进入Web 3、探索NFT、DAO、元宇宙、加密货币等的趣味旅程;这绝对是一次超值性价比的有斯小记者主题暑期训练营,各项目标达成的同时,我们也会带领孩子们深入探索魅力大瀑布经典胜地,找寻这其中一个个美妙无比的故事......精彩不容错过!详情请查阅——《有斯公益小记者暑期训练营招募全球青少年营员——智慧与科技的旅程,精彩不容错过!》(应报名者的要求,时间调整为7月18日~7月23日)。
有斯公益(Global Youth Philanthropy)是先后在美国、加拿大注册的非营利组织,由热心公益与教育事业的全球爱心人士携手组建,致力于为全球青少年搭建公益创新平台,提供各类公益创新行动和社会活动的规划指导和资源支持,努力挖掘和孵化一批优秀的青少年公益创新项目,为有需要帮助的个人及群体提供支持,培养有思想和行动力、有社会责任感的青少年公益领袖和未来世界公民。
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