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2022年214号,是一个对加拿大人民来说十分特殊且重要的日子。它既是一年一度的情人节,也是加拿大安大略省密西沙加市的传奇市长——海兹尔·麦卡利恩(Hazel McCallion)101岁的生日。因为老市长深受爱戴,许许多多的市民自愿地来到了她的家中,为她庆贺生辰。有斯公益的小记者也来到了现场,非常荣幸地采访到了老市长,并且对现场庆典的情况进行了报道,把这一份喜悦带给大家。
214日,对加拿大人来说是十分特殊且重要的日子:它既是一年一度的情人节,也是加拿大安大略省密西沙加市的“传奇老市长”——Hazel McCallion的生日。
2022212号,密西沙加市市政府人员,包括现任市长,消防员、警员代表,齐聚在老市长的房前,进行了一个热闹的生日庆祝。警车、消防车鸣笛,大家现场为老市长唱生日快乐歌。来自几个主要的媒体对现场进行了报道。老市长房门前的雪地里,插上了101只斑点狗的标志,用这样一个特殊意义的“101 Dalmatians”故事,来表达这份深深的祝福。

在此之后,老市长兢兢业业地工作着,为密西沙加市贡献着自己的能力。因此,她每一次竞选都会以很高的票数再一次被选为市长,直到2014年才正式退休。数不胜数的抉择,出类拔萃的表现,让老市长成为了一个被人们赞颂,值得敬仰的传奇人物。214日也被加拿大政府改为“Hazel McCallion”日,以此纪念她为密西沙加所做出的贡献。
退休之后,老市长仍没有停止工作,持续地为教育事业付出,成为了希尔顿大学(Sheridan College)的荣誉校长。老人家积极投身于医疗、教育等公益事业,她繁忙的脚步从没有停歇,这样的人怎能不受众人的爱戴与尊重,她坚持不懈,不求回报的精神打动了数不胜数的人们。
February 14 is a very special and important day for Canadians. It is both an annual Valentine'sDay and the birthday of the legendary mayor of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, Hazel McCallion.
On this day in2022, Hazel McCallion will celebrate her 101st birthday. As a retired mayor, she is respected and loved by almost every Canadian, and her 101st birthday is also valued by everyone. Many people came to her home voluntarily, with joy, to wish her a happy birthday. The young journalists from Global Youth Philanthropyalso arrived at her house and were honored to interview the old mayor. They reported the condition of the celebration, bringing this joy to everyone.
On February 12, 2022, Mississauga city government personnel, including the new mayor, and representatives of firefighters and police officers, gathered in front of HazelMcLean's house for a brief birthday celebration. Starting from the afternoon of the 12th, everyone has begun to prepare for the birthday party on the 14th. Both the mayor and the residents of Mississauga are very concerned about this, and people deliberately inserted the Dalmatian logo in the snow in front of her house as a metaphor for "101".
So, why is HazelMcCallion's birthday so taken seriously? Why is she being called the"legendary mayor"? That's because her life has been a legendary story, affecting people in Canada.
McCallion was born in Quebec, Canada. Her father owns a business, while her mother runs the family's farm. Growing up in Quebec, after graduating high school, she had no choice but to attend business school. She also has two older sisters and two older brothers, which makes their living expenses too high to supportMcCallion's dream of going to college.
After graduating, McCallion started her work in Montreal. She later moved to the city of Toronto, where she officially began her political career in 1967.
In 1978, McCallion was running for mayor of Mississauga, and soon after being elected as the mayor, she needed to face a serious problem. On November 10, 1979, a train carrying dangerous goods derailed and exploded. Chemicals from the train began to leak, which might be affecting the health and safety of many people. McCallionacted decisively and went with the police and government personnel to organize the evacuation of the crowd. During the chaos, McCallion accidentally sprained her ankle, but she still insisted on explaining the situation at the press conference. Thanks to her efforts and leadership, there were no deaths or serious casualties in this incident, which has been praised by all parties and has earned the city of Mississauga a reputation.
After that, McCallion worked diligently and contributed her abilities to the city of Mississauga. As a result, she was elected as mayor with a high number of votes in every election, until she officially retired in 2014. The outstanding performance has made McCallion a legendary figure who is praised and worthy of admiration. February 14 was also changed to "Hazel McCallion Day" by the Canadian government in honor of her contributions to Mississauga.
After retiring, McCallion still did not stop working, she continued to work for education, and became the president of Sheridan University. She is more and more respected by everyone. Her perseverance and unrequited spirit have changed and affected countless people.
How can such an outstanding elder not be loved and respected?
有斯公益(Global Youth Philanthropy)是先后在美国、加拿大注册的非营利组织,由热心公益与教育事业的全球爱心人士携手组建,致力于为全球青少年搭建公益创新平台,提供各类公益创新行动和社会活动的规划指导和资源支持,努力挖掘和孵化一批优秀的青少年公益创新项目,为有需要帮助的个人及群体提供支持,培养有思想和行动力、有社会责任感的青少年公益领袖和未来世界公民。
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