AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!
WING is a research group consisting of 15-20 full-time postgraduate and undergraduate students working primarily in the areas of informational retrieval, natural language processing and digital libraries, led by Associate Professor Min-Yen Kan. It is one of several groups at the nexus of applied AI research in Singapore. The School of Computing at the National University of Singapore is one of Asia’s largest and top-ranked Computer Science and Information Systems departments, featuring a faculty expertise spanning both wide and deep areas of interests.
Job Description
A postdoctoral fellow position is available in the Department of Computer Science at the National University of Singapore’s School of Computing, starting immediately. For this role, our Web, IR / NLP Group (WING) is primarily interested in developing and applying current deep learning approaches to scholarly documents to extract, visualize, recommend and summarize scholarly documents (such as journal articles, conference submissions and pre-prints). 
The research program at the School of Computing at NUS has strong expertise and track record in Natural Language Processing, Information Retrieval and Digital Libraries research, where state-of-the-art approaches to current neural-based NLP are integrated with corpus analysis to achieve the next generation of scholarly communication research. 
The post-doc will join a vibrant team of researchers and receive close mentorship for developing an independent teaching or research career as well as team science. We are recruiting for a research programme that will create widely applicable scholarly processing tools to help discipline-specific scholars better utilize, understand, predict and summarize the literature in their respective fields. 
These projects involve large-scale data resources, computational infrastructure and open source tools and open access publications. There is ample project flexibility depending on applicant interests. We seek to publish in computer science conferences as well as to develop toolkits that general scholars beyond the domain of computer science can apply on scholarly works of their own domain’s interests. There are also opportunities for applicants to lead projects and to mentor Ph.D., MS, and talented undergraduate students and exceptional international interns.
Min-Yen Kan(靳民彦),新加坡国立大学副教授、计算机学院院长助理,ACM、IEEE 高级会员。他的研究兴趣包括自然语言处理、数字图书馆和信息检索。曾担任 ACL Anthology 主编、ACL 协会执行委员会成员、ACL 协会首任信息官,曾在 JCDL 2018、ACL 2017、BIRNDL 2016、AIRS 2010 等学术会议任程序委员会联合主席。获 CIKM 2020 和 JCDL 2013 最佳论文奖,2019 年 ACL 杰出服务奖。
Applicants must have trained with a strong emphasis on machine learning and text mining using Python and solid understanding of corpus analysis and deep learning. Preference will be given to individuals with expertise in big data/modeling and those with an interest in scholarly communication. The position is open to graduating Ph.D., M.D. or M.D./Ph.D. students in computer science, informatics, electrical engineering or a related discipline. Current postdoctoral fellows with less than three years of postdoctoral experience are also welcomed. Applicants must be able to legally work in Singapore. Due to COVID-19, applicants may also negotiate a remote work option, if border controls do not permit relocation to Singapore. Candidates from self-identifying minorities are also especially welcomed to apply. 
Appointments are initially for one year. The appointment will be offered on a definite contract basis of one year, which can be extended one or two additional years depending on available funds and performance, subject to a probationary period of six months. Salary is commensurate with research experience and education.
Applicants should submit their letter of application together with their curriculum vitae, certificates and names and e-mails of three referees by e-mail to Associate Professor Min-Yen Kan <[email protected]>. We regret to say that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

阿里巴巴达摩院对话智能团队字节跳动AI Lab微软亚洲研究院深度与强化学习组阿里巴巴达摩院决策智能实验室元象唯思认知智能组阿里巴巴淘系技术部腾讯天衍实验室微软亚洲研究院机器学习组美团点评技术部京东广告质量部美团搜索与NLP部香港中文大学(深圳)爱奇艺AI视频分析算法团队腾讯广告多媒体AI中心华为诺亚方舟实验室微软亚洲互联网工程院美团视觉智能中心上海人工智能实验室蔚来自动驾驶部门酷哇机器人平安科技京东探索研究院澜舟科技北京招聘 | 新浪微博百度智能生活事业群组美团无人车配送中心华为诺亚推荐搜索实验室Momenta快手微软亚洲研究院DKI组京东视觉基础研究部上海人工智能实验室粤港澳大湾区数字经济研究院中国三星研究院第四范式腾讯IEG深透医疗清华大学智能产业研究院中科院自动化所华为诺亚方舟实验室字节跳动广告基础技术团队微软亚洲研究院系统组腾讯视频OpenMMLab麻省理工学院腾讯微信美团语音交互部字节跳动腾讯游戏商汤科技EIG研究中心平安科技人工智能中心阿里达摩院机器智能技术团队京东科技人机交互技术部小红书微软亚洲研究院机器学习组平安科技知识图谱部门美团APP腾讯AI Lab视觉计算中心微软亚洲研究院DKI组京东AI研究院智源研究院百度NLP微软亚洲研究院多媒体计算组字节跳动广告团队地平线视觉算法团队贝壳AI创新研究部阿里云视频智绘团队清华大学智能产业研究院达特茅斯学院
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AI 求职是「PaperWeekly」旗下聚焦人工智能领域的招聘平台,涵盖高校硕博招生、博士后招募、企业校招、社招、实习和内推等。