本期课堂实录,是美国老师给孩子们读绘本:Swan Harbor. 这是一本融合了数数的数字绘本。适合四岁五岁阶段的孩子们在阅读中学习数字。

T:Good job. Well we've been read about our story about called swan harbor. What's the name of our story?
S: Swan Harbor.
T: Yes. Swan Harbor is a story about how the harbor changes through the seasons through the seasons.  If I point to this part of the book, what am I touching?
S: The cover page.
T: What if I turn it over?
S: The back page.
T: Oh, you're so smart. That's the back page. And this part is called …the title.
T: Exactly. Listen, listen,  good job. Now we got the author Laura Rankin.  She wrote the …words.
So what does the author do?
S: Write the words.
T: Exactly. Author writes the words. Say that.
S: Author writes the words.
T: Good job. Now what if I want to draw the pictures. If I draw all the pictures in here, I would be the …illustrator.
T: Good job. Good job.
Book title书名
Cover page 封面
Back page 封底
Author 作者
Illustrator 插画师
这些概念都属于“印刷文字的概念”(Concepts of Print),是美国孩子在幼儿园阶段就要学习了解的。但这部分内容,可能是我们容易忽视或者跳过的。
比如在介绍封面封底时,用手指着书,给孩子展示具体是书的哪个部分;介绍作者和插画师时,用了非常简单明确的语言来解释了什么是作者(Author writes the words.),什么是插画师(Illustrator draws the pictures.)
T: What is a harbor? What is a harbor? Raise your hand to tell me, what is a harbor? What's a harbor? Hevin? What did we say this harbor was?
S: Water.
T: Water. Water. Exactly. It's the water.  Now the water is not the rough water by the sea, so in the harbor the animals were what?
S: Protecting.
T: Good. She knows that word. They were protecting. It was safe. Good job.
T: Next page, let's go over another vocabulary word we had over here. And Iris, raise your hand and tell me what do you think that iris was?
T: XXX, I love it. What is the iris, XXX? What is the word iris?
T: The flower, yes. Iris was a flower. What season season does an iris come up? It doesn't come out pop through the snow. It comes out what season does the iris come up?
S&T: The summer or sometimes the spring.
T: Good job.
T: We're going to do our story, ready? And you can do the echo read after me. hands down hands in left.
T: Swan Harbor. By Laura Ramkin.
T: One robin flies to its nest.
T: good job. Here is the robin flying to its nest.
T&S: Two baby robins chirp for food.
T: Here they are. And here is the number 2. good job.
Next page, we're reading right now.
T&S: Three squirrels live in the tree.
T: get ready? and here is the number, 3. good job. Let's count the squirrels. 1, 2, 3. good job. You're sitting so nice and big hands on your lap. Good job.  You're looking at the book? Good job. 
T: Four rabbits nibble clover.
T: What's that number? 4 .  Let's count the rabbit.
S: 1,2,3,4. 
T: good job. And how do I count?
S: Touching count.
T: I love you. Good job. You've got your brains on this morning.  
T: Five irises bloom in the grass.
T: good job. And here're our five irises. Good job.
T: Six dragonflies dart through the air.
T: good job. Let's count. What's that number?
S: Six.
T: Good job. Let's put in the air. (在空中用手指头写数字6)
T: Good job. Remember your loop. Here we go. 1,2,3,4,5,6. Let's go. The seven, get ready.
T: Seven water lilies float on the pond.
T: good job. Here we go. My turn.
T: Eight sunfish swim under water.
T: Your turn.  Good job. And what's that number?
S: 8
T: This one we have to practice in the air. Ready? Make an S and go back up. Good job.  In there. Under the water. Now what season is this?  Maybe is it winter?
T: No. this is...Say spring going into summer.
T: Nice turtles bask in the sun.
T: good job.
在读绘本期间,老师领读一句,学生跟读一句,同时,老师还进行了数数的练习,已经在空中用手指头写数字——这项课堂活动叫air writing,用手指头在空中写数字,写字母等等,是在美国课堂上非常流行的小活动,可以穿插在听说读等课堂练习中。
比如写数字6时,老师提醒孩子们:Remember your loop.
比如写数字8时,老师这样教书写:Make an S and go back up.