和美国老师学全英文读绘本 Owl Babies
老师: Today we are going to read a new book and the title of the book is owl babies. And the  author, the person who wrote the book is named Martin Waddell. And look at these baby owls. Do you know sometime their mother has to leave them to get their food? And one night, their mother left them, and she disappeared. 
And I am wondering what happened when she left. I wonder where she went, I wonder what happened to her, and I wonder what happened to the baby owls. I wonder what happened to her when she has to leave them sometimes.  Let's read and find out. Yes.
Once, there were three baby owls. Sarah, Percy, and Bill.  They lived in a hole in the trunk of a tree with their owl mother. (老师指着图片)There's their owl mother. The whole had twigs and leaves and feathers in it. It was their house. This space right here is inside the trunk of the tree. It's inside a hole. And look, they look like they're safe and cozy, next to their mom, inside the hole of the tree. Let's see what happens next.
One night, they woke up and their owl mother was gone. "Where's Mommy?" asked Sarah.  "oh, my goodness," Said Percy. "I want my mommy!" said Bill.
Look, look, it is night time, you see. It is night time and they have just realized that their mother had disappeared. She had gone. She was not there. And you know what I'm thinking?  Since it is night time and owls, that's what these birds are. They are owls. Owls are nocturnal. And nocturnal means that you stay awake at nighttime. But you sleep when it's daytime. So, that is why these baby owls just woke up. Yeah, so they're just awake at night, and their mother was gone. Oh, my goodness. Hmm, let's see what happens next. I wonder what that mom is doing.
nocturnal的意思是夜间活动的(active at night),老师的解释也很简单:nocturnal means that you stay awake at nighttime. But you sleep when it's daytime. 咱们也可以学着用简单的语言给孩子解释单词。
The baby owls thought. "I think she's gone hunting," said Sarah. "To get us some food," said Percy. "I want my mommy!" Said Bill.
I think they know where she is. I think she has gone to get them some food. And they know that. They know where she is. But they're still upset. They still miss her.
But their mother didn't come. They baby owls came out of their house, and they sat on the tree and waited.
And see, notice here. They are outside the tree. And they're sitting on the branch and they are outside where other animals that might want to eat them, can see them. And those animals that would eat them are called, listen to this word, predators. They are predators, and they might see them, and they are out where it's dangerous, where other animals can see them. But look, before, they were inside the tree, but now they are outside without their mother. Let's see what happens.
在这里,老师又引入了一个新词:predator捕食者(an animal that kills and eats other animals)。通过上下文情境,孩子们也容易听懂解释。
And look, a big branch for Sarah, a small branch for Percy, and an old piece of ivy for Bill.  Ivy is a plant.  "she'll be back," said Sarah. "Back soon," said Percy. "But I want my mommy!" Said Bill.
He is really missing his mom. And look, before, they were all on the same branch. They were all together. But now they are not on the same branch. They are on separate branches, different branches.
It was dark in the woods, and they had to be brave, for things moved all about them,.
See, it's really dark outside in the forest, in this wood, in the woods, and look, there they are, these little baby owls, all alone. And it's a scary situation, but they have to be brave. They couldn't be afraid. They have to be brave. And brave means when you're not afraid.
"she'll bring us mice and things that are nice," said Sarah. "I suppose so." said Percy. "But I want my mommy!" said Bill.
Look ,see? You know what? I think they know where she is.  They know that she has gone hunting to get them some food, and I bet they know she'll be back. But they still miss her.
They sat and they thought. "I think we should all sit on my branch," said Sarah.  And they did, all three together.
And look, they are huddled here together, close together. They're kind of snuggling up near each other. And I'm thinking that Sarah decided to do this. So that they would be safer. And they would look bigger together. And their mom could see them.
"Suppose she got lost," said Sarah. "Or a fox got her," said Percy. "But I want my mommy!" said Bill.
And the baby owls closed their eyes tight. They closed their owl eyes, and they wished that their Mother would come. When you wish for something, that means you really want it to happen so much. They really wanted their mom to come back.
Wait until you see what happens next.
And she came! Look, there she is. Soft and silent, that's no sound, she swooped through the trees to Sarah and Percy and Bill. There they are. She's going to go through these trees and fly down to see them so quietly.
Let's see what happens.
"Mommy!" they cried. And they flapped, and they danced, and they bounced up and down on their branch. Look, she came back.  They knew she would come back and she did.
"what's all the fuss?" their owl mother asked.  "You Knew I'd come back." The baby owls thought.  "I knew it, "said Sarah.  And Percy said he knew it too. But Bill said, "I just love my Mommy!" And look, they're all there together again.
Now, I can see you listened so carefully. I bet you can tell me something about this story when I ask you a question. I have a question, and here is my question.  Look back here, when, let's see…  remember here, when Sarah says here, remember when they're all together out on the branch and it was dark, and Sarah said, "She'll bring us some mice"? Remember that? Why do you think that Sarah said her mother will bring her some mice and other things nice to eat? Why do you think she said that?
学生:To eat worms.
老师:Tell me.
学生:To eat worms and bugs.
老师: oh, you're thinking of some other things that owls eat, like bugs and worms. But tell me, listen, tell me why Sarah said that the mom would bring them some mice and other good things to eat.
学生:Because they were hungry.
老师: of course, I agree with you. They were probably very hungry. Because they are dependent on their momto bring them food. Dependent means you need someone else to do it for you.  Because you can't do it by yourself. They could go get their own food. And their mother had to go get it for them. So I agree they were very hungry. Yes. But why do you think that she knew that Mother was going to bring her some mice?
学生:Because they were hungry?
老师: Yes, we said that. I agree. We all agree that they were hungry. But how come that she already knew they were going to bring her some mice?
学生: because they knew because she knew every time they got to eat.
老师:Exactly. That's what I was thinking. They knew, she knew that their mother always has to leave and get them food. Yes, they are familiar with her. They know. 
学生: I know what my mama do.
老师: yes, your mom. I bet you are familiar with your mother going to get your food and bring it back to you. But you know she's going to come back, right? See? That's why I think Sarah decided, that's why I think Sarah knew, just like you did, that her mother had done, she had done this before. She always has to go get them food. So she knew that she was going to bring her some mice. She knew she would come back. But they still missed her.
学生: My mama always, some days, some days, my mommy leaves me in the car.
老师: some, yes! You know, I bet there are times when your mom has to leave you to do things for you because she cares about you. And you know what? Even though you know she's coming back, and even though these little owl babies knew their mom was coming back, they still missed her because they love her. And you know, that's what it means sometimes when you love somebody. When you love somebody, you're sad when you're away from them.  You miss them, and that's just because you love them.  Now I want to tell you something, we all agreed that the reason the baby owls were upset that their mom was gone, because she they loved her. They loved her and any time she is away they're going to feel sad and miss her. That's just part of loving somebody. Is that you miss them when they're away from you. 

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