重复性语句构成的绘本,比如Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see; Have you seen my cat? Where is the green sheep? I went walking等 
本期课堂实录是美国老师Ms Courtney利用I went walking 这本绘本和便利贴盖住其中某些单词,来帮助孩子们进行自主阅读的训练。
这是Ms Courtney第二次给全班同学读这本绘本,我在之前的课堂实录中曾经给大家介绍过这位老师第一次给全班读这本绘本的情况。(点此查看
老师:Good morning, boys and girls.
学生:Good morning Ms Courtney.
老师: For today, we're gonna get our shared reading voices ready again so we can say it in a smooth way and we're going to reread our nursery rhymes that we've  been working on. Are you ready?
老师:Let's watch the pointer. Ready? Go!
老师:Wow, your voices are ready now?
老师: And bring it like a storyteller. And today is our second day reading our shared reading book "I went walking". 
Do you know Sophia yesterday? She said something that her brain she was really thinking about when we were reading. You remember too. She said this book reminds her of brown bear brown bear what do you see. How many of you think that? It remind you… because it has a pattern, right? And it repeats.  And this pattern, you know, and different colors.
You know what? When you reading books by yourself in readers workshop if you think hey this book sounds like another book that can help you remember how the story goes.
And we know this is a story because it has characters. Can you say hi to the little boy?
学生:hi, little boy.
老师:say hi duck.
学生:hi, duck.
老师:Right? And we know there's more animals and the author who wrote the story is Sue Williams. Can you say her name?
学生:Sue Williams.
老师:say author.
老师:and the illustrator who drew all the pictures it's Julie Vivas. Can you say Julie Vivas?
学生:Julie Vivas.
老师:Good. Say illustrator.
学生: Illustrator。
老师:Goood. She drew the pictures. 
And today for our second day together, we're going to really work on and focus on tricky words. Those words are like ah, what is that thing? We're gonna to use our brain to figure it out together. Are you guys ready?
老师:Okay. Sit up straight and top. We're gonna do a lot of brain work.  Ready?
I went walking.  Okay, here we go. I went walking. What did you see?
学生:a cat. A cat.
老师翻页后,展示出书页中 I saw a ____ cat. (老师用便笺贴住了原文中black一词。)
老师:emmm, I covered the word there. Because I want you do some thinking. Okay? Hold on guys. I know.  Who think they know this word could be?
老师:How do you know the word is black?
学生:Black cat.
老师:What do you see in the picture?
学生:A black cat.
老师:How many do you see a black cat in the picture?  You guys are using the pictures to help. Okay, if it's black, what letter  does it start with? Who can raise hand and tell me?
学生:B /b/
老师:(用教鞭指着字母B)If it's /b/  going start with the letter b. okay, let's see if you're right.  You ready? Here we go. Okay. I'm gonna uncover the first letter.  (老师小心翼翼揭开第一个字母)what's the first letter?
老师: you guys are right so far. Ready?  Say black.
老师:What do you hear at the end?
老师:Wow, you guys know it's ck?
老师:Okay, let's see if you're right. Bl-a-ck. wow,you guys are right. I don't even know that's a ck. Tap yourself on the back say good job me.
学生:good job me.
老师:The cat is black in the picture right? So the picture going to help us. Okay, you guys are ready?
(齐声)I went walking. What did you see?
学生: a horse.
老师:Okay, we remember from yesterday. Right? So let's see.
(齐声)I saw a brown _____
Ahh, okay, Quiten. How do you know that this word is going to be horse? What did you look at?
学生:I looked at the picture.
老师: And what do you see in the picture?
学生:A horse.
老师: okay. That's a good good good strategy to use. And if it's a horse what letter does it start with?
老师:everyone, say /h/h/h/ horse
学生: /h/h/h/ horse
老师:Could this be a ponny?
老师:What letter does ponny start with?
老师:so the "Ponny" is gonna start with /p/p/ P(老师用教鞭指着字母P)and the beginning letter we're gonna see if it starts with an H right? Okay, ready? Let's see the beginning letter. What you guys see?
老师:Okay ready? Let's see if it's horse. (老师把便笺贴撕下来)
老师:ahh, you guys are right. Okay, ready? Can you help me read it? Go.
(齐声)I saw a brown horse looking at me.
Nice work. Okay. Let's go again the next page.  Ready? Begin.
(齐声)I went walking. What did you see?
学生:I know.
老师:Okay, everyone hold on. Let's see. Ready? Help me read. Go.
(齐声)I saw a red ________
Emm, what we think this is?
学生:a cow.
老师: How did you know it's a cow? What did you look at?
学生:The page.
老师:You look at the page and the picture shows what?
学生:A cow.
老师:If it's  a cow, what lettter does it start with? /k/k/k/…
老师:Okay, we're gonna look right here at the camel(字母C卡片上有个单词Camel的图片) and we're gonna see if it's gonna be a C.  Could this be like a bull?
老师:What letter does bull start with?
学生:/b/b/b BBB
老师:A B right? If it's a bull, it gonna start with letter b. If it's a cow, let's see, letter c. you guys are ready?
老师:Here we go. What letter?  What letter do you see in the beginning? A C. ahh, you guys are right.   Ready? Let's read it, here we go.
(齐声)I saw a red cow looking at me.
I love the way you're looking at the picture and you're looking at the beginning letter. (老师以表扬的方式再次强调了两条策略:looking at the picuture和looking at the beginning letter.)
Okay, here we go.
(齐声)I went walking. What did you see?
Ohh, I like that you're thinking already. You're using the picture to help you.
(齐声)I saw a _____ duck looking at me.
Let's see my friend, Fernado. What do you thinks that the word is there?
老师:So you think right here is duck?
学生:Because the piture right here is a duck.
老师:The piture is duck. What color?
学生:That's green.
老师:Oh, the picture is going you help you and you agree.  What letter does green start with?
老师: So if it's green we're gonna see the letter in the beginning is going to be a what?
老师:But I see some blue in here. Do you think it could be blue?
老师: What letter does blue start with?
老师:B, /b/b/ so we're gonna look at the beginning letter. Let's see. Ready?
 I saw a ….
What you guys see? What letter do you see in the beginning?
老师:Okay, let's see.
老师:Nice. I saw a green duck looking at me. I like that when you use the picture to help you the beginning letter to help you. You're doing such a great work. Ready? Let's go again.
(齐声)I went walking. What did you see?
Ohh, okay , ready, there's no covered word here. Let's read it together. Go.
(齐声)I saw a pink pig looking at me.
I love your storytelling voices.
Ready? Go.
(齐声)I went walking. What did you see?
学生:A dog. A yellow dog.
老师:Let's see. You ready?
(齐声)I saw a _____ dog.
Oscar, what color do you think?
老师:Oscar, how did you know it's yellow? What did you look at?
学生:The dog
老师:The dog in the picture. So the picture is going to help you. Okay. If it's yellow, what beginning letter does yellow starts with?
老师:Y /j/j/j/ oh, my goodness. Can it be a gold dog? What letter does gold start with?
老师:g /g/g/g it's not the letter we're looking for. We are looking for y.
Here we go. What letter?
老师:Yes, you're right. The beginning letter Y-ellow.
 nice, here we go. Ready? Begin. I saw a yellow dog looking at me.
Wow, when you get a trick word, I love how you are using the pictures.
Here we go.
(齐声)I went walking, what did you see?
Oh, are you ready?
(齐声)I saw a lot of_______.
老师:How did you know there were animals? What did you look at?
学生:the pictures.
老师:the pictures. And these are all called …
老师:And everyone say animals.
老师:And what letter does it star with? /æ/æ/ so we're gonna see a A.
 ready? Let's see if you're right.  What letter is that?
老师:here we go. A-nimals. Good job. Can you help me read it? Go.
(齐声)I saw a lot of animals following me. They are following him and look.
I want you to think before you go with your partner, and XX can you think really quick? What do you do when you come to a tricky words and you don't know it? What can you look at? Wait. Think. Think. When you ready give me thumb up. And turn to your partner and ask your partner when you come to a tricky words what do you do?
老师:123 eyes on me.
学生:123 eyes on you.
老师:Do you know XX what she said?  She said when you come to a tricky words , you can look at the picture. How many of you said that too? And how many of you said when you come to a tricky words you look at the beginning letters? Oh, my gosh, you guys are so smart. Can you tap yourself on the back say "good thinking work."
全英文绘本讲读课堂实录:The very hungry caterpillar