黄武双(华东政法大学  知识产权学院)
摘  要:在我国,判断不正当竞争纠纷尚未形成统一的标准。尤其是针对非类型化的不正当竞争行为,尚缺乏对可保护利益的判断标准。本文主张宜采用比例原则来判断是否存在可保护利益。接下来是判断是否具有竞争关系上,在判断竞争关系时宜采用产品或服务可替代理论,也就是说,只有存在产品或服务存在可替代性时,才构成竞争关系。最后,是判断在特定竞争关系下,竞争行为是否造成了被竞争者的损失,只有造成了被竞争者的损失且损失与竞争行为存在因果关系的情况下,才构成不正当竞争利益的损失。按照以上三个步骤,判断不正当竞争纠纷就容易多了,而且标准统一。
郑璇玉,杨博雅(中国政法大学  民商经济法学院)
摘  要:数据产业的发展使得数据主体、数据控制者、数据利用者、数据交易者等不同利益主体对商业数据相关权益的保护提出新的诉求,数据尤其是商业数据成为新兴权利研究的重点。新兴权利是权利与利益的混合体,商业数据置于其下的保护基础在于实质性投资,本文以是否公开作为分界线,区分权利与利益,对非公开商业数据,给予权利保护;对已公开的商业数据中投入实质性投资的部分,给予权益保护。以行为规制模式统一商业数据保护路径,通过对《反不正当竞争法》条文的增补,实现商业数据保护与现有法律体系的衔接。
沈浩蓝(西南政法大学  民商法学院)
摘  要:

程海玲(重庆大学  法学院)
摘  要:个人信息匿名化处理法律制度作为联通个人信息保护与个人信息流通利用的制度桥梁,能够以一种隐私友好的方式满足社会的信息需求。我国现行“无法识别特定个人且不能复原”的匿名化处理法律标准缺乏可操作性,难以有效规范匿名化处理实践。我国可以确立操作方法标准与识别风险检验标准协同的匿名化处理法律标准:关于操作方法标准,可以在技术领域确定适用于直接标识符和间接标识符的匿名化处理措施指南;关于识别风险检验标准,可以引入“蓄意侵入者检验”标准,明确规定侵入者的识别动机和识别能力。通过操作方法维度与识别风险检验维度的协同作用,最终实现“无法识别特定个人且不能复原”的匿名化处理法律效果。
楚道文(山东政法学院  法学院)
摘  要:我国职务科技成果转化效率严重偏低,反映了仅着眼于科研人员收益分配和收入增加的渐变模式已不能满足创新驱动发展战略的需要。与《促进科技成果转化法》规定的协议使用权制度不同,《赋予科研人员职务科技成果所有权或长期使用权试点实施方案》提出的科研人员职务科技成果长期使用权制度是一项全新的制度创新,体现了以科研人员为核心的权利配置理念,兼顾了公平与效率的权利配置原则,有助于破除职务科技成果转化中面临的制度障碍。在具体建构路径上,职务科技成果共有权是科研人员权益的长久保障,长期使用权应以共有权为基础,由法律将其设定为科研人员享有的一项物权化的优先权利。
尹锋林,赵旖鑫(中国科学院大学  知识产权学院)
摘  要:20世纪30年代,法国科学家G.B.阿尔楚尼便提出用机器进行翻译的设想。近一个世纪以来,机器翻译实现了从规则驱动到统计驱动,再到神经网络驱动的技术进步,人类目前可以较为准确地实现外文作品的语言转换,授权他人翻译、出版以获取经济回报这一翻译权行使的基本模式因此面临着重大挑战。当语言转换非限于个人使用目的时,智能翻译机器的训练者、所有者可能面临着承担间接侵权责任之指控。同时,智能翻译机器的训练将会不可避免地使用现有作品,并可能会借鉴体现于其中的独创性表达,这一行为无法援引现行合理使用制度豁免之。从历史经验与利益平衡角度出发,版权补偿金制度的借鉴有利于在新技术的发展与著作权的保护间找寻微妙的平衡。
葛金芬(中国人民大学  刑事法律科学研究中心)
摘  要:基因编辑风险是现代医学科技发展过程中因“人为决定”而产生的风险,属于风险社会所指的生物安全风险,具有不可预测性、不确定性、人为性等特征。不少国家已经将基因编辑行为作为犯罪加以规制,只是规制范围有所不同。我国刑法对此也予以关注,但是,基于预防导向将风险发展走向不明确的行为犯罪化,就需要说明刑罚的正当性根据,即解释刑罚何以适用于基因编辑行为。分析基因编辑犯罪的刑罚正当性根据,也有利于反思、考察刑法介入的正当性。基因编辑犯罪中,将刑罚积极一般预防作为刑罚正当性根据更加适当。
沈振甫(中南财经政法大学  刑事司法学院)
摘  要:作为一种应用广泛的科学技术,现代生物技术的最大特质在于其不确定性,这种不确定性具有导致巨大且不可逆后果的风险,甚至是全球灾难性风险。为了有效地规制现代生物技术风险,应当将“预防原则”合理地引入刑事立法并将其转换为一种立法理念与策略。在通过刑法对生物技术风险进行规制时,还应注重运用体系性策略和衔接性策略。未来,应进一步严密刑事法网,在立法模式上采取附属刑法的形式,在立法技术上增设单位作为犯罪主体,以完善刑法对生物技术风险的规制。
黄运康(中南财经政法大学  知识产权研究中心)
摘  要:通说认为,知识产权停止侵害请求权的绝对性导因于《民法通则》第118条,受该条文的影响,实践中知识产权侵权停止侵害救济采用“类物权”的认定范式。新颁布的《民法典》未保留该条款,并且侵权行为是债权请求的成因,民法典中民事责任的规定采用开放式的立法模式。为防止权利的异化倾向,知识产权侵权不停止侵害,而代之以债之给付实现对民事权利的充分救济,符合民法典的社会本位。在公平、合理、无歧视(FRAND)承诺约束下的标准必要专利侵权停止侵害请求的正当性,受制于专利劫持和反向劫持,对侵权停止侵害请求的限制之后,持续性许可费可以正当化对专利权救济方式的限制,实现对专利权人的充分救济,契合《民法典》对知识产权侵权救济体系的设计。
许春明(同济大学  上海国际知识产权学院);
杨欢欢(上海大学  法学院)
摘  要:目前学术界和司法界主要有四种保护作品完整权的侵权认定标准。这四种侵权认定标准各有利弊,但同时具有私人利益和公共利益保护不平衡、没有结合具体行为类型区分适用侵权认定标准、忽略对作品利用人主观意图考察的三个普遍性问题。因此,需要构建一个利益平衡、具有区分性、主客观相统一的侵权认定标准体系。通过法律解释法以及价值衡量法对不同侵权认定标准进行优劣比较的基础上,以利益平衡为指导原则,根据作品利用人是否获得授权、侵权行为的具体类型区分适用不同的侵权认定标准;根据作品利用人是否获得授权区分适用不同的归责原则,从而克服适用纯客观的侵权认定标准的弊端。
周园,谭丽玲(重庆理工大学  重庆知识产权学院)
摘  要:通知删除规则的适用对网络服务提供者责任的认定起着至关重要的作用,但在具体实践过程中,网络服务提供者的注意义务尚存争议,必要措施的选择亟需厘清,合理期限的确定尚不明晰,这为司法实践带来了诸多困难。因此,应以权责利益一致原则界定平台方合理的注意义务,“适时”将转通知纳入通知删除之范畴,并根据比例原则采取相应的措施应对多样化的网络侵权问题;合理期限的确定并非一定需以明确的时间为基准,而应该赋予网络服务提供者一定的自主决策能力,使其能根据具体情况从权利人和网络用户两方视角出发,综合分析各自的利益得失后进行确定。
马斌(华东政法大学  法律学院)
摘  要:商业秘密的权利化的路径为,通过信义义务的默示规则理论使得保密义务逐渐取得对世性的地位。而保密义务对世性的演进过程,既需要商业秘密实体性规则的完善,亦需要程序性规则的完善。但信义义务之适用暗含着过度强调忠诚义务,从而具有模糊公共领域之危险。所以,商业秘密权利边界的确定就需要一个调节器,以期在各种有关商业秘密的法律制度中界分出公共领域。侵权法上的注意义务,作为侵权责任发生基础的过滤器,可以借助法政策解释方法实现权利救济以及风险(利益)分配。正是在这一层面上,信义义务将被淡化,并转向注意义务,同时也是由传统的特殊关系模式转向共同合作模式,进而平衡雇主与雇员的利益,取得商业秘密与公共领域之间的平衡。
Research on the Draft of China's Personal Information Protection Law 
Shou Bu, Dang Yujie (Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Abstract: In China's Personal Information Protection Law (Draft), the definition of personal information needs to be revised, and it should be stipulated as "personal information is any kind of information that can identify a living natural person alone or combined with other information, excluding which has been processed via the anonymization". Furthermore, a new clause as a supplement should be added in order to reflect the legislative idea of "identification" + "relevance". The listed operation items of personal information processing should be modified from seven items to eleven items, then that will be: collection, storage, processing, using, transaction, providing, disclosure, consultation, copy, correction and erasure. There is a contradiction between Article 69 and the Clause 2 of Article 24, detailed as: the terms "impossible to identify" and "unable to be recovered" which is mentioned in the definition of anonymization in Article 69, contradicts with the term "re-identify" referred in the Clause 2 of Article 24, and this contradiction should be resolved.
Key words: personal information protection; personal information; personal information processing; anonymization
The Protection of Personal Information Right in Public Health Emergency: on the Background of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic Situation
Zilimila Ainiwaer (Intellectual Property Research Center, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)
Abstract: In response to public health emergencies, tracking detection, collection and analysis of a large number of personal health information and mobile information is for the safety of the majority of the public, is the embodiment of the means of public management. It can achieve the purpose of effective prevention and control of infectious diseases, but illegal use of personal information may lead to the leakage of said information, also the interests of the parties concerned will be damaged. This paper analyzes the legal basis of protection of personal information under public health emergencies, combines the extraterritorial practice of personal information protection exemption under public health emergencies, and points out that there are some issues in the protection of personal information under public health emergencies in China, such as lack of special legislation and lack of specific rules of protection of personal information in the public health emergencies. The protection of personal information in public health emergencies in China should speed up the special legislation of personal information protection, standardize the rules of personal information utilization after public health emergencies, and establish the principles of legality, purpose limitation, minimum scope and confidentiality to further standardize the personal information utilization behavior of subject.
Key words: public health emergencies; personal information protection; public interest; personal information protection law
Study on Copyright Protection of the Sports Event Programs 
Sun Yurong (Law Department, Beijing University of Technology);
Li Xinhang (Law School, University of International Business and Economics)
Abstract: After the latest revision of the Copyright Law in 2020, the debate on the nature of live-streamed sports video is still continuing. On the basis of clarifying the basic concepts of sports events, sports event programs and live-streamed sports video, we can draw a conclusion that although the sports event itself is not a work in the sense of copyright law, it does not affect the copyright attribute of the live-streamed sports video. The identification of the attributes of the live-streamed sports video will affect the protection mode and path selection of sports events. From the perspective of the protection of sports event programs and the healthy development of sports and communication industry, we should halt the dispute on the attribute of live-streamed sports video, and reach a consensus on the protection mode and path selection of sports events programs as soon as possible, so as to promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry. After June 1, 2021, the copyrightable sports event programs can be identified as audiovisual works. For sports event programs that do not meet the requirement of the work, we can consider using the newly revised broadcasting organization's right of the Copyright Law (2020) to protect them. As for the protection mode of anti-unfair competition for sports event programs, it is an expedient measure before the Copyright Law is amended in 2020. The limit of anti-unfair competition extension protection should be clear, and the extended protection of Anti-unfair Competition Law cannot be applied to all intellectual property fields indefinitely.
Key words: sports event programs; copyright law; live-streamed sports video; originality
Value Examination and Risk Regulation of the Technical Secrets Protection of Traditional Chinese Medicine 
Bian Xianyin, Wang Jinjin(Intellectual Property Research Institute, University of Science and Technology of China) 
Abstract: The Intellectual Property (IP) rights system protecting modern medicine is based on western science and technology, with western medicine as the main object of protection, and patent protection as the core means. This patent protection system does not fit the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), so when dealing with the protection of TCM IP rights, problems arise if TCM rights holders rely on that patent system. In contrast, the protection of technical secrets, which has been behind the patent system for a long time, can effectively make up for the insufficiency of the traditional IP protection system with patents as the core. Such protection has become the new normal in the protection of TCM property rights. However, the protection of technical secrets also has inherent shortcomings and conflicts with the information disclosure system involving the public interest of the society, so it faces difficulties in realizing the protection of TCM technical secrets. This article reviews the unique value of the protection of technical secrets in the field of TCM IP rights protection, seeking solutions for the dilemma of TCM technical secret protection, and providing ideas for constructing and perfecting TCM technical secret protection from a legal perspective.
Key words: TCM technical secrets; risk regulation; legal protection
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