说闻解词 第13期


race [reɪs] n. 竞争,角逐
a situation in which people are competing with each other to win a prize or obtain a position of power
• He is no longer in the race for academic awards. 他已经无缘学术奖的角逐了。
beat [biːt] v. 击败
to get the most points, votes etc. in a game, race, or competition
• beat sb hollow, beat the pants off sb (= defeat them easily) 把某人打得落花流水
contest ['kɒntest] n. 比赛,竞赛
a competition or a situation in which two or more people or groups are competing with each other
• It is clear that the election will be a close contest . 显然这次选举将是一场难分高下的角逐。
ballot ['bælət] n. 无记名投票
a system of voting, usually in secret, or an occasion when you vote in this way
• Workers at the plant held a ballot and rejected strike action. 工厂工人举行投票,否决了罢工行动。
landslide ['lændslaɪd] adj. 一边倒的选举,一方选票占压倒性多数的选举
a victory in an election in which one person or party gets a lot more votes than all the others
• a landslide election victory 压倒性的选举胜利
handy ['hændi] adj. 手边的,附近的;易使用的;容易做的;便利的
near and easy to reach; easy to use or to do
• Our house is very handy for the station. 我们家离车站很近。
handily ['hændɪli] adv. 容易地;轻松地
• He handily defeated his challengers. 他轻而易举地打败了向他挑战的人。
defeat [dɪ'fiːt] v. 击败;战胜
to win against sb in a war, competition, sports game, etc.
• They hoped to defeat the enemy at sea. 他们希望在海上击败敌人。
secure [sɪ'kjʊə] v. (尤指经过努力)取得
to get or achieve something that will be permanent, especially after a lot of effort
• to secure a contract/deal 订立合同;达成协议
clinch [klɪntʃ] v. 最终赢得
to finally agree on something or get something after trying very hard
clinch a match/championship/victory etc. 赢得比赛/冠军/胜利
crown [kraʊn] v. 为…加冕
• to put a crown on the head of a new king or queen as a sign of royal power
coast [kəʊst] v. 不费力地取得成功
to be successful at something without much effort
• He coasted through his final exams. 他毫不费劲地通过了期末考试。
hustings ['hʌstɪŋz] n. 竞选拉票活动(竞选前进行的政治集会、演讲等)
the political meetings, speeches, etc. that take place in the period before an election
win over sb. (通过劝说或示好以)获得(某人的支持或友谊),把某人争取过来
to get someone's support or friendship by persuading them or being nice to them
• We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters. 我们将在接下来的十天好好努力,把犹豫未决的选民争取过来。
win race/contest/ballot
win over sb.
win a landslide victory
handily win

beat/defeat sb.
crown sb. the victor

secure/clinch victory
coast through sth.

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