说闻解词 第03期
高校招生舞弊丑闻 College Admissions Bribery Scandal
cheat /tʃiːt/ v. 舞弊;作弊
When someone cheats, they do not obey a set of rules which they should be obeying, for example in a game or exam.
• She cheated in the exam. 她考试作弊了。
scheme/skiːm/n. 阴谋,诡计
a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad or illegal – used in order to show disapproval
• admissions scheme 招生密谋
scam /skæm/ n. 骗局,诡计,欺诈
a clever but dishonest way to get money
• He got involved in a credit card scam. 他卷入了一桩信用卡诈骗事件。
fraud /frɔːd/ n. 欺诈,诈骗
the crime of deceiving people in order to gain something such as money or goods
• She was found guilty of fraud. 她被判犯有诈骗罪。
• tax/insurance/college entry fraud
racketeering /,ræki'tiəriŋ/ n. 诈骗;敲诈勒索 
Racketeering is making money from illegal activities such as threatening people or selling worthless, immoral, or illegal goods or services.
• He has been arrested on smuggling and racketeering charges. 他因被控参与走私和诈骗而遭逮捕。
racket /'rækɪt/ n. 敲诈,勒索;非法勾当
a dishonest way of obtaining money, such as by threatening people or selling them illegal goods
• drugs/gambling racket
mastermind /'mɑːstəmaɪnd/ n. 出谋划策者,主谋
someone who plans and organizes a complicated operation, especially a criminal operation
• a criminal mastermind 犯罪主谋
fixer /ˈfɪksə(r)/ n. 代人安排者,代人疏通者
a person who arranges things for other people, sometimes dishonestly
• a great political fixer 一位杰出的政治调停人物
manipulate /mə'nɪpjəleɪt/ v. 操纵,控制
to make someone think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skilfully deceiving or influencing them
• He tries to manipulate the public into supporting him. 他试图左右公众,让公众支持他。
trick /trɪk/ v. 欺骗,诱骗,哄骗
to deceive someone in order to get something from them or to make them do something
• She was tricked out of $20 million. 她被骗走2,000万美元。
dupe /djuːp/ v. 欺骗
If a person dupes you, they trick you into doing something or into believing something which is not true. 
• They duped stamp collectors into buying fake rarities. 他们欺骗集邮爱好者购买假冒珍品。
mislead /‚mɪs'liːd/ v. 将…引入歧途,误导
to make someone believe something that is not true by giving them information that is false or not complete
• Politicians must not mislead the publi. 政客们不应该误导民众。
骗局 cheating scheme scam fraud racketeering
幕后推手 mastermind fixer
被骗 trick dupe mislead  manipulate 
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