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这种问题是基于左派“Silence is violence(不表态即暴力)”的逻辑设计的。不过我从来不是一个回避辩论和尖锐提问的人。


2)大选前美国主流媒体等权威机构、自媒体等BigTech这些事实上的公共讨论广场,联手封杀完全可以对大选结果带来决定性影响的且对败灯选情不利的信息,最有代表性的是他们对NYPost报道Hunter败灯电脑门事件的新闻,在大选前几周的“十月惊奇”最关键时刻拦截下来,而民调显示有近乎20%的选民说如果大选前知道这个新闻他们会可能改变2020年投票的选择。这是无法定量却真实确实的对大选的干扰。Time杂志大选后有篇自吹的文章暴露左翼和两党建制派势力的这些暗门操作,而推特文档则有广泛深入的内部爆料;参考The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/
3)尽管GOP的票集中进来时候川普得票也可以拿到F型上升的小跳跃,但是民主党这边不同的是,大选日过后的1-2天,拜登曲线出现在大选日之后的凌晨三点多个摇摆州同步发生,这是GOP这边没有发生的。这需要调查取证诉讼,但是一些摇摆州发生疑点的地方是左翼重灾区,让人对于司法公正是否能排除“袋鼠法庭(Kangaroo  Court)”发生没有信心。
基于以上几点的分析,涉及大选诚信问题,有些漏洞是过去三年在改观的,比如由于推特易主加上川普创办了Truth Media,这给保守派在自媒体上发声带来与2020年的明显不同,“亨特电脑门”新闻被左翼把持的自媒体全封那种事情几乎无法再发生;又譬如投票核查身份,北卡州就已经通过投票需要出示ID的法律,这方面的努力可以向各摇摆州推进;此外GOP也有计划在选票收割已经合法化的州,同样派人用采这种方式,用对手喜爱的游戏法则打败他们。

附1:@风语者 我回答完毕你的问题了,请你也如实回答,你是不是截图给那个攻击我的人?请你转告那位,我不与人对骂,尤其那种专心下流无耻要激怒我的人。但我保留法律上对辱骂诽谤造谣者诉讼的权利。


美國大選系統十大漏洞 “安全性停留在19世紀”

Right, well today we're going to talk a little bit about election integrity and then I will propose a solution to some of the problems. The problem right now stem from the fact that we essentially have a 19th century election. And voting system not really that much has changed since the 1800s.
So first the larger question, when people talk about stealing an election, what do they mean?
The media always focuses on ballot fraud, because that's kind of the least common problem. But daily election actually can consist of much more than that.
Ballot fraud can be a problem and that's what we're going to talk about today, but they also mean last minute changes to the voting laws, especially by unauthorized bodies. It's the legislatures that determine the voting laws, and yet in the 2020 election there were a lot of last minute changes to the laws and changes made by the Judiciary rather than the legislature, which are in legal limbo. The Supreme Court was asked to rule on it, but they did not. They punted.
And then of course the other thing is deliberate misinformation or suppression. The most obvious example of that, being the suppression coordinated amongst many of the major media sources. For example, the hunter Biden laptop story just before the 2020 election.
But today we're going to focus on ballot fraud. And the first thing that I'll say is that, generally large-scale ballot fraud is not common, but it does occur. And I've put a link here that references a story in the Heritage organization about a significant case of ballot fraud.
So how can valid fraud occur? What are the things that we could do to address that?
Well, for start, we need voter ID. So right now, many states you can just bring in an electric bill with your name and address on it. Well, anybody with a computer can forge an electric bill for a dead person, and go in and be identified as that person. So that's ridiculous.
No same day voter registration. Well for example if a party determines that one state is definitely going to go their way but a neighboring state isn't, then they can just tell people to go over to the other state. And if they have a residence that somebody in the party has arranged, then they can say okay your whole hundred of you are going to live in this apartment, give them this address and there's virtually no way to stop that. You've got a valid address, you've moved to the state, and then the next day you can move back.
Early voting is an issue. It was started because voting only on the Tuesday of election day was very difficult for some people. And especially if they had to work they might have to wait until after work, and then stand in long long lines very inconvenient. So they said well, let's make it more convenient. Let's vote on the weekend and the Monday before election day. Well now early voting is six even eight weeks ahead of time. And Things Can Happen things can change. For example, candidates can die, and if people have already voted that's too bad. And you may think that this is a hypothetical case, but it isn't. That happened in the 2022 election. There was a fellow from Pennsylvania... Pennsylvania representative right. It's very bad I already saw a lot of propaganda, that they say American election American system is going to hell because they already elected a dead person. And so what that means is that those people until they can hold a special election for that seat, will have no representation. So that's a bad thing.
Mail-in ballots. They need some form of positive ID. They claim that they're going to do signature matching but that's so difficult. If you sign your name a hundred times, it's going to look different a hundred ways. And so they have to have very loose algorithms for signature matching. And in fact, I believe that in Georgia in the runoff election (2020) they just gave up on it all together. And said well we're just going to trust that this is the right person's signature.
Mail in ballots. It used to be that they had to arrive by election day because that's when the election was now. They're letting them go later and later and later which results in the complete mess that we have for example out in California where elections don't get called for weeks afterward and nobody knows who's been elected and how many lawsuits are going to come from that. I think they are still counting. Election Day becomes election month It just discourages people from trusting the system. You're exactly right and we need to do something about that.
Drop boxes. Before 2020 very few places even use drop boxes, and if you did a mail-in ballot, you mailed it in using a mailbox which is as far as I know available to everyone in the country. So why do we even need drop boxes and what's wrong with them? Well the problem with drop boxes is that unlike the mailbox, which has mail of all different kinds, drop boxes only have ballots so they make great targets if you are someone who wants to perpetrate a fraud either by stealing ballot or by stuffing ballot into drop boxes. So they at least need monitoring. And I'm not sure why we really need them at all.
Ballot harvesting. That's where someone goes around and collects lots of ballots from people who they claim have voted legally. But you don't know that, they could go around to an apartment or an old folks home and they could take the mail-in ballots that the people have not yet filled out, take them fill them out themselves, forge a name onto it. And if the signature matching, requirements aren't there, then they can just take all of those ballots which are perfectly legal. Ballots which will be tracked by the system as being valid. And they can put whatever they want onto them. So ballot harvesting should not be allowed.
Voter rolls. People die after each election, people move after each election, and yet the voter rolls rarely get updated. Here in Virginia for example, my son and daughter moved away from home when they went to college, and for years afterwards, we would get voter registration requests from the state of Virginia. Or these people because they didn't know that they had moved, they didn't know that they were voting elsewhere. So if they'd been willing to take the risk, they could have registered in Virginia and wherever else they lived, and it would have been very difficult to track down. Especially nowadays there is a one side use all their power, the propaganda machine or the media, social media to let people believe that, America had a Hitler is trying to take the White House. That could encourage a lot of people to think they are doing the right thing. So even they do some illegal voting, we cannot imagine how many people really fall into those kind of narratives and do something risk. No you're exactly right, they justify it because "They are saving democracy!" But they aren't, they're perverting it.
當下最好的操作就是現場去投票了。把紙質的選票用筆填寫好,投到選票機讀取結果。現在的情況是,有動態的選票計數和結果更新,同時把紙的選票保存收集到一個盒子裡,如果對選舉結果有質疑,那麼可以回頭審計,再計票一遍。電子讀取的結果和紙選票的結果應該一致。還有我比較顧慮的事就是發生在補選中,GA 2020年參議員2席的增加選舉,到2021年1月5日才舉行這個加場選舉,大選和加場選舉間冒出來很多新的註冊選民。人多到足夠讓2個民主黨參議員勝選。本來至少一個在11月大選中根本就沒贏。我們如何知道這些新註冊的人都是GA選民?他們大選已經投過票,又可以到12月6日前都再去GA註冊。想想一車車學生被給一個臨時公寓地址,在GA當天投個票,第二天還能回自己住的州;根本就不會被追責,這需要改變。
So what's the best system currently? well the best system is in-person voting using a paper ballot that you mark with a pen or a marker, and then put into an electronic tabulation machine. So now you have constantly updated count of the ballots and the election results, but you also have a paper trail, so that if the results get challenged, you can go back and audit it. And there should be an exact match between the electronic records and the actual paper ballots. And then another one that I'm concerned about is runoff elections in Georgia in 2020. And the the runoff election for actually two Senate seats were not held until January 5th of 2021, and in between a number of new registrants came in, and registered. And that was sufficient to put both of the Democrats over the line, who had at least in one case not been the majority vote Gators in the original election. And the question is, how do we know that those new registrants were actually Georgia residents they already voted in the general election? And now they have until the 6th of December to register in Georgia. You could envision busloads of students being brought down, given common apartment addresses, and then being registered in the Georgia system. And then going out and voting, and then going home the next day. And there is nothing that they could have done about it, so that needs to be fixed. These are very good points. I like all of them. But because the election is more about the state. Each state decides the their election system. The hard part is to pass a new law to fix the broken election system. Well, let me propose something to you, and this is a radical suggestion, you may not like it, but I will put it on the table, so that it can be explored. So let me show you a radical suggestion, so my background...
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