W 57th Street Tower, New York City, New York
– 比尔·布莱森  万物简史
We live in a universe whose age we can’t quite compute, surrounded by stars whose distances we don’t altogether know, filled with matter we can’t identify, operating in conformance with physical laws whose properties we don’t truly understand.

– Bill Bryson, A Short History of Nearly Everything
Killing Simplicity: Object-Oriented Philosophy In Architecture
by Mark Foster Gage in 2015
翻译:毛宇俊 ;校对:钱文忠、王轶群
校对:  钱文忠
Studio Sequence 创始人,SCI-Arc/GSD
本文原发于Log, No. 33期,收录于《物本论与建筑学的对话:转向、争议、方法》(格雷厄姆·哈曼,王轶群 编著)(The Dialogue between Object-Oriented Ontology and Architecture: Turns, Debates, and Methodology ), 经马克·福斯特·盖吉事务所授权发布。
W 57街住宅楼,MFGA
建筑师们今天对以物为导向的本体论(Object-Oriented Ontology)及其所属的思辨实在论(Speculative Realism)日渐高涨的兴趣,源自于当下主流趋势所带来的挫败感。这种挫败感就是:越来越多地,建筑仅通过它介入的关系,而不是自身特殊性和自主性(autonomous)来证明它的合理性。在充斥着全球恐怖主义(global terrorism),全球变暖(global warming),大萧条(Great Recession),“占领华尔街运动(Occupy Wall Street)”及林赛·罗韩的失足( Lindsay Lohan’s fall from grace)等诸如此类事件的危机四伏的世界中,建筑学放弃了其制造独特且不可一世的事物的野心,转而以一名中层管理人员的身份,对一些被过度简化的问题作出应答。对于一门有着乌托邦式,甚至是反乌托邦式的雄心壮志的历史的学科来说,建筑学深陷关系性的问题-解决的过程,这一现状令人感到非常痛苦。作为对二十世纪欧陆反现实主义思潮的回应,以物为导向的本体论既不提倡一种保守的物质论(materialism),也不呼吁一种新的形式主义(formalism),亦不会提出任何关乎政治活动(political action)或批判性参与(critical engagement)的宣言。哲学家格雷厄姆·哈曼(Graham Harman)写道,“要成为一名以物为导向的哲学家,你需要坚定地认为任何尺度的单个实体都是宇宙的本源(ultimate)要素。”为了更好地理解以物为导向的本体论以及这种哲学如何推动新的建筑发展路线,我们需要一些背景知识。
Architects’ interest today in the philosophy of object-oriented ontology and its umbrella philosophy, speculative realism, is growing out of a frustration that architecture is increasingly justified solely by its relations and not by its own particular and autonomous qualities. Somewhere in the minefields of global terrorism, global warming, the Great Recession, Occupy Wall Street, and Lindsay Lohan’s fall from grace, architecture traded in its ambition to produce unique and ineffable things for a middle-management career in reacting to vastly oversimplified problems. For a discipline with a vibrant history of utopian and sometimes dystopian ambitions, this tumble into abject relational problem-solving has been painful to witness. A reaction against 20th-century continental anti-realism, object-oriented ontology (OOO) calls for neither reactionary materialism nor new formalism and offers no manifesto for political action or critical engagement. “To be an object-oriented philosopher,” writes philosopher Graham Harman, “what you need to do is hold that individual entities of various scales are the ultimate stuff of the cosmos.” To better understand this philosophy and how OOO is prompting new trajectories for architecture, we need a bit of background.
思辨实在论:导论, Graham Harman,2018
以物为导向的本体论:新的万物论,Graham Harman,2018
全球受恐怖主义影响最大的30个国家,2019 (Image: Getty Images/GTI)
以物为导向的本体论源自从亚里士多德到莱布尼兹的物质论思想路线,但在后启蒙运动(post-Enlightenment),尤其是后康德哲学(post-Kantian philosophy)中被抛弃。尽管它不应该被混淆为向朴素实在论(naive realism)的一种倒退——即简单地陈述道物仅在被人类感官感知到时才存在;但以物为导向的本体论依旧完全属于哲学中实在论(realism)的范畴——相信在心智(mind)之外有另一个现实存在;该立场与观念论(idealism)恰恰相反,观念论将现实作为一种心理建构。自康德以来,观念论一直主导着欧陆哲学和分析哲学,并且持续影响着包括斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavoj Žižek)和阿兰·巴迪欧(Alain Badiou)等超级明星在内的大部分当代哲学家的著述。2007年4月,在伦敦大学金史密斯学院举行的思辨实在论会议标志着该思想与欧陆哲学的彻底决裂。由哈曼(Harman),雷·布拉西尔(Ray Brassier),伊恩·汉密尔顿·格兰特(Iain Hamilton Grant)和巴迪欧(Badiou)的门徒昆廷·梅亚苏(Quentin Meillassoux)主讲的研讨会不仅提供了一个新的哲学方向,而且还预设了一个与以上观念论哲学截然不同的基础。尽管与会者在这一特定的战线上团结一致,但除了从观念论到实在论的飞跃之外,他们提出的想法以及此后的发展没有什么共同之处。在这四个参与者中,哈曼与以物为导向的本体论关系最密切,在与建筑师的讨论中也最为活跃。
OOO emerges from a materialist line of thought traceable from Aristotle to Leibniz, yet largely eschewed in post-Enlightenment and, in particular, post-Kantian philosophy. Although it should not be confused as a retreat to naive realism, which simply states that objects exist only as they are perceived by the human senses, OOO is entirely in the category of philosophical realism, that is, the belief that there is a reality outside of the mind, as opposed to philosophical idealism, which holds that reality exists primarily as a mental construct. Idealism has dominated both continental and analytic philosophy since Kant and continues to do so today in the work of most contemporary philosophers, including superstars Slavoj Žižek and Alain Badiou. The Speculative Realism conference at Goldsmiths, University of London, in April 2007 signaled a dramatic break with the continental philosophy establishment. The symposium, which featured presentations by Harman, Ray Brassier, Iain Hamilton Grant, and Badiou’s protégé, Quentin Meillassoux, not only offered a new direction in philosophy, but also assumed a radically different foundation from that of idealism. Although the participants were united on this particular front, the ideas they presented and have developed since share little beyond this initial leap from idealism to realism. Of the four participants, Harman, the most closely associated with OOO, has been the most active in discussions with architects.
英国伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths College, University of London),“思辨实在论”哲学运动的四位发起者和共同奠基人,2007(左起:、伊恩·汉密尔顿·格兰特、格雷厄姆·哈曼、昆廷·梅亚苏、雷·布拉西尔)
 格雷厄姆·哈曼 (1968-),美国哲学家,南加州建筑学院杰出哲学教授。以物为导向的本体论的奠基人,当代哲学中思辨实在论思潮的核心人物。
阿兰·巴迪欧(1937-),法国哲学家,欧洲研究院教授 ,前高等师范学校哲学主席。
Harman’s OOO is built on phenomenology, and in particular the work of Heidegger. In architecture, phenomenology is typically associated with a form of practice that translates the discourse to justify its concern for phenomena. This usually involves bright sunlight, gentle wind, and the terroir of local materials. For Harman, however, phenomenology is but a starting point, and as an idealist philosophy (phenomena are processed in the mind) it is in many ways oppositional to speculative realism. Harman adopts and significantly modifies selected Heideggerian concepts so that, in the end, his position hardly resembles Heidegger’s. In other words, it would be a mistake to dismiss OOO as a new form of phenomenology.
马丁·海德格尔(1889-1976), 德国哲学家。20世纪存在主义哲学的创始人和主要代表之一。
克里斯蒂安·诺伯格-舒尔茨(1926-2000), 挪威的建筑师,作家,教育家和建筑理论家。著有建筑现象学研究著作《场所精神:迈向建筑现象学》
海德格尔(Heidegger)在“存在与时间”(Being and Time)一书中的工具论(tool analysis)是哈曼思想的现象学源头,也是他对建筑学的兴趣的来源。“到目前为止该工具仍然只是一个工具,” 哈曼写道, “它基本上是不可见的。而造成这种不可见的是工具在服务于特定目的时的消隐。” 同时,他继续转述海德格尔的话,“我们通常只会在设备不知何故失效的时候才注意到它。就像地震让我注意到我赖以生存的坚实土地,健康问题让我想起我赖以生存的身体器官一样。”哈曼利用海德格尔工具论的这一层面,来支持他以物为导向的本体论的核心主张:物具有其隐藏的特质和实在,并且它们是从我们的理解(understanding)中退隐(withdraw)。对于哈曼来说,一个物具有众多特质,有些是可知的,有些是不可知的;选择其中任何一个来代表其作为实体的完整实在是毫无意义的。
Key to the phenomenological genesis of Harman’s thinking, and of particular interest to architecture, is Heidegger’s tool analysis in Being and Time. “Insofar as the tool is a tool,” Harman writes, “it is quite invisible. And what makes it invisible is the way that it disappears in favor of some purpose that it serves.”[i] Paraphrasing Heidegger, he continues, “We generally notice equipment only when it somehow fails. An earthquake calls my attention to the solid ground on which I rely, just as medical problems alert me to the bodily organs on which I silently depend.”[ii] Harman uses this aspect of Heidegger’s tool analysis to support his central claim for OOO: that objects have hidden qualities and realities, and they withdraw from our understanding. For Harman, an object has a vast number of qualities, some knowable, some unknowable; to select any one of them to represent its full reality as an entity would be pointless.
海德格尔的工具论认为,当一个工具正在运作时,或者当它的功能可见时,人的内心会将其认知为设备(equipment),因此我们的注意力会忽略这个工具。例如,我打字的键盘是设备,因为它的外观符合它的用途,并且它正被用于一种特定的功能。正如海德格尔所言,人在使用或准备使用键盘时,键盘会退至背景中,变得毫不起眼。当我使用键盘时,我不会注意它的美学属性或其他的特质。但是,如果键盘坏了,它将作为一个物在我的注意力中变得可见,并在心理上不再被视为背景设备。哈曼扩展了海德格尔关于工具以及坏了的工具的观察,以说明大多数人类经验的不可见性:“我们显性意识中的物,似乎在通常不可见的设备重层上形成了一层薄而易挥发的薄膜”. 这种认为我们在一层不可见设备之上生活的想法,对建筑产生了重大的影响,因为建筑正是一门生产我们赖以生存的设备的学科。
Heidegger’s tool analysis posits that while a tool is functioning, or its function is visible, the mind registers it as equipment and, as such, it is rendered invisible to our attention. For example, the keyboard on which I type is equipment insofar as it looks like what it does and is being used for a particular function. As Heidegger might say, the keyboard recedes into the background and is inconspicuous while in use or while ready to be used. As I use the keyboard I do not notice its aesthetic properties or other qualities. However, if the keyboard ceased to function, it would become visible to my attention as an object, no longer mentally processed as background equipment. Harman extends Heidegger’s observations on tools and broken tools to illustrate the invisibility of the majority of our human experience: “The objects of our explicit consciousness seem to form a thin and volatile film atop a heavy layer of equipment that is usually not seen.”The idea that we live our lives on a layer of invisible equipment has significant ramifications for architecture, a discipline that produces the equipment on and in which we exist.
Invisible Form
路易斯·沙利文(Louis Sullivan)在他1896年的文章“从艺术角度考虑的高层办公大楼”(“The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered.” )中,创造了“形式永远遵循功能”(“form ever follows function”)这一短语。这一著名的还原主义公理主导了功能现代主义(functional modernism)的发展,并持续影响着建筑师和公众对当代建筑的理解。但是,自沙利文发表声明以来的119年间,“建筑应该适应其功能”这一观念已经呈现出了许多种表现形式。在传统意义上,它被用作描述“一个建筑物揭示其结构系统的重要性”(形式追随结构的功能)(the form follows the function of the structure)。最近,它被用来使一种特定类型建筑物的设计合法化,这种建筑将建筑策划(program)所决定的多样日常活动变得直观(形式跟随策划的功能)。如今,建筑通过种植的 "绿色 "墙体或像竹子这样的 “狗哨政治“般(dog-whistle,一般是指政客在表达政见时为了不出动大多数人的利益而不直接表达自己的观点,而是说另一套东西,让能听懂的人听懂。这里的意思可能更接近于“别有用心”)的铺面材料来展示其可持续发展的功能。同样的,一个用参数化方法设计出的,具有多个互相联系的组件的建筑也会通过流动(flows)和集群(swarms)的形式语言来证明其复杂性(但仍然没有理由证明为什么参数化设计的建筑不能看起来像托斯卡纳风格的郊区住宅)。沙利文时常引用的“矫情”(sentiment)一词与此也是相关的,它坚持功能是形式设计的指导力量。这将形式转变成为功能化的物,或者用以物为导向的本体论术语来说,工具。通过海德格尔关于工具作为被遗忘的背景设备的观点,我们可以认为,过去一个世纪的建筑师们在不知不觉中串通同谋,使建筑形式在使用者的意识中消失了。
Louis Sullivan coined the phrase, “form ever follows function,” in his 1896 essay, “The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered.” This well-known reductionist axiom dominated the development of functional modernism and continues to influence the contemporary understanding of architecture by architects and the public alike. But the idea that a building should appear to be the result of accommodating its function has taken many forms in the 119 years since Sullivan’s statement. Traditionally, it was used to describe the importance of a building revealing its structural system (the form follows the function of the structure). More recently, it has been used to legitimize the design of a building that makes visible the various daily activities dictated by the program (the form follows the function of the program). Today, a building will exhibit its sustainable function with planted “green” walls or dog-whistle surfacing materials like bamboo. Likewise, a parametrically designed building with multitudes of interconnected components will also evidence its complexity through a formal language of flows and swarms (yet there is no reason a parametrically designed building cannot look like a Tuscan-style suburban house). Sullivan’s oft-recited sentiment is a relational statement that insists function is the guiding force in the design of form. This turns form into a functioning object, or in OOO terms, a tool. Through the Heideggarian idea of the tool as forgotten background equipment, one can argue that architects of the past century have been unwittingly complicit in making architectural form invisible to the consciousness of its users.
以物为导向的的哲学依赖“物”这一术语广泛的定义方式。建筑学倾向于假定该术语仅仅指向一个物质实体的形式。但正如哈曼所解释的那样,“物可以是任意的统一实体,无论它在世界中现实存在抑或是只存在于大脑的意识之中” 那么,物被认为是独立于下列因素而存在的:它们与其他对象、概念、实体、参与、程序和各种过程的关系。对于建筑而言,一个对以物为导向的本体论的基础的但富有成效的转译方式是将物(object)与建筑物(building)在字面上无法容忍地等价起来。但是,在以物为导向的抽象哲学与建筑的物质实践之间的交流中,这应该被视为一个起点,而不是终点。在建筑学术语中,一个被视作物的建筑物(object-building)通常被理解为一个拒绝呼应文脉(context)的对象,而在以物为导向的本体论中,一个被认为是物的建筑物仅仅意味着其现实不能通过包括其与文脉的关系在内的各种外部关系来理解。
Object-oriented philosophy depends on a broad definition of the term object. The inclination in architecture is to assume this term refers only to a physical form. But as Harman explains, “An object is any unified entity, whether it has a reality in the world or only in the mind.”  Objects, then, are seen to exist independently of their relations with other objects, concepts, entities, engagements, procedures, and processes of any sort. For architecture, one basic but fruitful translation of OOO is the unbearably literal equation of object with building. But this should be considered a starting point, not an endpoint, in the exchange between the abstract philosophy of OOO and the material practice of architecture. In architectural terms an object-building is understood to mean one that rejects its context, whereas a building conceived as an object in OOO terms simply means that its reality cannot be understood through its external relations – including its relation to context.
哈曼把经由物间关系来研究它们的尝试称为向上还原(overmining,),向下还原(undermining),双向还原(duomining)。对于哈曼来说,支配从亚里士多德到齐泽克的哲学史的,是那些对离散的物的实在(the reality of discrete objects)进行向上还原和向下还原的思想,而不是那些接受所有的物,思想和实体都有不连续的边界,并且仅通过它们自身的实在而不是它们的关系来验证其存在的思想。他写道,“他们可以说物只是某种更深层力量的表面效应,这样物便被“向下还原”了。或者,他们可以说与其更自明的属性或关系相比,物是一种无用的迷信,这样,物在这里是被“向上还原”了的。公元前五世纪的留基伯(Leucippus)相信物只不过是原子的集合,这些原子构成了宇宙的“真实现实”,因此,所有物都会被质疑,这便是一个对物的实在进行向下还原的例子。一个用于阐释向上还原的例子可能是,一个物只有在被观察者感知时才会变成现实(观念论),或者它只是它所融入的更大的力量网络中的一小部分。正如人们可能会说,一片叶子实际上只是树的一部分,或者树只是森林的一部分,又或者森林只是生态系统的一部分。在以物为导向的本体论中,叶子,树木,森林和生态系统都被归类为物,不需要额外的解释说明。这些物是构成宇宙的要素,虽然它们之间可能是相关的,但定义它们的并不是它们之间的关系。向上还原,向下还原和双向还原都妥协了离散之物自身的地位,以利于它们的关系。无论是与更小的事物之间的关系,还是与更大的、更包容的思想之间的关系,或者两者兼而有之。
Harman refers to attempts to examine objects through their relations as overmining, undermining, or duomining. For Harman, the history of philosophy, from Aristotle to Žižek, is dominated by ideas that overmine and undermine the reality of discrete objects, as opposed to accepting that all objects, ideas, and entities have discrete boundaries and are validated only by their existence, not by their relations. He writes, “They can say that objects are a mere surface effect of some deeper force, so that the object is undermined. Or they can say that objects are a useless superstition in comparison to their more evident qualities or relations, so that the object is ‘overmined.’”  An example of undermining the reality of an object as a discrete entity would be to believe, as Leucippus did in the fifth century BCE, that objects are merely collections of atoms, which are what constitute the “true reality” of the universe and therefore any object in question. An example of overmining might be to say that an object only becomes real when it is perceived by an observer (idealism), or that it is only a small part of a larger network of forces in which it is enmeshed, as one might say a leaf is really only a part of a tree, or a tree merely part of a forest, or a forest merely part of an ecosystem. In OOO, leaf, tree, forest, and ecosystem are all classified as objects and require no additional explanations or alibis. These objects are the stuff of the universe, and while they may be related, their relations are not what define them. Overmining, undermining, and duomining all compromise discrete objects in favor of their relations – whether relations with smaller things, larger more encompassing ideas, or both.
如果将哈曼的思想运用到建筑中,可以得出这样的结论:建筑物是建筑行业的主要产品,而建筑师正是不断向下还原和向上还原建筑物的罪魁祸首。我们有无数种方法可以向下还原建筑实践,以及向下还原建筑作为单独(singular)的,离散(discrete)的物的合法性。例如,一篇2013年刊登在《绿色资源》杂志(Green Source)的文章开篇写道,“由演员布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)和建筑师威廉·麦克多诺(William McDonough)创立的“Make It Right”基金会旨在重建卡特里娜飓风后的新奥尔良。该基金会与BNIM建筑事务所合作,将密苏里州堪萨斯城的一所旧学校改造成获得LEED白金认证的经济适用房。”虽然看上去无伤大雅,但这一声明甚至在对物(住宅)命名之前就调用了LEED认证,从而向下还原了建筑物(architecture object)。一座建筑物能通过LEED认证,就意味着它是用某些可持续组件和系统建造而成,并假定它比没有获得LEED认证的建筑物消耗更少的能源。这样一来,建筑中的可持续性部件的重要性被凸显,而作为物的建筑的建筑性特质则被忽视了。身披友好可持续发展外衣的LEED认证无可挽回地改变了公众对建筑的理解。我们驯化了大众,使他们在重视LEED认证的同时忽视建筑的自治属性。即使LEED金牌认证并未考虑一栋建筑除了节能和与环境关系之外的任何建筑性因素,但是只要建筑拥有了它,就可以被视为一件伟大的建筑作品。在通过可持续协会定义甚至欢庆自身的存在的过程中,建筑自身被向下还原了。
If one follows Harman’s thinking into architecture, one can conclude that architects are guilty of constantly undermining and overmining the primary products of their trade – buildings. There are countless ways to undermine the practice of architecture and the legitimacy of a building as a single, discrete object. For instance, a 2013 article in Green Source opens, “Make It Right, the foundation started by actor Brad Pitt and architect William McDonough to rebuild homes in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, has partnered with BNIM Architects to transform a former school in Kansas City, Missouri, into LEED Platinum-certified affordable housing.”  Innocuous though it may seem, this statement undermines the architectural object by invoking LEED certification before the object, housing, is even named. To know that a building is LEED certified is to know that it was built with certain types of sustainable components and systems and that it presumes to use less energy than those that are not LEED certified. The architectural qualities of the building-as-object, then, are disregarded in favor of its sustainable parts. Cloaked in a cape of friendly sustainability, LEED certification has irreparably changed the public’s understanding of architecture. We have trained the population to value LEED certification and to ignore the autonomous architectural qualities of buildings. A building with a LEED gold certification is seen as a great piece of architecture, even though this does not take into account any architectural aspects of a building other than its energy use and its relationship with the environment. The architecture itself is undermined by defining or celebrating its existence through sustainable associations.
布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)“Make It Right”基金会宣传海报。
改造前的密苏里州堪萨斯城的旧学校(The Bancroft School)
改造后的密苏里州堪萨斯城的旧学校(The Bancroft School),现为获得LEED白金认证的经济适用房。
即使最负盛名的建筑师也会对作为离散实体的建筑物的重要性进行向下还原。由雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas) 策划的2014年威尼斯建筑双年展“基本元素”(“Fundamentals”),没有呈现任何一件具有离散特质的建筑作品。相反,与Leucippus近2500年前的观念遥相呼应,库哈斯展出了构成建筑的零件和系统的集合。在今天,最引人注目的将建筑向下还原的例子也许是帕特里克·舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher)对参数化主义的狂热推广:“现代主义建立在空间的概念之上,而参数化主义区分出了场域(field)的概念….集群(swarms)也是场域概念的一个典型案例。我们想象着漂移于地景之上的建筑集群。” 舒马赫坚称建筑是由相互关联的信息集和差异化的组件组成的,这不仅是一种极端向下还原的例子,而且是一种古老的实践观念,它与古典主义并无二致。这种观念基于部件之间的语法关系(grammar of component),各个部件回应着外界输入的信息,并影响着整体。任何将合法性从离散的实体存在转向部件之间的语法关系的建筑运动,都会向下还原建筑作为合法实体存在的能力。鉴于这种观念囊括了建筑史的大部分内容 – 从古典主义到现代主义,后现代主义,解构主义,数字形式主义和参数化主义 ,可以说以物为导向的本体论有可能重新构建19和20世纪以来大多数建筑运动的理论基础。显而易见,在这个被社交媒体和无处不在的共享文化所占领的世界中,未来的建筑行业将不再为任何有凝聚力的风格或运动提供土壤,虽然以物为导向的本体论也不能提供这些,但它可以提供一个鲜明的全新理论视角,新的建筑思想和话语可能会从中涌现。
Even our most celebrated architects undermine the importance of buildings as discrete entities. Rem Koolhaas’s 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, “Fundamentals,” did not show any singular works of architecture for their discrete qualities. Instead, Koolhaas exhibited collections of parts and systems that compose architecture, echoing Leucippus’s nearly 2,500-year-old notion. Perhaps the most pronounced example of undermining architecture today is Patrik Schumacher’s avid promotion of parametricism: “Modernism was founded on the concept of space. Parametricism differentiates fields. . . . Swarms have also served as paradigmatic analogues for the field-concept. We would like to think of swarms of buildings that drift across the landscape.”  Schumacher’s insistence on an architecture of interconnected sets of information and differentiated components is not only an extreme example of undermining, but also a historical idea of practice not unlike classicism, based on a grammar of components that respond to inputs and impact the whole. Any architectural movement that redirects legitimacy from the discrete entity toward a grammar of parts undermines architectures ability to exist as a legitimate entity. Given that this describes the majority of the history of architecture – from classicism to modernism, postmodernism, deconstructivism, digital formalism, and parametricism – one could argue that OOO has the potential to reconfigure the theoretical foundation on which most architectural movements of the 19th and 20th centuries have been based. It is becoming increasingly obvious in a world of social media and ubiquitous sharing that any cohesive style or movement is unlikely in the future of the architectural profession, and while OOO cannot offer these, it can offer a decisively new theoretical perspective from which new strains of diffuse architectural ideas  and languages might emerge.
由雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas) 策划的2014年威尼斯建筑双年展“基本元素”“Fundamentals”)现场。
扎哈 · 哈迪德建筑事务所,土耳其伊斯坦布尔Kartal-Pendik 总体规划,2006年。
玛雅(Maya)毛发-动态模型模拟了最短绕行网络。因而,路线网络随数字羊毛线模型而产生。它的建立定义了大量引入街道,并将其组合 成服务于大片地块的大型道路网。
虽然建筑师通过向下还原作为物的建筑的有效性,造成了大量的损害,但在智识层面对建筑最有害的其实是向上还原。行业的主流叙事语境决定了,如果建筑物想要实现自身的有效性,就必须介入到一些更大的系统之中,比如说城市文脉,社会建构以及生态环境。从一个更普遍的文化状况的角度,哈曼描述了这一情形:“当代世界的每一个事件似乎都在歌颂互连互通:全球化(globalization),融合(convergence),强有力的传播媒体(superpowerful communications media)和新世界主义(new cosmopolitanism)以及气候变化的嵌套式的反馈循环(nested feedback loops of climate change)。”毫无疑问的是,建筑(architecture)和离散建筑物(discrete buildings)与更大的世界之间存在着联系,但值得怀疑的是,是否应该通过这些关系来确立建筑的合法性。建筑师当然必须考虑环境,并尽一切努力使我们的自然生态和社会生态保持民主,健康和富有生产力。但是这些野心不足以证明建筑作品的合法性。
While architects inflict plenty of damage by undermining the validity of the building-as-object, it is through overmining that the most intellectually destructive work is done. The profession’s master narrative asserts that buildings are validated by their participation in larger networks: urban contexts, social constructs, and environmental ecologies. Harman describes this in terms of a more general cultural condition: “Every event in the contemporary world seems to sing the praises of interconnectivity: globalization, convergence, superpowerful communications media and the new cosmopolitanism, along with the nested feedback loops of climate change.”  That architecture and discrete buildings are connected to the larger world is not in dispute, but that buildings are legitimized as architecture by these relations should be. Architects must, of course, think of the environment and make every effort to keep all of our physical and social ecologies democratic, healthy, and productive. But these ambitions are not sufficient to justify the production of a work of architecture.
向上还原的另一种形式是通过所谓的“宏大观念(big idea)”或“概念(concept)”使一栋离散的建筑物合理化,在今天,这种情况更多体现在“图解即建筑(graphic-diagram-as-building)“的构想中。确实,当下建筑图解中箭头的病态流行就是这一趋势的重要组成部分。箭头在当代建筑中无处不在, 从太阳指向地面,象征着热量从建筑物的剖面飘散出来,示意人群的流动,展示一位建筑师是如何抬起建筑物的一角来创造入口抑或是将其向东推移以满足当地的区域规划。放眼如今的建筑,尤其是在建筑学院的设计,我们很难找到一个不是由箭头生产出的项目。
Another form of overmining is the rationalization of a discrete building by what is referred to as the “big idea” or “concept,” which is more often than not manifest today in the graphic-diagram-as-building scenario. Indeed, the current epidemic of architectural arrows is part and parcel of this trend.  Arrows are everywhere in contemporary architecture – pointing down from the sun, wafting out of building sections as heat, illustrating the flow of people, showing how an architect lifted the corner of a building to create an entrance or pushed it east to meet the local zoning envelope. It is difficult to find a project, especially in today’s architecture schools, that is not the product of an arrow.
箭头图解具有可以即刻被消费的优势,这也就是目前这种策略可以蓬勃发展的原因。建筑师不需要应对任何复杂性,只需发展出一个粗略的,图解化的,可以很容易地转化为建筑的构思。如果在最终的建筑中,这个构思可以被明晰地辨认出来(通常建筑看起来就是图解的样子),那么公众或客户就会更容易 "领会 "到这个想法。然后,建筑物通过直接引用这个宏大观念而获得了合法性;在这里,图解是一种关联性的通道(连通了宏大观念和建筑实体)。这种趋势是难以对抗的,但是将建筑物提炼成单一想法,并牺牲它难以计数的其他特质(无论是显性的(present)还是暗示的(implied)),最终将会把建筑简化为一幅描绘它自身的漫画。
Arrow diagrams have immediately consumable benefits, which is why this strategy currently thrives. Architects need not manage any form of complexity, but only develop a cursory, diagrammable idea that can be easily transformed into a building. If the idea is obviously legible in the final building (which usually looks like the diagram), the public or client is more likely to “get it,” and the building is legitimized through its direct reference to the big idea; the diagram is a relational conduit. This tendency is difficult to counter, but to distill a building to a single idea at the expense of limitless other qualities, present or implied, reduces architecture to a caricature of itself.
VIA 57 West, New York 形式生成图解及实景照片
箭头图解, 马克·福斯特·盖吉绘制,2015
对作为物的建筑(building-as-object)进行向上还原的各种方式中,最可恶的形式是过分简化的隐喻(simplistic metaphor)。如果说图解是一种向图形的简化,那么隐喻同样是还原主义的,尽管它依存于另一种机制-文字(words)。举一个当代的例子,丹尼尔·里伯斯金(Daniel Libeskind)声称,他的丹佛艺术博物馆的锯齿形状反映了附近山脉的形式,因此这个形是合情合理的。同样,他以爱国主义的姿态为新建的世界贸易中心大厦的高度-1776英尺-做了辩护。在隐喻式的向上还原中,最令人感到尴尬的可能是圣地亚哥•卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)的说法,他声称他的世界贸易中心交通枢纽是一只反映交通主题的飞鸟。
The most odious form of overmining the building-as-object is the painfully simplistic metaphor. If diagrams are simplifications into graphics, metaphors are similarly reductivist albeit through an alternative mechanism – words. To take a contemporary example, Daniel Libeskind has justified the jagged shape of his Denver Art Museum by saying it reflects the forms of the nearby mountains. He similarly justified the height of the new World Trade Center tower – 1,776 feet tall – with a patriotic nod lost on no one. Perhaps the most cringe-worthy example of metaphorical overmining is Santiago Calatrava’s claim that his World Trade Center Transportation Hub is a flying bird that reflects the theme of transportation.
一个离散的建筑往往同时被向上还原和向下还原。因为它通过参与一个单一的宏大观念而被合法化(来实现前者),而这个宏大观念仅仅指向建筑的某一个方面(来实现后者)– 例如,建筑体量只反映规划分区的规范,或场地朝向只解决如何获取太阳能的问题。这就是哈曼所说的“双向还原”(duomining) – 同时向上还原和向下还原。因此,“双向还原” 使建筑的有限面貌?成为其全部意义的承载者。而与此相反,以物为导向的本体论则认为,建筑作为物,具有浩繁的品质、属性,甚至是关系。其中有些是人类可以感知的,有些是不可以感知的,但它们的全部现实永远不能被简化为单一的简单化观察。人类可能有能力体验任何特定物的某些特质,但正如哈曼假定的那样,它的大部分属性都是退隐(withdraw)于我们的体验的。他写道,只有一种公正地对待物地方式,即认为它们的实在是脱离于一切关系的约束的,并且是高于一切互动性的。物是封闭在隐秘真空中的黑暗晶体:既无法被还原成自己的碎片也无法被还原简化为与其他事物的外在关系。”
A discrete building is often both overmined, in that it is legitimized by its participation in a singular big idea, and undermined, in that the big idea refers to only one aspect of the building – for example, massing to reflect zoning regulations or site orientation to address solar heat gain. This is what Harman refers to as duomining – simultaneously undermining and overmining. Duomining, therefore, renders limited aspects of the building the bearers of its entire significance. OOO, on the other hand, suggests that buildings, as objects, should be understood to have vast numbers of qualities, properties, and even relations – some sensible by humans, some not – but that their full reality can never be reduced to a single simplistic observation. Humans may have the ability to experience some qualities of any given object, but, as Harman posits, the majority of its qualities withdraw from our experience. He writes, “The only way to do justice to objects is to consider that their reality is free of all relation, deeper than all reciprocity. The object is a dark crystal sealed in a private vacuum: irreducible to its own pieces and equally irreducible to its outward relations with other things.”
透过以物为导向的本体论的视角,我们可以认识到一个建筑的真实性永远不可能被全然认知 ,也不可能被化简为任何简单的图解,隐喻抑或是“宏大观念” ,而呈现出一个巨大而复杂的深渊,需要新的认可(acknowledgment)与暗示(allusion)的形式来介入。
Through the lens of OOO, we can recognize that a building’s reality can never be fully known – or reduced to any simple diagram, metaphor, or “big idea” – but rather presents a vast and complex depth that requires new forms of acknowledgment and allusion.
Against Simplification
在以物为导向的本体论中,真实的物是不完全可知的。这不是一个神秘的概念,它是从物的浩瀚无边的特质(sheer infinitude of qualities)和定义了物的作为物的关系(relations-as-objects)中浮现出来的。因此,它是一个信息密集的命题。然而,一个人无法获得一个物的全部现实,并不意味着无法体验到它。物的真实现实是不可知的,但它确实具有可感知的特质(perceivable qualities),哈曼将其称为“感性的”(sensual),因为它能够被感知。他写道,“虽然宇宙中可能存在无数物,但它们只有两类:从所有体验中抽离的真实物(real object),以及仅在体验中存在的感知物(sensual object)。”尽管观念论狂欢在前,现象学在后,以物为导向的本体论却连接了两者之间的鸿沟。虽然不是通过直接的因果关系,却将可感知性与不可知的复杂性联系了起来。相反,以物为导向的本体论提出,可感知的属性可以通过暗示,来引导我们进入更深层次的现实。
In OOO, real objects are simply not fully knowable. This is not a mystical notion, but rather one that emerges from the sheer infinitude of qualities and relations-as-objects that define an object. As such, it is an information-dense proposition. That one cannot access the full reality of an object, however, does not mean one is unable to experience it. The true reality of an object is unknowable, but it does have perceivable qualities that Harman refers to as sensual, as in able to be sensed. Harman writes, “While there may be an infinity of objects in the cosmos, they come in only two kinds: the real object that withdraws from all experience, and the sensual object that exists only in experience.”  While idealism revels in the former and phenomenology in the latter, OOO spans the divide, linking the perceivable with the unknowably complex, though not through a direct causality. Instead, OOO suggests that perceivable qualities can, through allusion, guide us into deeper realities.
四重物The Quadruple Object, Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything, Graham Harman, 2018
隐喻Metaphor, Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything, Graham Harman, 2018
在涉及真实和感知的两个物间产生的张力时,以物为导向的本体论对于建筑而言变得格外有趣。如果我们从以物为导向的本体论的角度再次回到对于建筑的入门级阅读,在其中一个被设计的实体(也许是建筑物)就是一个物。我们会意识到,它具有一个我们无法进入的真实存在,以及一个处于其能被感觉到的感官特质之中的可感知的存在(a perceivable existence in its sensual qualities that can be sensed)。这就使建筑师们在工作时关注设计的特质,这些特质围绕并暗示着潜伏在可感知的表面之下的更深层次的现实的存在,而不是把大而单一的想法提炼成过分简单化的还原性图解或隐喻。这个奇怪的命题代表了来自现代和当代建筑的理论基础的转向。现当代建筑理论的基础来自于启蒙运动的价值观中的探索精神(discovery)和可知的绝对真理(knowable absolutes),而不是感官(sense)和猜想( inference)。以物为导向的本体论提供了一个可以想象新一类的建筑理论,实践和生产方式的广阔平台。正如以物为导向的本体论提出的那样,一种不基于过度简化的思想或关系的建筑,至少是对这门学科的解毒剂。由于需要同时解决可持续性,政治,经济,社会关系和环境的问题,建筑学受到了制约而瘫痪。为应对这些沉重的负担,建筑学制定了一些策略,用简单的图解或隐喻来 "完成每个类别的任务“,这是可以理解的。但是这种策略将建筑转化为了一系列”可被消费的声音片段”(consumable sound bites),这对建筑的文化价值是一种伤害。在以物为导向的本体论的旗帜下,建筑有责任将自身研究的出发点定位于“绝对的虚无”之中。简化,孤立的关键关系不能作为建筑合理性的佐证,唯一有效的证据是建筑的存在自身。
OOO becomes particularly interesting for architecture in the tension between these two objects, the real and the sensual. If we again turn to our entry-level reading of architecture through OOO, wherein a designed entity, perhaps a building, is an object, we realize that it has a real existence that is inaccessible to us as well as a perceivable existence in its sensual qualities that can be sensed. This puts architects in the business of designing qualities that wrap around, and allude to the existence of, deeper realities lurking below the perceivable surface, instead of distilling big singular ideas into reductively simplistic diagrams or metaphors. This strange proposition represents a shift from the theoretical foundations of modern and contemporary architecture that emerged from the Enlightenment values of discovery and knowable absolutes as opposed to sense and inference. OOO offers an alternate plateau on which to imagine new genres of architectural theory, practice, and production. An architecture not based on super-simplified ideas or relations, as proposed by OOO, is at the very least an antidote to a discipline paralyzed with constraints imposed by needing to simultaneously address sustainability, politics, economics, social relations, and context. Given the sheer weight of these burdens it is understandable that architecture has developed strategies to “check off” each category with a simple diagram or metaphor, but this strategy does a disservice to the cultural value of architecture by turning it into a series of consumable sound bites. Under the banner of OOO, architecture has the responsibility to emerge from the careful study of – absolutely nothing. Architecture can be justified only by its existence instead of reductively isolated key relationships.
这既不是一种虚无主义者( nihilist)的姿态,也不是一种反智( anti-intellectual)的立场,而是对两者的同时颠倒。在21世纪,当人们的注意力都集中在科技、时尚和娱乐等快节奏的事物时,建筑要想生存下去,就不能让它作为单纯的功能设备退居幕后。通过以物为导向的本体论来看,建筑可以不作为事物的连接点或分析的结果存在,而是作为体育运动中的一个自由参与者,这场运动的规则在深刻复杂的现实与对现实的感性认识之间的紧张关系中产生。正如哈曼在他对胡塞尔的反驳中写道的那样,“没有理由认为理智(intellect)可以使现实以感官无法达到的方式直接显现。”如果建筑师可以通过感官特质的设计来暗示复杂的现实,而不是用像图解或隐喻这样单一简化的关系,那么,毫无疑问,我们将会发现新的文化参与形式。虽然 “作为物的建筑 "不需要用关系来定义,但肯定的是,一种别样的对基于物的现实进行感知的方式,将产生新的经济、社会和政治参与形式。然而,它们并不定义真理,而只被理解为物的附加特质。
This is neither a nihilist nor an anti-intellectual position, but a reversal of both. If architecture is to exist in the 21st century, when attention is focused on the fast-paced worlds of technology, fashion, and entertainment, it must not recede into the background as mere functional equipment. Seen through OOO, architecture can exist not as a connector of things, or the result of analysis, but as a liberated player in a sport the rules of which will emerge from the productive tensions between deeply complex realities and their sensorial perception. As Harman writes in his refutation of Husserl, “There is no reason to assume that intellect can make reality directly present in a way that the senses cannot.”  If architects can imply complex realities through the design of sensual qualities, as opposed to using singular simplified relations, such as diagrams or metaphors, then there undeniably will be new forms of cultural engagement to discover. While the building-as-object need not be defined by relations, certainly an alternate access to perceptions of object-based reality would produce new forms of economic, social, and political engagement; however, these would be considered additional qualities of an object rather than defining truths.
为了更好地理解以物为导向的本体论中真实物和感知物之间的张力关系,哈曼 (Harman)的“镶嵌特质”(encrusted qualities)概念是非常重要的。“镶嵌特质”指的是物时而能被感知的属性。他写道,“从术语上讲,我们可以说是“镶嵌”的是在感官物表面上的特质 。任何感知物总是以一种不必要的详细形式(more detailed form than necessary)与我们相遇:这个城市的天际线不需要以和目前完全一样的方式闪闪发光,就可以被认出来是这条天际线”。在建筑中,某些镶嵌特质对于猜想一个建筑物的被抽离的现实是非常关键的,但是其余的多数镶嵌特质对于该现实来说都是多余的。与其说建筑是从对特定因素的分析中产生的--比如说,对管制着它的一系列规划分区原则的分析--不如说,它是建筑师设计镶嵌特质的结果。在设计过程中,建筑师的目标不是通过孤立、单一的概念达到真理(truth),而是通过感受进行猜想。这不会是一种向现象学倒退的方法论,因为在这样的理解中,(退隐的)现实仍处于认知之外,它只能被暗示(allude),而它被认知到的模样并不是现实本身。
Productive for better understanding the tensions between the real and sensual objects of OOO is Harman’s concept of encrusted qualities. Encrusted qualities are qualities that are sometimes perceived. He writes, “Terminologically, we can speak of the ‘encrustation’ of qualities on the surface of a sensual object. Any sensual object is always encountered in a more detailed form than necessary: this city skyline need not be glimmering in its exact current way in order to be recognized as this very skyline.”  In architecture, some of these encrusted qualities are critical to inferring the withdrawn reality of a building, but a great many are superfluous to that reality. Instead of architecture emerging from the analysis of any particular factor – an analysis of the zoning envelope that governs it, for example – it might instead be considered the result of the architect designing encrusted qualities toward the goal of inference via sense rather than truth via isolated, singular concept. This methodology would not be a retreat to phenomenology, as the (withdrawn) reality is still understood to be external to perception and only alluded to, rather than considered real as it is perceived. 
马克-福斯特-盖奇建筑事务所,赫尔辛基古根海姆设计竞赛提案(未提交),2014年, 数字渲染
OOO considers the sensual object and the real object on equal terms, giving significance to an object’s encrusted qualities as well as the real object itself. Architects have much to gain in this. Focusing on the vast withdrawn complexities of an architectural project not only would be a welcome antidote to the trope of inventing architectural concepts and diagramming them for easy comprehension, but also would liberate architects’ creativity. This would free architecture from its invisible servitude as equipment designed for a functional solution to a limited set of perceived problems, thus allowing the discipline to engage in higher orders of speculation about how we might exist in a future that promises to be continually reconfigured by perpetual technological innovation.
Radical vs. Weird
激进 vs. 怪诞
哈曼(Harman)口中的怪诞现实主义实在论(weird realism)似乎是为这个未来发明的。他设想“激进”是将已经存在的事物推向极端,然而怪诞的事物则存在于既有存在之外。(the realm of that which exists.)怪诞实在论是哈曼从其对霍华德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特(H.P. Lovecraft)的阅读中产生的,他写道:没有哪位作家如此困惑于物与语言描述的力量之间的,或物与物所拥有的特质之间的断层。
Seemingly invented for this future is Harman’s observation of what he terms weird realism. He posits that the radical takes to an extreme something that already exists, whereas the weird is something outside the realm of that which exists. Weird realism emerges from Harman’s reading of H.P. Lovecraft: “No other writer is so perplexed by the gap between objects and the power of language to describe them, or between objects and the qualities they possess.”
霍华德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特(H.P. Lovecraft)(1890-1937),美国恐怖,科幻与奇幻小说作家,尤以其怪奇小说著称。其写作的主题为“宇宙主义”,认为人类有限的心智无法理解生命的本质,而宇宙对于人类来说是残酷陌生的
哈曼(Harman)口中的怪诞现实主义实在论(weird realism)似乎是为这个未来发明的。他设想“激进”是将已经存在的事物推向极端,然而怪诞的事物则存在于既有存在之外。(the realm of that which exists.)怪诞实在论是哈曼从其对霍华德·菲利普斯·洛夫克拉夫特(H.P. Lovecraft)的阅读中产生的,他写道:没有哪位作家如此困惑于物与语言描述的力量之间的,或物与物所拥有的特质之间的断层。
It is understandable that Harman would enlist Lovecraft, whose stories are largely contingent on inferring the existence of the strange, the vague, the unknown, and the unknowable. Lovecraft also frequently enlists architecture and geometry to imply strangeness, which offers interesting moments for architects. In “At the Mountains of Madness,” Lovecraft writes of a city with “no architecture known to man or to human imagination, with vast aggregations of night-black masonry embodying monstrous perversions of geometrical laws.”  In “The Call of Cthulhu” he writes of a character who was “swallowed up by an angle of masonry which shouldn’t have been there; an angle which was acute, but behaved as if it were obtuse.”
Lovecraft uses language to imply the existence of an architecture that is curious, strange, and challenges notions of the architectural norm. To try to design such a Cyclopean city or to draw an acute angle that behaves obtusely would be a lost cause, but to imagine architecture that similarly alludes to a deeper or alternate view of reality is an appealing opportunity that runs counter to the simplification of big singular ideas through reductive diagrams. Perhaps instead of accurately representing the shallow, architecture might now be called upon to provide a sketchy, rough outline of something deeper. “When it comes to grasping reality,” Harman writes, “illusion and innuendo are the best we can do.”  After decades of computational calculation, exactitude, and the translation of information and diagrams into mostly banal, literal buildings, perhaps inference through illusion and innuendo offers fertile fields for developing newer, slipperier, and more uncertain forms of architectural practice.
The hardly mesmerizing state of the built environment today stems from an architectural profession that does not evaluate its production on its own terms, but invents unnecessary alibis for its output. Architecture is not a crime and architects need no alibi. If architects do not value architecture for its qualities, and the architect for the production of those qualities, we certainly cannot expect anyone else to value architecture. What architecture needs is a philosophical reset of its underlying assumptions – not new shapes or a new style, but a deep and meaningful inquiry into the nature of the profession today, what it can do and what it cannot, what it should do and what it should not, and, most important, what is worth doing and why. While object-oriented ontology cannot provide all the answers, it prompts us to ask new questions that may help ensure the project of architecture does not continue to recede further into the shallow background of the invisible and insignificant everyday. 
由Mark Foster Gage建筑事务所、南加州建筑学院(sciarc)和耶鲁大学建筑学院在洛杉矶建造的一个合作实验室装置。该实验室研究了激光消融地热共振技术的潜力,这种技术能够产生比现有地热能源提取技术多19倍的能量。参观者可以现场观看这个激光提取的原型过程,因为它展示了一种方法,通过这种方法,加州对可持续地热能源的依赖可能很快就会从目前的2018年的6%增加到未来几十年的68%。利用激光消融地热共振技术,结合遗传脂肪酸,十个准虚构性的机械装置被放置于圣安德烈亚斯断层,它们旨在每天提取二百万千瓦时的可持续地热能供大洛杉矶市中心地区使用。在圣安德烈亚断层下方有超临界水的存在,这种超临界水,兼具液态和气态的特性,在3780度开尔文爆炸中蒸发,在峰值功率下诱发超临界物质状态释放出的能量以指数形式超过其当量物质。沿走滑大陆板块的金属矿床中不均匀频率场的存在,使超临界水的囊袋中带有磁性/遗传介子,这些介子在垂直断层上的压力梯度作用下,随着速度的不稳定而向上被强迫。由于在如此高的轨道介子存在下,金属的衰减率是可变的,原型激光共振机制本身被包裹在一个实验酚醛固化树脂泡沫中,可隔离外部磁干扰。为了快速防止介子腐烂,在泡沫树脂上还涂上了同样的7微米厚的纳米金箔,这种金箔用于包裹现有的NASA卫星。这种金纳米分子薄膜给了机器惊人的黄金美学外观。
(小声:David Ruy也在群里哦)
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