分享嘉宾 | Charles K. Whitehead,康奈尔法学院Myron C. Taylor 商法学讲席教授
审校|张旭东,UCB LL.M.
编辑吴青,BU LL.M. & 浙大PhD candidate
致谢 | 余曦,康奈尔法学院LL.M.
Charles K. Whitehead是康奈尔大学法学院的Myron C. Taylor商法学讲席教授、康奈尔科技园区法律、技术和创业项目的创始董事,专门研究商业组织、资本市场、金融机构和交易以及并购。在投身学术研究之前,Whitehead教授在纽约、伦敦和东京的多家跨国金融机构代理客户,并担任高级法务和管理职位,包括担任野村证券、所罗门兄弟和花旗集团的董事总经理。作为学者,Whitehead教授曾任哥伦比亚法学院的研究员;2006年起任教于波士顿大学法学院;2008年作为Marc & Beth Goldberg杰出法学客座教授访问康奈尔法学院;2009年起任教于康奈尔法学院。Whitehead教授毕业于哥伦比亚法学院和康奈尔大学,曾任美国联邦第二巡回上诉法院Hon. Ellsworth A. Van Graafeiland法官的法律助理。
a 跨国公司并购中的里程碑和建议方法
a) 世界上最完美的合同≠成功的交易
b) 商业驱动谈判,商业成果驱动交易结构
c) 最好的律师知道他们可以让步什么
b 律所与其客户之间的服务协议中应包含哪些关键条款
a) 取决于客户是谁及其与律所的关系
a. In a merger or acquisition among multinational companies, could you please advise on the milestones and suggested approach?
Answer to Question a
Whether it’s a big or little transaction, the real work often starts after the contract is signed. Most law students, because your focus is on legal documents, think that the real work involves drafting and negotiating the M&A documents. There’s certainly a lot of work involved in drafting and negotiating, but the real challenge is integrating the two businesses after the contract has been signed and, later on, after the deal has closed.
In multinational firms, you often have different pay scales depending on the type of company, location, and so forth. Employees in one company may be paid $10 an hour, while employees in the other company are paid $20 an hour for similar work. What will you do when you integrate these two businesses? Will you raise all salaries to $20? The former-$10 employees will love you. But now you have raised the cost of the acquisition, perhaps substantially. Alternatively, will you fire all the $20 employees? You will be quite unpopular, but it may make the most sense for the company.
That’s a very stark example, but there are more subtle things, like how do you integrate software, communications, and computer servers; how do you get everyone the same or similar insurance coverage; and so forth? There are thousands of things to consider after the deal has been signed.
What this means, as a good lawyer, is you should think about these kinds of issues, talk to your client about them, even at the contract drafting stage because they are just the kinds of things that are important to your client. Understanding them may affect how you structure the deal or negotiate the agreement. You could have the most perfectly drafted contract in the world. But if the businesses can’t be integrated, it will be a failed deal. 
Knowing this, you want to start thinking about what the business outcome should be and what the business issues are from the start.
You represent the target company. To what extent should the target be worried about its employees? To what extent should it consider changes in salaries or insurance coverage? Maybe the answer is “not at all.” After all, after it’s acquired, the target will be controlled by somebody else. Nevertheless, perhaps there are still things the target’s managers are worried about. To understand this, you need to consult with your client. To what extent is the client worried about changes in the way the business will be run? Perhaps they want some assurance that salaries won’t be changed. Is this something that can be reflected in the contract?
Alternatively, assume you represent the acquirer. You may want to consider what sorts of target liabilities the acquirer may be assuming. To what extent do these liabilities decrease the value of the target business? To what extent do they raise issues that your client needs to address in the newly-merged company?
These are examples of the kinds of things you need to think about, even as you’re drafting the contract. Because the real effort is after the deal is signed – and anticipating those issues in the contract may help address them in the future.
Contracts, however, can only do so much. They are reflective of the business deal. At some level, there will be business risks that the businesspeople will just need to take. And this may be reflected in how you decide to structure the contract.
My first solo M&A deal arose when I was less than six months in practice.[1]
[1] Background: I was called by the head of the law firm’s M&A practice on Christmas, and he asked me to be in Chicago on December 26th. I happened to be traveling in Texas, so I only had a very lightweight suit – much too light for Chicago. But, fortunately, I had a necktie. When I walked into the conference room in Chicago, the business guys were there, so was an in-house lawyer, but the partner who had called me was not there. There was a lot of snow and so I thought perhaps his plane had been delayed. When I called his office to speak with his assistant, he picked up the phone. I asked, “What are you doing in New York? I'm here in Chicago.” And he said, “The client only wants you to work on this deal.” I explained that I was at the firm for less than six months, but he said he thought (perhaps it was a prayer?) I would be fine.
背景:圣诞节那天,律所并购业务部的负责人打电话给我,他让我在12月26日到芝加哥。我碰巧在得克萨斯州旅行,所以我只有一件非常轻便的西装——对芝加哥来说太轻薄了。但是幸运的是,我有一条领带。当我走进芝加哥的会议室时,客户的经理和公司律师都在,但打电话给我的合伙人却不在。因为那个时候雪很大,所以我想也许他的飞机晚点了。当我打电话到他的办公室与他的助手通话时,他接了电话。我问:“你在纽约做什么?我在芝加哥。” 他说,“客户只希望你参与这笔交易。” 我解释说我在公司不到六个月,但他说他认为(也许是祈祷?)我会把一切做好的。
It was an asset acquisition. Our client was the acquirer. The understanding was that the in-house lawyer would do most of the negotiation, and I would simply be there to support her. She proceeded over the next three or four hours to concede everything. She gave up points that she shouldn't give up and, apparently, was blind to much of the contract.
We were negotiating against two M&A partners from the Skadden Arps law firm. They were just beating us up, and they could tell I was very uncomfortable. In fact, at one point they asked for a concession, the in-house lawyer gave it to them, and one of the partners looked at me and looked at his colleague and said, “You’re right. We really can’t take this from you.” This was after three or four hours, and we needed a break.
我们当时正在与Skadden Arps律所的两位并购合伙人进行谈判,他们正在“狠打”我们,能看出我很不安。事实上,在一个点上他们要求让步,公司律师让步了,其中一位合伙人看着我,然后看着他的搭档说:“你说得对,我们不应该向你们提出这个要求。”这是在三四个小时之后,(我意识到)我们必须打破这种局面。
The partner in New York and I had a call with the client’s businesspeople and in-house lawyer. Neither the partner nor I had known that the client was buying the assets at what they estimated was 20% of their real value. In other words, they were getting an incredibly good price for the assets. And so they wanted to move quickly and close the deal before the end of the year.
When your client is buying assets at an 80% discount, it means you can be more comfortable giving up things in the contract. Not everything. The in-house lawyer still conceded too much and we had to take much of it back. But a lot of points become negotiable once you understand the goals of the businesspeople, as we finally learned in this case.
Understanding the business rationale, what the pressures are and the client’s ultimate goals, makes structuring and negotiating the deal a lot easier to do. What does this mean? – The business drives the negotiation, and the business outcome drives the structure of the deal.
This approach is really no different regardless of the transactional practice you pursue, including deals outside of M&A. You’re not the businessperson, but you’d better understand the business and the expected outcomes. You need to learn how the businesspeople are thinking about the deal and what they think is valuable, because that should be reflected in how you structure, draft, and negotiate the contract.
You will do lots of deals with multiple clients. There will come a time when you may better understand parts of the business than the businesspeople in the sense that you’ll have seen 20 or 30 different ways to do the deal and that experience can be valuable in representing your client. Maybe there's a particular problem they’re faced with, and based on your experience, you suggest ways for the client to address the issue. You may also be aware of a way to structure the deal to address the particular issue the businesspeople are wrestling with.
When you start practice, take advantage of the fact that you’re junior, just starting your career. There is a natural tendency among most people not to want to show how much they don’t know. But most of your questions are likely to be questions that others have too. Being junior makes it easier to ask the question because you’re junior and people know this. 
The same thing is true when you’re negotiating. When I negotiated deals, even as a senior lawyer, which word do you think I used the most? It was “why.” The other lawyer would say, “I need X,” and I would ask, “why?” Why is this important? Because if I understand what the other side is thinking, then knowing what my client wants, I can structure the deal or draft the contract efficiently and, more importantly, do so in a way that favors my client’s position.
Understanding the business is critical to being a good lawyer. Ask “why” when you’re negotiating a deal.
It’s something that happens naturally during negotiations.
You and I are negotiating an acquisition, my client is the acquirer, and I want a representation in the contract that the target (your client) is not subject to any litigation. You say, “I can't give you that representation,” and, of course, I ask “why?” You answer that there are some lawsuits, A, B, and C, and I ask you to describe what they are. Based on what you tell me, I say, “Fine, let’s redraft the language to reflect what you just told me--there are no target lawsuits other than A, B, and C.” So, just based on that exchange, I’ve learned about litigation affecting the target and how significant it is, and it’s something I can tell my client. It may affect the purchase price if it’s significant.
你和我正在就收购进行谈判,我的客户是收购方,我希望在合同的陈述中写明目标公司(你的客户)不受任何诉讼的约束。你说:“我不能给你那个陈述。”我当然会问:“为什么?” 你回答说有一些诉讼,A、B 和 C,我会请你描述一下它们是什么。根据你告诉我的内容,我说:“好吧,让我们重新起草合同用语以反映你刚刚告诉我的内容——除了A、B和C之外,目标公司没有其他诉讼。” 因此,仅基于那次交流,我就了解了影响目标公司的诉讼案件及其严重程度,这是我可以告诉我的客户的事情。如果它很严重,它可能会影响收购价格。
What you don’t know is my client doesn’t really care about target lawsuits. I know this, but you don’t. So, I am happy to structure the representation in a way that reflects your concerns, that there are no target lawsuits other than A, B, and C. In fact, if you had asked me, I might have told you my client doesn’t care about target litigation. But, in this scenario, I’ve managed to keep the representation in the contract, modified to reflect your comments, and perhaps this gives my client a bit more comfort about what’s in the target’s business. And if your client later breaches the representation, perhaps my client can renegotiate or otherwise adjust the purchase price.
The point is, the better I understand how you’re thinking about things, the better I can structure the deal in a way that favors my client.
There’s a corollary to this point, which is that the best lawyers know what they can concede. Law school may give you a skewed view of transactional lawyering, because many deals you see in casebooks are failed deals. That’s why they wound up in litigation. Although Cornell has a number of classes that focus on transactional practice, by and large, the bulk of what you study in law school focuses on litigation. There may not be a lot your client can or will concede when it’s being sued, after the deal has failed. But, in the transactional world, you may be able to concede a lot. 
You and I are negotiating again. I know I can give up the representation on litigation; recall, maybe it’s not a big deal for my client. I asked you to give me the no-litigation representation. You said, “I can’t do this.” Again, I asked, “why?”, and you told me about lawsuits A, B, and C. Hearing this, I might respond (in an exaggerated voice), “My God, three lawsuits? Talk me through what these lawsuits are. Now I understand why you can’t give me this representation but modifying this representation would be a big concession on our part.”
I’ll go on to say, “OK, now I understand the situation, and we won’t push the point. We’ll take out the representation on litigation or we’ll modify it, but I’ll also need to speak with my client. Maybe we can say there is no material litigation, but in any event we’ll structure the representation in a way that you don’t need to worry.” What have I just done? I gave you something. And now I will expect something back, won’t I?
我会继续说:“好吧,现在我了解情况了,我们不会强调这一点。我们将取消或修改诉讼陈述,但我还需要与我的客户商量。也许我们可以说没有实质性的诉讼,但无论如何我们都会以一种你不需要担心的方式来撰写陈述。” 我刚刚做了什么?我给了你一些东西,现在我期望得到一些回报,不是吗?
Knowing what I can concede, and how to do it, means I can get the deal done faster. It means I can focus on those things that are most important to my client. As a result, I can also more vigorously advocate for my client.
b. Could you please advise what the key clauses should be in a service agreement between a law firm and its client?
Answer to Question b
Law firms approach this question differently, and it will often depend on who the client is and its relationship with the law firm. A service agreement with Grandma Whitehead will be quite different from a service agreement with Goldman Sachs.
Grandma Whitehead may have a limited budget. I will probably have a very detailed retainer agreement that makes clear what I am doing for her. There will probably be details in the retainer agreement that describe what I’ll do, what I won’t do, and what you will do.
With Goldman Sachs, there may not be any agreement at all. It's Goldman Sachs! Do we think we need a retainer agreement with Goldman Sachs? Probably we should agree on how much I'm getting paid, and how I calculate my fee, but not much more.
With a large client, there may be an agreement on who is assigned to the client’s matters (the client doesn’t want 20 expensive partners working on one deal) and their hourly billable rates. When you're talking about large law firms that represent large corporate clients, maybe the agreement is outcome-oriented – a particular fee based on a particular deal being done. Alternatively, maybe there’s a cap on the amount that can be billed. For M&A, sometimes there are special rates for when a deal doesn’t close. If the deal happens, I will charge the full amount. If the deal doesn’t happen, it’s a “broken deal fee,” possibly a 50% discount. 
Like we discussed in response to the prior question, you need to understand your client’s business and goals. With Grandma Whitehead, on a limited budget, I know there are specific things I need to get done. I will do A, B, and C within whatever budget we agree. There may be different fee levels based on the different things I must do. If I’m counseling her in the office, there will be one fee. If I need to go to trial, it will be a much higher fee.
Again, it depends on the economics. I am much more likely to be less worried about whether Goldman Sachs can pay my bill, and more interested in making sure I get the second, third, fourth, and fifth deal and so on than I am from Grandma Whitehead. Those things will drive whether or not there’s an agreement and the terms of that agreement.
Regarding particular terms that are important, generally they are the scope of work, fee amount, and timeframe, depending on what you’re asking me to do. Sometimes there are disclaimers to the extent you're worried about potential conflicts of interest.
If I’m representing four founders who are starting a business, what are the potential conflicts among them? Each founder may not think about the business in the same way. So maybe I include a disclaimer relating to conflicts if I’m representing all four of them. Usually, it’s agreed with the lawyer that the lawyer will not be involved if a matter ever goes to trial. He or she is simply the transactional lawyer.
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