(也曾喂过鸽子,London 2017)
开学前几个月,我担心自己上课会听不懂澳洲口音,于是专门去找一些Aussie播客频道来听土澳音与英式RP(Received Pronouciation)的区别,学会了一点皮毛,比如“G’day, mate!”(instead of Hello) ; “Good on ya, mate. ”(short for good on you, like Well done or Good job!)。事实证明我的担心是多虑的,学术界基本用的偏British English,大部分老师口音清晰也是说的RP,除了Armine老师。
Armine是我们其中一门课的Professor, 跟我妈年纪差不多,六十多岁的女人,第一堂lecture的时候自我介绍说来自英国,土生土长的伦敦人,教了二十多年的书。Armine属于那种特别old school风格,教学上一丝不苟说话严谨,每周让你读的reading list,让你看的视频都必须按时看完,上课跟着节奏走的,严格遵循Learning Modules,非常清晰有条理。问题只有一个,Armine不完全说的是RP,我理解为伦敦口音,可能还有一点Cockney accent(伦敦东区口音),我必须集中精力听,费力地听,不然会miss掉一些词。课间闲聊时,我跟Armine说过自己之前收到英国大学的offer没去,因为天气原因选了悉尼的学校(估计心想这孩子真有出息啊
)。这个伦敦老师笑了,说殊途同归,效果the same,哈哈哈,算是安慰我的小遗憾。
我的英文基础是雅思总分6.5,阅读7分,海外日常课程学习并不会太为难我,但在很多时候我依然觉得自己英文很差。我想说作为老一辈阿姨,从中学时代开始,我们十八线学的真是“塑料英语”啊。比如我女儿两岁多,正在看的Dinosaur,老母亲俨然教不了,儿童读物里面的stegosaurus, triceratops, pterodactyl, brontosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex各种恐龙🦕我基本一个都不认识,她倒说得可溜了。我再举个小例子,比如“我稍后给你发邮件”,一般人家说的是:I'll drop you an email later. 或 I'll ping you an email later.无论你用哪个,都比我们学的 I will send you an emai更常用,不要笑话,我到了四十岁时才知道

说回伦敦腔的问题,一般人认为,像英国首相演讲、女王演讲就是伦敦腔,其实不是。过去伦敦口音大致分为东部工人阶级Cockney,吞音H,T,元音不饱满,ei像ai, 和西部富人区比较classic的口音,发音清晰接近RP。看BBC节目上有说现在,Cockney增加了牙买加口音,是的,你没听错,受非洲裔移民影响,伦敦年轻人口音受到牙买加影响。女王的英语就不要学了,那么Posh的口音,一介平民会被笑话的。之前听一个Podcast博主讲,在澳洲你从西到东,珀斯到悉尼,几千公里的距离下了飞机后发现大家口音都差不多;而在英国有成百上千种口音,比如从利物浦到曼切斯特,开车大概只有三十分钟的距离,口音简直天壤之别,英国人之间互相好mean,对此网上有很多吐槽的段子。
B站搜Trevor Noah专辑Afraid of the Dark,爆笑吐槽英国人抱怨移民问题和苏格兰口音,崔娃从(10:01-11:49)开始全程高能说英国脱欧,他模仿本地人抱怨的口音就是Cockney accent:
“They made it seems like they thought of economic problems, that wasn't true. Fundamentally, people who wanted their country back, it never went anywhere, but they still wanted it back. I saw people on the news taking to BBC, that's why I'm voting for Britain, because this bloody country is going to the dog, I'm voting for Britain, because  I want Britain back. From who? Britain has 95% white people. People say the weird things, crazy things. These bloody immigrants, no good right, they should go back to where they come from. Why do you hate them so much? I'll tell you why. Because they are not trying to be British, that's why. They come here, they bring their bloody culture, they bring their food, speak bloody languages, and try to take over this whole bloody place. That sounds British to me. If there is one country, if there is one nation in the world, that has no right to complain about the immigration. It's The Great Britain.”
There is a Gupta On My Stoep
模仿Aussie白人如入无人之境,White people have a very passive aggressive attitude, they don't know how to handle conflicts, 这段(50:35- 59:13)我真是笑炸裂

。好了,学术学British English,生活学Aussie English,实际上说的是Chinglish,哈哈哈


15 July 2021
