
三月二十一日 美国加州硅谷
3月23日星期一, 冷雨
昨夜是我那么多天来第一次睡满了五个小时,尽管是由几个碎片化的小憩累积而成。这个世界现在充满了碎片,碎片化的热带森林(Science Advances  11 Mar 2020: 
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax8574),
运动完也才八点不到。将早餐送给还在主卧闭关的先生之后,我自己也开始一边啃Corn Muffin一边用iPen在Pad上修改批注博士生W的毕业论文。哥哥这周是spring break,没有课。妹妹学校所谓的远程教育其实就是老师们每天布置一堆作业让他们完成,然后他们用电邮传给老师。因此他们俩这周都可以睡觉睡到自然醒。
我工作了一会儿,电脑上弹出一封电邮——一位在local做医生的校友请求我们从实验室调拨捐赠防护器材给他们。因为我的Lab有一个简易的超净室,所以我有clean room使用的防护服和脚套,也有防护目镜和手套。我于是给博士生AC发了个电邮,请他清点一下实验室的防护器材,我们每样只留三套,剩下来全捐给这个校友。毕竟学校要整个shut down到五月底,短时间内我们也不会用到这些防护器材。

(截至2020年3月23日23:39 EDT,美国确诊46,376人,死亡585人,治愈314人。宾州确诊698人,死亡6人。蒙县确诊136人,死亡1人。)
March 23, Monday
Western Suburb of Philadelphia
Everyone’s started to adapt to the changes now.
I don’t know whether to be sad or happy that I now have more things to do. I guess I'm sad because it was quite nice just watching movies all day with no responsibilities. But I'm also pretty happy that now I actually have something to do and I won’t be bored out of my mind.
Artist: Cupcake at age 9
Piano class, which I begged mom to start at age 4,  is now on Skype, and online school has already started for about a week. I still don’t think there’s any possible way to do swimming though. I’ve also been going to church online along with my family. My brother started doing karate through video chats and it's kind of funny to see him practicing in our living room trying not to punch the tv.
Like I said, everybody is adapting.
Today, Governor Wolf announced that all statewide schools are shutting down until at least April 6! That means school is closing for even longer! I immediately went to check my school website and my school district is closed until April 13! 
Should I be sad, worried, depressed, and feeling unsafe?
Maybe I should, but I actually don’t really feel sad, worried, depressed, and unsafe. Maybe that’s because I’ve lived quite an uneventful life without that many dangers and only unimportant things to worry about. Maybe that’s because my life hasn’t really been affected badly by the virus yet. I’m not sure. My parents are definitely very cautious and worried about everything, so, you know, they do the worrying for me. 
Just kidding. 
I guess I’m just not that worried because I feel like with all this going on, life’s gonna go on anyways, so why spend all your time worrying? As long as you are safe, you know what you need to do and all the important information, and everything is okay so far, just try to ignore your worries for once! I mean, of course there’s a lot of “ifs”, but an “if” is exactly what it is-- it’s a possibility. That means the bad things you’re worried about might not happen, so just move your eyes away from whatever screen they’re glued to and enjoy the day for once or something, obviously staying in your yard.
Anyways, while everyone else is already pretty much done adapting, I’m just following along with them. For me, it’s not that hard to adapt because in a way everything is basically being taken away from me, leaving me with a lot of free time. It’s like if you made a schedule of my “old” life, it would be packed, but if you made a schedule of my “now” life, there literally wouldn’t be anything in it. Just an empty sheet of paper with a couple jotted notes of assignments due and online skype sessions.
I think the thing I miss most about school (not that I miss much about it...) is my friends. It was always fun to hang out together and make each other laugh. We do have ways to keep in contact with each other now, but it isn’t the same.
Somehow I know that when my old life resumes, everything and everyone is going to be different, even if I’m back to where I was before. But it might not be different in a bad way! It’ll just be different because everybody and everything has changed.
Oh yeah, and I didn’t fail my math assignment today! (Not like I did that any other day… *cough *cough)
March 24, Monday
Western Suburb of Philadelphia
Today was pretty boring. Other than my piano class, playing tennis, and doing homework, I didn’t really do anything else. 
I stayed home all day, going outside to hit the tennis ball against our garage door once a while in the driveway since I don’t really have any other way to exercise. It’s actually kind of physically taxing, especially when I try to purposely hit the ball at hard angles so I have to run from left to right and back around again.
I mean, hey, at times like this, you’ve gotta get a bit more creative in your methods of exercise!
Everything is just so… calm right now. It’s almost like the calm-before-the-storm type of calm, but that really doesn’t make it less boring. I wonder which is worse: feeling so tired you feel like you can’t go on or so bored and unproductive that you feel like a complete idiot?
Anyways, it was a Tuesday today, so that was the day we had to take out the trash. Since the trash cans were passed by a lot of people and they’re pretty disgusting and dirty in general, we had to wear gloves and everything. It was sort of funny trying to open the door with my elbow because I couldn’t infect the door handle with the germs on my gloves.
Then, after we got inside, we took off the gloves, threw them in the trash, and went to wash our hands anyways, even though we wore gloves. I know that’s just in case, but I’m kind of getting sick of the hand washing. Before the coronavirus became a stay-at-home-or-die kind of thing, dad ran to CVS to confiscate the last four remaining bottles of hand sanitizer on the shelf and put them on our living room table. Sometimes I glance longingly at the bottles, but dad says they’re there for backup and when we run out of running water. So we have to stick with scrubbing your hands for at least twenty seconds while singing happy birthday twice under your breath.
It just gets kind of annoying because you have to do it so many times a day. I now automatically groan when I see a bar of soap or hear the words “wash your hands!”, but then I suck it up because I know we’re only doing this to keep ourselves safe, plastering a did-I-just-groan look on my face. If I don’t I’m going to get a whole other lecture about handwashing. If there’s something more annoying than washing your hands ten times a day it's getting a lecture on it ten times a day.
That still doesn’t help me from pointing out there are two perfectly full bottles of hand sanitizer that can clean our hands in about five seconds.
3月24日  晴 周二
先说个人,在总统在推特上直呼Chinese Virus,让整个美国亚裔群体感到不安时,我家房子的前后门锁都出了问题,同时烘干机故障,无法为衣服进一步消毒,甚至两个浴室都有不同程度的问题(完美诠释“屋漏偏逢连夜雨”),幸亏还有亲戚在美国,连夜把孩子送了过去,再一一修理;接着腰又扭伤,一两天内几乎半身不遂,一时心灰意冷,爱谁谁去。
最后说国家,自从纽约第一例确诊开始,人数直线攀升,初期跟华盛顿州竞争高下,现在已遥遥领先,就长岛的一个郡(nassau county)的确诊人数都超过整个加州;这一两周股市尸横遍野,S&P500跌回总统就任前,small business纷纷关门,对于一些人甚至出现了“有可能得病”可怕,还是“肯定没饭吃”可怕的两难选择。美国人是不存钱的,也是没见过尸体一具具搬出去烧掉的,未来会怎样,谁也不好说。
三周前朋友从维也纳hotel Sacher带来的蛋糕,儿子谨慎地看了一眼,问“欧洲来的,能吃吗?”提醒完毕,其实也不是很想知道答案,立马和弟弟开吃……
(截止3月24日,美国确诊54772例,死亡740例;纽约州确诊26374例,死亡232例;Suffolk County确诊1880例,死亡17例。)