本周,深受大家喜爱的科洛杰大律师又来给大家讲解干货啦!本次给大家带来的话题是:Immigration-Related Worksite Enforcement Visits to Increase in 2018: How Companies and Visa Holders Can Protect Themselves2018年开始增强的移民局实地调查举措:公司和签证持有者如何保护自身利益。
毕业于美国顶尖法学院之⼀的乔治华盛顿⼤学,科洛杰律师 有着多年的从业经验,专精美国以商业、投资为背景的移民 法,他于2013年被选为美国移民律师协会⽴法⼩组成员。在 ⾸都华盛顿任职期间,科洛杰律师主要负责对国会移民改⾰ ⽴法进⾏法律和政策分析,曾处理⼤量最新移民法、国籍法等问 题,拥有多年经验的他在移民最新政策⽅⾯拥有着超越于常⼈的 先⻅之明和洞悉⼒。
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is increasing job site visits as part of their Administrative Site Visit and Verification Program. Begun in July 2009 as an additional way to verify information in certain visa petitions, under this program Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) officers make unannounced visits to collect information as part of a compliance review at the locations where foreign nationals are employed. They question the foreign national and other employees at the work location, and if the information they find does not match the information provided on the visa applications, or if it appears that the foreign national employee is not complying with the visa requirements, a fraud investigation may be initiated.
在实地调查后,如果FDNS的官员认为该雇主或雇员对公司信息,雇员工作内容或资质,或任何和签证申请有关的实质性材料没有如实呈报,那么这将可能导致反欺诈调查的启动,并最终可能导致签证被撤销,还将对该公司所有外籍员工的签证均造成影响。如果必要的话,该调查可能将递交给ICE 进行管辖(移民和海关执法局)。该调查可能会导致对雇主和雇员的民事及刑事处罚,如果雇员被认定为移民欺诈,则将永久被拒绝入境。因此对于雇主和雇员来说,确保所有的签证申请是准确和真实的,并且始终符合签证申请的法定要求这一点将十分必要。
What is the Purpose of the Site Visit Program?
The stated purpose of the program is to verify information about H-1B and L-1 petitions, two of the most common work visas, which are for workers in specialty occupations requiring a bachelor’s degree and for international company transferees, respectively. Immigration lawyers have reported a marked increase in site visits to companies and workplaces, likely as a result of the Trump administration “Buy American and Hire American” executive order signed in April 2017 that requires the federal government to come up with ways to ensure that U.S. workers are prioritized over foreign nationals. The order specifically targets the H-1B visa program, but increased sites visits to L-1A and L-1B visa beneficiaries at their work places have also be reported.
该项目很明显的目的是验证H-1B和L-1这两种最常见签证申请的信息的真实性,H-1B签证要求雇员从事至少需要本科学历来完成的专业性职位,L-1签证要求为跨国公司高管。根据移民律师的报告,显著增长的实地调查行为可能是受特朗普在2017年4月签署的“Buy American and Hire American”行政令的影响,该行政令要求联邦政府保障美国工人相较于外籍员工有被有限雇佣的权利。该项命令特别指向了H-1B签证,但是同样的,L-1A和L-1B类型的签证实地调查现象根据报告也呈明显上身趋势。
Inspectors may request information about the company’s activities and financial information and employees’ duties, reports, and salary, and any other relevant information in the visa petition. Inspections are intended to accomplish the following:
1,Verify the information, including supporting documents, submitted with the visa petition;
2,Verify that the petitioning organization exists;
3,Review public records and information on the petitioning organization;
4,Take photographs;
5,Review documents; interview personnel to confirm the beneficiary’s work location, physical workspace, hours, salary and duties; and
6,Interview the foreign national visa beneficiary.
What Are the Consequences of a Site Visit?
Following a site visit, if the FDNS officer determines that the employer or the employee has misrepresented information about the company, the duties or qualifications of the employee, or any of the other material facts on a visa application, this can result in a fraud investigation and eventually in the revocation of the visa, and may affect the visas of all the foreign national employees of that company. If necessary, the investigation may be referred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). These investigations may result in civil and criminal penalties for both the employer and employee, and if an employee is determined to have committed immigration fraud they may be banned from the United States permanently. It is therefore very important that employers and their employees ensure that all visa applications are accurate and truthful and that compliance with visa requirements is maintained at all times.
在实地调查后,如果FDNS的官员认为该雇主或雇员对公司信息,雇员工作内容或资质,或任何和签证申请有关的实质性材料没有如实呈报,那么这将可能导致反欺诈调查的启动,并最终可能导致签证被撤销,还将对该公司所有外籍员工的签证均造成影响。如果必要的话,该调查可能将递交给ICE 进行管辖(移民和海关执法局)。该调查可能会导致对雇主和雇员的民事及刑事处罚,如果雇员被认定为移民欺诈,则将永久被拒绝入境。因此对于雇主和雇员来说,确保所有的签证申请是准确和真实的,并且始终符合签证申请的法定要求这一点将十分必要。
How Should an Employer Respond to a Surprise Site Visit?雇主将如何应对移民局突击检查? How Should Employers and Visa Holders Prepare for Future Site Visits? 雇主和签证持有者应作何种准备应付实地调查?无论您是雇主或者雇员,如果您对 该如何应对移民局的检查有任何困惑的地方,请您随时联系我们。联系电话:1-347-897-6199。或者扫描文章下的二维码,添加我们的微信随时掌握第一手动态。
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