
磁电异质结集磁性材料和介电材料的功能特性于一身。更重要的是,其多种序参量之间的耦合会产生新的效应,例如,磁性材料中磁性序和介电材料中电极化序相互耦合产生磁电效应,即磁能和电能可以在几乎零电流下实现相互转换。复合材料和异质结中的磁电效应,由材料不同组元之间的界面进行磁、电和/或弹性能量的交换而实现,其效应强弱可由磁场能和电场能之间的转换量而测定。磁电效应强度可通过为其组元选择合适的材料、形状和尺寸,以及微结构而量身定制。来自美国宾州州立大学的胡嘉冕(现在威斯康星大学)和陈龙庆教授、华东师范大学段纯刚教授、以及清华大学南策文院士综述了磁电效应机理及磁电异质结由理论和计算指导而设计的最新进展,概述了磁电异质结方面一些有待解决的问题,编制了块体和薄膜电磁复合材料的磁电耦合系数实验数据集,并展望了磁电复合材料在材料微结构(介观)尺度上由数据驱动的计算设计前景。论文近日在npj Computational Materials 3:18 (2017) 发表,标题与摘要如下,点击阅读原文可以自由下载PDF。
Understanding and designing magnetoelectric heterostructures guided by computation: progresses, remaining questions, and perspectives
Jia-Mian Hu, Chun-Gang Duan, Ce-Wen Nan & Long-Qing Chen
npj Computational Materials 3:18 (2017);
Magnetoelectric composites and heterostructures integrate magnetic and dielectric materials to produce new functionalities, e.g., magnetoelectric responses that are absent in each of the constituent materials but emerge through the coupling between magnetic order in the magnetic material and electric order in the dielectric material. The magnetoelectric coupling in these composites and heterostructures is typically achieved through the exchange of magnetic, electric, or/and elastic energy across the interfaces between the different constituent materials, and the coupling effect is measured by the degree of conversion between magnetic and electric energy in the absence of an electric current. The strength of magnetoelectric coupling can be tailored by choosing suited materials for each constituent and by geometrical and microstructural designs. In this article, we discuss recent progresses on the understanding of magnetoelectric coupling mechanisms and the design of magnetoelectric heterostructures guided by theory and computation. We outline a number of unsolved issues concerning magnetoelectric heterostructures. We compile a relatively comprehensive experimental dataset on the magnetoelecric coupling coefficients in both bulk and thin-film magnetoelectric composites and offer a perspective on the data-driven computational design of magnetoelectric composites at the mesoscale microstructure level.
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