
The earth filled up with people, but they sinned so much that God was sorry He had made them. He decided to send a flood to wash away everyone on earth.

人类生儿育女,遍满了地 面,可是他们的罪恶也很大,上帝为他的创造感到难过。上帝决定降下洪水把所有的活物都从地上除灭。
There was a man named Noah who wasn't like the others. Noah loved God and obeyed Him. God decided to spare Noah and his family from the flood.God warned Noah about the flood. He told him to build an enormous boat with a low roof, three decks, a window, and a door. In obedience, Noah built it.
有一个人叫挪亚,他不像其他人那样作恶。挪亚爱上帝,并且听从上帝的话。上帝决定拯救挪亚和他的家人免受洪水之灾。上帝警告挪亚地上会有大洪水。他吩咐挪亚造一只巨大的方舟。方舟要分三层,有船顶、有一扇门、 一扇窗。挪亚就按照上帝的指示建造方舟。
God told Noah to collect two of every kind of animal. One male. One female. Then Noah, his family, and the animals went into the boat. God shut the door.It rained for forty days and forty nights. Water fell from the sky and rose from the oceans and lakes. Even the tallest mountains disappeared beneath the flood.

Meanwhile, Noah, his family, and all the animals were safe in the boat, floating on the flood waters. God had not forgotten about Noah, not even for a moment.

God sent a wind to blow. The waters went down. The boat rested on Mount Ararat. Noah sent out a dove. When it didn't return, he knew it was safe.When the ground was dry, God told them to come out.  He put a rainbow in the sky as a promise that He would never flood the whole earth again.