The First Sin,The Fall
The first man and woman, Adam and Eve, lived in a beautiful garden that God made for them. But Satan came as a crafty serpent and tempted Adam and Eve...
上帝创造了世界上第一个男人和女人,亚当和夏娃,并造了一个美丽的园子给他们居住。有一天, 魔鬼撒但化身为狡猾的蛇,来到园中,引诱亚当和夏娃……
"Did God say you must not eat the fruit from these trees?" the serpent asked Eve. "Just the tree in the middle," Eve replied. "If we eat from it, we'll die.""You won't die!" said the serpent. "There's a reason why God doesn't want you to eat from that tree. If you do, you'll be like Him. You'll know what He knows!"
"上帝真的说不许你们吃这些树上果子吗?"蛇问夏娃。“只有园当中那棵树上 的果子不许吃”,夏娃回答说。“如果我们吃了,就会死。” "你们不会死的!"蛇说。“上帝不许你们吃那棵树上的果子,是因为你们吃了,就会像上帝一样, 知道他所知道的事了!"
Eve ate the fruit. She gave some to Adam, who was with her. He ate it, too. And at once, they knew things they had never known before.One thing they knew was that they were naked! They sewed leaves together to cover themselves. They'd never felt fear or shame before, so they knew something was wrong.
"Adam!" God called. "Eve!"  "We're hiding," said Adam. "We're naked." "You know that because you ate from the tree," God sighed. Then Adam blamed Eve, and Eve blamed the serpent.
 "亚当!夏娃! ”上帝呼唤道。“我们躲起来了”,亚当说。“因为我们光着身子。” "唉,你一定是吃了那棵树上的果子,才知道自己光着身子,上帝叹息着说。亚当说都怪夏娃 ,而夏娃说都是蛇的错。
God said, "Serpent, you must crawl on your belly. A woman's son will defeat you. Eve, childbirth will be painful. Adam, growing food will be difficult."
Then God made clothes for Adam and Eve and sent them out of the garden. He put an angel with a flaming sword there, so they could not return.
Bible For Kids | 世界的开始 The Beginning of the World

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