
Fig. 1 HamGNN architecture and the illustration of its subnetworks.
Fig. 2 The prediction of HamGNN on several periodic solids that are not present in the training sets.
这些实际测试证明该研究提出的机器学习模型对电子哈密顿量的预测具有很高的精度和可迁移性,可以替代DFT用于高效计算大型系统的电子结构。该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 9:182 (2023)英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
Fig. 3 The electronic structure prediction on the BixSey quantum materials.
Transferable equivariant graph neural networks for the Hamiltonians of molecules and solids
Yang Zhong, Hongyu Yu, Mao Su, Xingao Gong & Hongjun Xiang
 This work presents an E(3) equivariant graph neural network called HamGNN, which can fit the electronic Hamiltonian matrix of molecules and solids by a complete data-driven method. Unlike invariant models that achieve equivariance approximately through data augmentation, HamGNN employs E(3) equivariant convolutions to construct the Hamiltonian matrix, ensuring strict adherence to all equivariant constraints inherent in the physical system. In contrast to previous models with limited transferability, HamGNN demonstrates exceptional accuracy on various datasets, including QM9 molecular datasets, carbon allotropes, silicon allotropes, SiO2 isomers, and BixSey compounds. The trained HamGNN models exhibit accurate predictions of electronic structures for large crystals beyond the training set, including the Moiré twisted bilayer MoS2 and silicon supercells with dislocation defects, showcasing remarkable transferability and generalization capabilities. The HamGNN model, trained on small systems, can serve as an efficient alternative to density functional theory (DFT) for accurately computing the electronic structures of large systems.