艺学就会:Hi Jing! Thank you for joining the interview with GetArt Art Centre. First of all, congratulations on receiving four great offers! Can you please give us a brief introduction of yourself?
JingHey My name is Jing and I will be attending Sheridan College for interaction design this fall, I was also accepted into the illustration program at OCAD and interior design at Sheridan, I realized I wanted to go into arts around 5 months before portfolios were due and that's when I started to learn from basics starting from ground zero to prepare for my portfolio.  
艺学就会What do you think was the biggest challenge you encountered while preparing your portfolio? How did you overcome these difficulties?
Jing:Biggest challenge was definitely trying to learn so much in such a short period of time while having to do schoolwork s well as go to school on the side, but I made lists and split up my tasks each week evenly and got everything done by chacking off thing as I got them done.  Which did help me a lot in the long run in making sure I didn't miss anything.
艺学就会Your grades in school are outstanding, and at the same time you also need to do a lot of work preparing the portfolio, can you share how did you arrange your time to accomplish these two difficult tasks at the same time?
JingI started each day by writing down any assignments for school and portfolio and I always started with the things I was least interested in and moved my way up, and by doing so it kept me motivated to start doing the tasks I actually did enjoy.  
艺学就会2020 is a very special year. Many things have changed, do you think this will affect your artwork or future plans?
JingThe pandemic has definitely changed the workflow throughout my day, for example, classes are online which gives me more time for art and creative things but along with that I have a more heavy workload because of how the semesters are split for my school, I have 4 quadsemesters instead if the normal 2 and even if there are only two classes, the workload gets doubled, which was hard for me to adjust to.  
艺学就会Do you have any artists your currently following or favorite art styles and materials you can share with us?
JingI recently got into digitally drawing on an Ipad which is really fun and there are so many things I can do now because of it and even though I’m still in the learning process I can tell that I will be able to create some amazing pieces in the future.
艺学就会During the time you studied with Mr.Yuan, could you please share some impressive moments with us?
JingI think it’s really cool how quickly he was able to demonstrate ideas and concepts out for me, he was very easy to learn from and he taught me basically everything I know today about art fundamentals.  I also liked how much he believed in me, once again as someone who never took art seriously until now, I was very happy to know he was on my side throughout the entire process.  Mr.Yuan always answered my questions, gave me help when I needed it and made sure I was on the right path.  He helped me plan my progress to finish my portfolio on time with time to spare for improvements.  He was overall super nice and generous and for sure very helpful. 
艺学就会As a student who didn't get much art courses before, you have obtained four very good offers in such a short period of preparation time. We are really happy and proud of you!  One last question, could you please give some suggestions to those younger students who are preparing a portfolio, especially those who are similar to you that do not have much time for preparing?
JingDefinitely don’t stress yourself out too much and overwork, I know it can be challenging and tough but if you know you tried your best then there's nothing else you can do. I do think it is good to practice every day even when you don't have a lot of time, a simple drawing will improve your skills over time and as long as you plan everything out it will be ok. 
Honours Bachelor of Interaction Design
交互设计(英文Interaction Design, 缩写IXD),是设计系统动态、人机互动方式的领域,通俗来说就是“用户体验设计”。
要求学生在完成大三学业的夏季(5- 8月)期间有一个为期至少3个月的强制性实习。实习是工作整合学习的一种形式,将课堂学习与专业环境中的工作经验联系在一起。实习工作条款与学生的学术研究有关,可以有偿也可以无偿。学生将获得课堂上和一对一的职业教育支持,以帮助准备实习。实习部分由Sheridan合作教育办公室提供,该办公室每年在Sheridan范围内促进1,800多个实习工作条件。并且学生带薪实习安排成功率88%。
Tuition and Fees 2020/2021
Domestic Fees Range: $9,540.91
International Fees Range: $25,807.91
Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent, including these required courses:
English, Grade 12 (ENG4U)
One Grade 11 or 12 Visual Arts credit at the M or Open level
Four other Grade 12 subjects at the U or M level
Minimum 65% overall average
Two semesters of postsecondary education including required courses with a minimum 65% overall average