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United States | Series reboot
United States | Series reboot
Donald Trump declares that he will make America great again, again
Regrettably he should not be underestimated
You could tell something was afoot on the swampy, sweltering evening of November 15th in Palm Beach. The bridge to Mar-a-Lago, the opulent resort where Donald Trump resides, was thronged with fans who draped themselves, despite the humidity, in “Make America Great Again” flags—ambling, praying, tailgating. Inside the former president’s palace, something extraordinary was indeed happening in front of a swankier crowd—an assemblage of suits with red baseball caps and evening dresses with pearls. Mr Trump was there to announce formally a decision that he had already hinted at over the past year: that he would be embarking on a revenge bid to take back the presidency in 2024.
Ever since he left the White House, shortly after the attempted insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th, Mr Trump has been plotting a comeback. He managed to keep a tight leash on the party throughout the midterm elections, meddling in primaries to pick candidates who most fervently endorsed the lie that Democrats had stolen the presidential election. Having restored himself to the helm of the party, the former president was preparing to crow after November 8th when Republicans expected to sweep back to power.
That didn’t happen, however. The Senate remained in Democratic control, while Republicans scraped together the barest majority in the House of Representatives. The sycophants who ran in key races in the swing states of Arizona and Pennsylvania came up with naught. The performance was so sub-par that his advisers reportedly tried counselling him to delay the announcement. But contrition and humility are not Mr Trump’s thing. He simply took credit for the House flipping and blamed the bad results on other Republicans.
There was little new in the speech, which was largely a rehashing of the hour-long stemwinders he has been delivering at political rallies for the better part of the year. He revelled in the fact that “now we are a nation in decline” and “a failing nation”, recapitulating the theme of “American carnage” from his inaugural address by describing “blood-soaked streets” in cities that are “cesspools of violent crimes” and the ongoing invasion of fentanyl-toting illegal immigrants. His policy recommendations remained the same, with some updates for new culture-war battles over critical race theory and transgender children, though in addition to old proposals he now wants to execute drug-dealers. Once again, only he alone could fix America’s decline.
But the fighting words were delivered with less verve. Perhaps the weight of the midterms embarrassment pressed down, or the mountain of legal inquiries, or the prospect of a two-year-long campaign. The light behind the eyes had dimmed. “I’m a victim, I will tell you,” he said in the most heartfelt portion of the speech.
Mr Trump’s haste to re-enter the fray can be explained by two things. First, he faces multiple investigations: the Department of Justice is investigating whether or not he improperly took classified materials from the White House; the congressional January 6th committee has spent more than a year unravelling the effort to overturn the election result; prosecutors in Georgia are examining his exhortation to election officials to “find” enough votes for him to secure victory. Prosecuting a former president for this was already fraught and unprecedented, presenting difficult paths to trial and conviction. That he is also an active presidential candidate—with an excellent chance at winning his party’s nomination again, and, Democrats must admit, the general election, too—makes prosecution even harder.
But, more important, his tight hold over the party is starting to be questioned, with elites searching for a way out that does not endanger their chance of maintaining power. Previous periods of questioning have usually been prompted by some whopping scandal—the revelation of the “Access Hollywood” tape in the closing days of the 2016 election, the praising of white supremacists who rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, or the campaign to delegitimise elections that ended in the sacking of the Capitol. In all cases, these doubts eventually subsided because Republicans reasoned that the man won them elections, and they could not figure out a way to do so without him.
The midterms have called that into question. Mr Trump lost Republicans the House in his own midterm elections in 2018; he lost the presidential election in 2020; he almost single-handedly lost Republicans the Senate in the Georgia run-off elections held in 2021; and in 2022 he arguably kept the Senate in Democratic hands by boosting the campaigns of novice candidates. A morally compromised winner Republicans could live with; a morally compromised loser is less enticing.
By declaring early, Mr Trump hopes to freeze out potential successors to lead the party like Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida, and Glenn Youngkin, the governor of Virginia—both of whom the former president has already taken to sniping at. At his announcement speech at Mar-a-Lago, Mr Trump had the grace to refrain from reiterating his criticisms of them (he had branded one “Ron DeSanctimonious” and criticised the other for having a Chinese-sounding surname). Perhaps that is why the former president did not appear to be having much fun. He has always taken a relish to the personality-bashing aspects of politics, and much less to the dull business of policymaking.
特朗普希望,通过提前宣布参加2024年总统大选,自己可以狙击潜在的党魁竞争对手,如弗罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)和弗吉尼亚州州长格伦·杨金(Glenn Youngkin)。他讽刺过这两人,此前他称德桑蒂斯德貌岸然Ron DeSanctimonious),批评杨金的姓氏听起来像中国人,但是在海湖庄园的演讲中,特朗普颇有风度地克制住了对他们的批评。也许这就是特朗普这次看起来并不开心的原因。他享受政治博弈中人身攻击的环节,远胜过枯燥的政策制定工作。
10 He also avoided repeating his claims that the presidential election was stolen, save one passing insinuation that some government had interfered to defeat him. If his advisers and speechwriters managed to keep him in check for one evening, they should not expect to do so over the interminable two-year campaign for the presidency that now awaits them.
Away from the presidential struggle that looms ahead, the tumult is being felt in other ways. Kevin McCarthy, the Republican congressman who expected to be easily made speaker of the House, secured such a small majority of seats that the far-right Freedom Caucus will be able to exact big concessions by threatening his removal.
除了即将到来的总统角逐,其他方面也危机四伏。众议院方面,共和党议员凯文麦卡锡(Kevin McCarthy)原本有望轻松当选议长,然而共和党仅以微弱优势获得多数席位,以至于极右派自由党团(顿时成为关键少数)能够通过罢免威胁来迫使他作出重大让步。
In the Senate, Mitch McConnell, the party’s leader, faced a leadership challenge from Rick Scott, the senator from Florida. Although Mr Scott chaired the party committee in charge of ensuring a Senate majority, he blames Mr McConnell for the lacklustre result because he had expressed some displeasure at the Trumpian slate of candidates. Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the party ever since 2017, is also facing down a possible insurrection of her own. Even if all are ultimately unsuccessful, they reflect the anxieties of a party that must once again decide if the pact with Mr Trump is worth it.
参议院方面,多数党(共和党)领袖米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)面临着佛罗里达州参议员里克·斯科特(Rick Scott)对其领袖地位的挑战。尽管斯科特是负责确保参议院多数席位的共和党参议院委员会主席,但他将选举结果不佳归咎于麦康奈尔,因为后者曾对特朗普的候选人名单表达不满。自2017年以来一直担任共和党全国委员会主席的罗娜·麦克丹尼尔(Ronna McDaniel)也正忙于打压一场潜在的党内叛乱。即使所有这些举动都未能掀起什么风浪,但还是反映出共和党内的焦虑,即必须重新审度与特朗普达成的协议是否值得。
Time and time again, the elected Republicans have balked when presented with opportunities to distance themselves from Mr Trump. The next few months will offer another one. At the moment, other contenders, including Trump administration officials like the former vice-president Mike Pence, who just released a memoir somewhat critical of his boss, are jostling for position but are unlikely to immediately declare their candidacies. Mr DeSantis would probably wait until after the Florida legislative session ends in May. Being the only major declared candidate might give Mr Trump the opportunity to consolidate slipping support within the party. It might also leave him the one most exposed to attacks from within. “The journey ahead of us will not be easy,” Mr Trump warned in his speech. “Anyone who truly seeks to take on this rigged and corrupt system will be faced with a storm of fire than only a few could understand.” That sense of apocalyptic anxiety is widely shared.
当选的共和党人一次又一次有机会与特朗普保持距离,但却始终犹豫不决。这样的机会在接下来的几个月还会出现。目前,其他竞争者,包括前副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)等特朗普政府官员,属意总统之位,但不太可能立即宣布参选。彭斯刚刚出版了一本回忆录,对特朗普颇有微词。德桑蒂斯可能会等到明年5月佛罗里达州立法会议结束后才宣布竞选。作为唯一宣布参选的主要候选人,特朗普可能借此巩固党内不断下滑的支持率。而这也可能让他在党内成为众矢之的。前路不会一帆风顺,特朗普在演讲中警告称,这是一个备受操纵的腐败体系,任何真正想要挑战它的人都将面临狂风暴雨,只有少数人明白个中滋味。这种遭遇末日般的焦虑感普遍存在。

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