①FOR DECADES environmentalists have warned that the world is going to burn. ②Mostly, they meant it figuratively. ③But footage of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California, make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire. ④New infernos have been whipped up by strong winds and scorching temperatures across the Golden State. ⑤On September 7th PG&E, a utility serving northern California, shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes in an attempt to stop live lines from sparking more blazes.


①For decades environmentalists have warned that the world is going to burn. ②Mostly, they meant it figuratively.几十年来,环保人士一直警告说,地球将燃烧。这通常只是一个比喻说法。
句首先以一个状语点明时间:For decades 几十年来
这几十年发生什么事呢?看句子主干:environmentalists have warned that...,环保人士一直警告...
警告什么?继续往后看:the world is going to burn 地球将燃烧。
紧接着②句补充:Mostly, they meant it figuratively.
Mostly 可以当 mainly, generally 讲,表示“一般来说,通常”。
figuratively是“比喻地”,mean it figuratively就可以理解成:它是比喻的说法。即,地球不是真的燃烧,而是以 burn 比喻地球气温升高。

③But footage of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California, make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire.但是,大火席卷西伯利亚大草原、亚马逊森林、澳大利亚部分地区,现在又一次席卷加州,这些镜头让人很容易认为,地球真的在熊熊燃烧。
这句话引出了主题,从“the world is going to burn”的比喻说法过渡到“地球真的在熊熊燃烧”这一事实。
我们先把这句话的主干拎出来看一下:But footage make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire.
footage不用多说,表示“画面、镜头”,读一读英文解释更好理解:part of a film showing a particular event,某一事件的视频片段。
后面,make it easy to believe...很好理解:让人们很容易认为...,其中it是形式宾语,起到占位作用,无实意,再看一个类似的句子:
She made it clear that she didn't love him.
继续往后看:the planet is, literally, on fire.
on fire指“着火”的状态,比如等快递的你,最担心 Packages are on fire (包裹着火) 了。
如果是“纵火”,可以说 set sth on fire.
中间的 literally 是一个插入语,意思是“按字面、字面上”,和前面的 figuratively 相对。
比如女朋友让你“滚”,不是让你真滚,Don't take it literally(不要按照字面意思来理解),真滚了就回不来了。(别问我怎么知道,我一个朋友告诉我的)
再比如女朋友打电话时说“我没事 你挂吧”,Don't take it literally,你挂就挂。(危险动作,请勿模仿)
文中 the planet is, literally, on fire 的意思就是:地球真的在着火。(由比喻义转为字面意思,引出主题)
我们再回顾一下主干:But footage make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire.
of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California
其结构可以简化成:footage of fires 大火的镜头
后面“sweeping through A, B, C and now, once again, D可以看成V-ing形式的后置定语,修饰fires。
Tornadoes swept through Northeast China.
Wang Mian, with his almost perfect performance, swept into the lead in the latest Rock & Roast.
想一想,如果我们形容某人优秀、脱颖而出,会怎么说?大声告诉我:sb is very good/excellent!

用sweep into the lead替换,吊打good/excellent.
I feel very tired.
划掉重写:A wave of tiredness swept over me. 一阵疲惫突然来袭。
再补充一点,英语中很多词都用作比喻义,比如 floodtrickle,字面意思分别是“洪水”(n.)和“细流”(n.),描述水的运动。但在实际使用中,常比喻人流的移动,比如下课冲食堂,大家是这样的:
Students are flooding out of the classrooms and into the canteen.
Students are trickling into the classrooms in small numbers.
flooding out of the exam rooms
我们回到文中看句子:footage of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California
once again说明之前席卷过加州,现在又一次席卷。(几乎每年加州都会发生山火)
But footage of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California, make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire.

④New infernos have been whipped up by strong winds and scorching temperatures across the Golden State.加州的强风和高温掀起了新一片火海。
我们先拎出句子的核心结构:New infernos have been whipped up by strong winds and scorching temperatures
主语是 new infernos
inferno 在词典中的解释是:a very large dangerous fire that is out of control,本质上还是fire的意思,但比fire更凶猛。
谓语部分是have been whipped up by...
所以 whip 引申出“激发激起”的比喻义,用法为 whip sth up,比如,有的明星故意制造矛盾,以激起舆论,达到炒作的目的,我们可以说:
The post was designed to whip up public opinion.
再比如网络上经常有人“带节奏”,“带节奏”就是故意煽动吃瓜群众的情绪,所以我们也可以用whip up表示:
He is always whipping up the crowd.
特朗普每次演讲,都能 whip up a crowd,煽动起听众的情绪。
所以,文中 New infernos have been whipped up by strong winds and scorching temperatures 就可以理解为:强风和高温激起了/掀起了新一片火海。
scorching指very hot,也可以用baking替换。
bake是“烘焙、烤制”(v.),baking就是像被火烤一样“酷热的”,这两个词在 climate change 相关文章中经常出现。

回到文中来,strong winds and scorching temperatures 后面又加了一个定语结构进行修饰:across the Golden State
the Golden State指的就是“加州”,根据语境就可以推断出来。

⑤On September 7th PG&E, a utility serving northern California, shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes in an attempt to stop live lines from sparking more blazes.9月7日,PG&E(为加州北部地区提供服务的电力公司)切断了数万户家庭的电力供应,以避免带电电线引发更多火灾。
句首先点明时间:On September 7th,9月7日。
然后在主干部分交代了主要事件:PG&E shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes
句子主语PG&E是美国的一家电力公司,它切断了电力供应(shut off the power supply)。
shut off在这里指“切断”,也可以用cut off, switch off替换;
power此处指“电力供应”,可以说the power,也可以说 the power supply。再记一个“停电”的英文:a power failure;
注意,power supply后面加介词to,表示“面向XX的电力供应”,文中 the power supply to tens of thousands of homes 的意思就是:数万户家庭的电力供应。
cut off the power supply
回到主语PG&E,其实很多读者并不知道PG&E是神马东西,于是作者在后面加了一个「同位语+后置定语」的结构进行了介绍:a utility serving northern California
a utility是PG&E的同位语,utility是“公司”的意思,特指自来水、天然气、电力公司(与人们基本生活保障息息相关),文中的utility可以翻译成“电力公司”。
utility后面加了一个V-ing形式的后置定语“serving northern California”进行修饰,意思是:为加州北部地区提供服务的(电力公司)。
On September 7th PG&E, a utility serving northern California, shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes.
为什么要切断电力供应呢?主干后面通过 in an attempt 引出目的:stop live lines from sparking more blazes
stop... from... 阻止...做...
Be careful – those wires are live. 当心——那些电线带电。
文中 live lines 就是“带电电线”的意思。
后面 sparking more blazes 指“引发更多火灾”
The cooling-off period sparked a storm of protest online.
文中spark是对上文whip up的替换。
blaze指a very large fire,和上文的inferno是同义替换。
所以,后半句“stop live lines from sparking more blazes”就好理解了:阻止带电电线引发更多火灾。
On September 7th PG&E, a utility serving northern California, shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes in an attempt to stop live lines from sparking more blazes.

①FOR DECADES environmentalists have warned that the world is going to burn. ②Mostly, they meant it figuratively. ③But footage of fires sweeping through the Siberian steppe, the Amazon forest, parts of Australia and now, once again, California, make it easy to believe the planet is, literally, on fire. ④New infernos have been whipped up by strong winds and scorching temperatures across the Golden State. ⑤On September 7th PG&E, a utility serving northern California, shut off the power supply to tens of thousands of homes in an attempt to stop live lines from sparking more blazes.