这次我们有幸采访了DA!的合伙人,俄罗斯小姐姐Anna Andronova。UCL出身的她选择了中国作为她的创业空间。她对绘画和建筑有什么见解?又对中国的建筑产业有什么想法呢?话不多说,准备好膝盖吧!
作者 | GY
编辑 | Shirley Chen

Anna Andronova
安娜毕业于俄罗斯喀山国立大学建筑与工程学院,后赴英国留学于伦敦UCL巴特莱特建筑学院并完成硕士学位,获得Max Fordham Environmental Design Prize,她的硕士导师是世界著名绘画建筑师CJ.Lim, 最近获得的奖项包括:2018天空之城SKYCITY建筑设计竞赛三等奖、2017年第五届国际拉法格罗姆奖可持续发展项目和愿景奖-下一代奖(欧洲)、2016国际商业广场概念设计竞赛-商业改变城市-三等奖、2018年第二届“衲田杯”国际可持续建筑设计竞赛二等奖,2016香港未来全球挑战机场竞赛和国际威卢克斯日光奖欧洲赛区冠军等。她的作品也曾发表在各大媒体杂志,例如在《绘画未来:当代艺术与建筑绘画的思辨》一书中。安娜曾工作于槃达建筑设计事务所(北京),并在理查德·罗杰斯建筑设计事务所(伦敦)担任过建筑师一职。
Anna Andronova作品
Most of works are done primarily by hand, because this is the most fluid way for me to both think and to express the idea - just as chopsticks could be used for both cooking and eating. Drawing is a very powerful tool in architecture, but it shouldn’t be limited to it. Food is more important than a frying pan, idea is more important than a drawing. I will expand more in the next question.
I could not completely agree with the division between hand-drawing and software. Drawing is also only the tool. For some people, sculpting in 3D is more intuitive than sketching. And I wish I could write the sound symphony to express my idea about the building performance. I think the depth of connection between an artist and his tool is more important than the tool itself. On the other hand, tools we use are always affecting the expression. A building started from paper model is totally different from the one started from Maya massing. I think the more tools we know, the more we can combine according to idea needs - the more fluid will be the connection between initial idea and your creature. For me, combining drawing, physical and digital modelling, even writing and scripting are all important parts of expression.
作品 the grand paris of niger 图纸,讲述了一个关于水的sustainability的设想
For sure, there is always a gap. There’s a gap between your proto-idea and the final entry; a gap between winning entry and construction drawing, the gap between the construction drawing and workers’ understanding, the gap between final building and people’s experiences. Our profession consists of “gaps”, and this is exactly the place where magic happens. Working in a spatial design studio Loop.pH where I developed the project from idea to installation in one month, show me the beauty of this whole process in short time. The way our object got the shape because of fashion artist skills who drew the pattern for a pavilion, materials available to get, or our tired hands when we were knotting more than 2,000 knots in 16m long cord is exciting. For me, this is what architecture is. I think we always should face the gap not as a destructive occasion, but as a possibility to make a project richer.
当然会有距离。从你的初始概念到最终成果、从中标到施工图、从施工图到工人的理解、从最终建成的建筑到人们的体验,这之间永远会有距离。我们的专业就是充满着这样的“距离”,而这正是见证奇迹的时刻。我在空间设计事务所studio Loop.pH工作的时候,从装置的概念设计到建成只用了一个月时间。这一个月的时间我充分感受到这个短暂过程的美妙之处。不管是形式来自于时尚设计师利用现成材料设计pavalion的图案,还是我们徒手用16米长的绳子编织出2000多个绳结,这些过程都令人兴奋。对我来说,这就是建筑。我想我们始终会面临这些距离,但并不是作为一个毁灭性的因素,而是一个使你的作品更丰富的可能性。
I have been always curious and hungry about different experiences; I believe that environment is the best teacher. I love my alma-mater, TIArch studio, where I fully realized myself as an architect. Two years after graduation, I still can come to my studio, just like going home, share my happiness and hear new stories. Seeing generations coming after me, learning from me and making it better than me is so inspiring!
When I came to Bartlett, it was a great school. Not because it is ranked number two in the world. It is exactly the opposite: it is the community of strong thinkers and change-making tutors, a unique atmosphere of competing-and-friendship, endless experiment, failure, and greatest success, my passionate mates - I think I fell in love with each of them! It is also the city of London, great and powerful city, where I reached the absolute freedom and responsibility for your own life. The only problem you face is that outside of this bubble is less conscious than you expect and it is a long work in front of you to bring what you earned to reality.
Practicing in China was another type of experience, which brought me much more than knowledge of how to make a good plan. I learned that East is another universe, that different is great, that people around the world have common ideas, and that sometimes a soul of the person born 6,000 km away from you could be closer than anyone’s else.
Experience is not limited to school and work, though. Being lost in the Turkish desert or being painfully ill and cold in la Tourette monastery - all these impact the way I think and feel. When I become a mother, and rock my baby during the long night, I am sure my vision of architecture will be totally different. And I am looking forward to, actually. Not a lot of mothers were able to shape this world before, and world needs it to be more kind and caring.
我对于不同的经历一直都是非常好奇和渴望的。我相信环境就是最好的老师。我爱我俄罗斯的母校,爱我的TIArch studio。在那里我才意识到自己是一名建筑师。毕业两年后,我还会经常回到那里,就像回家一样,和同学们分享喜悦和新经历。看到学弟学妹们从我这里学习到一些东西,又在我的基础上更上一层楼,真是令人振奋。
作品Hong Kong Aerocenosis图纸
Currently, I need to work three years in Russia due to the government scholarship to study abroad. For me it is a great exercise in my own identity, to work in my motherland with a global eye. I changed three offices and did there competitions in one month to understand what are the best fit for me. However, the most important dream for me is our Da! dream. I feel only own practice can be really satisfying in terms of ideas you want to develop, balance between learning, practicing and teaching, building the best team.
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Our profession in XX century tends to be personality-driven, such landmark persons are le Corbusier, Peter Cook or Zaha Hadid. Of course, they gave us a big impact. Now I have pleasure to see profession more and more diversified and less starry. African, Latin American and Asian architects get their voices heard. I like that atmosphere of variety and I love seeing lectures from any unknown architects and getting new visions. I also appreciate all my tutors and bosses, Ilnar and Rezeda Akhtiamovs from TIArch, C.J.Lim from Bartlett, Chris Prech and Dayong Sun from Penda, Matthias Gmahl and Rachel Wingfield from Loop.pH. They all worked with me very closely and I appreciate all the effort put in me.
我们行业的模式在过去比较接近由单个人驱动,比如大师级的人物柯布西耶、彼得库克和扎哈哈迪德。毋庸置疑他们带来了巨大的影响。现在我很开心看到行业越来越推崇多元和融合而非造神。非裔、拉丁裔和亚裔建筑师的声音越来越多的被听到。我喜欢这种多元化,不停的接触到不认识的建筑师、不同的观点。我也非常感谢我所有的导师和老板。TIArch的Ilnar and Rezeda Akhtiamovs,Bartlett的C.J.Lim,Penda的Chris Prech和Dayong Sun,Loop.pH的Matthias Gmahl和Rachel Wingfield。他们都亲切滴指导过我工作,所以我非常感激他们在我身上花的心血。
This is probably the most complicated question for us now; it is now only one month as we started working together physically and mentally, still a lot to discover. To be a team is more than be 1+1. We already know that the most important thing is to trust each other, and trust your partner more than to yourself. You can’t hide from the differences between us, and you have to know how to not crush, but join these two river streams, me and him, in one flow. Peace, understanding, respect, flexibility and confidence are the values to make such flow.
I am extremely grateful to Sun for all the wisdom he taught me. Of course I am influenced, I am becoming more accepting than radical, more confident than rebellious. I am the wind, he is the rock. Sometimes with discussion, sometimes just sitting shoulder-to-shoulder close and do a competition is the happiest thing a person could have.
I already stuck to architecture, and I feel this is a type of career which has the flexibility to adapt to any changes happening in society. There are professions which appear quickly and fade even quicker, but architecture for me is not only a profession, but rather a way of thinking. This is the way I feel this world and the way I create a new one. I hope this state will be with me during all my life.
I tend to think of myself as global architect, ready to dive in different context. However, I strongly believe that in order to have right to do anything in any place, we should love this place. And to love the place, we need to know it. Having deep emotional connection to China for more than three years from my first visit (and actually it starts from childhood books about Feng Shui and beautiful stories), loving Chinese people (even though foreigner could find a lot of things weird at first sight), seeing rapid and brave in its scale Chinese development, makes me very excited about the opportunity to be there and contribute.
作者 | GY
编辑 | Shirley Chen


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