
在Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 6月26日发布的2017年全球学术期刊影响因子报告中, 新期刊npj Computational Materials的首个SCI影响因子达8.941,进入材料综合类所有285种期刊的前24名,表明新刊自创办以来所发表的学术论文具有较高的国际影响力。
npj Computational Materials是发表由理论指导和计算设计而发现新材料研究成果的高端平台,着力推进1)新材料计算设计与实验研究相结合,2)新材料研究方法探索及研究数据挖掘和机器学习,以指导新材料制备、加工和应用。文章类型包括Review Articles, Regular Articles, Brief Communications, Perspectives和Editorials。 (投稿指南请参考期刊网站https://www.nature.com/npjcompumats/)
npj Computational Materials 由Springer Nature,与中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所为合作伙伴,出版。新刊创办后,很庆幸有一大批材料学领域卓越科学家为本刊积极投稿、审稿,感谢海内外科学家的鼎立支持与帮助!
附:npj Computational Materials新近发表的一部分论文题目,可免费下载全文。
1. The ReaxFF reactive force-field: development, applications and future directions. 
Authors: Thomas P Senftle, Sungwook Hong, Md Mahbubul Islam, Sudhir B Kylasa, Yuanxia Zheng, Yun Kyun Shin, Chad Junkermeier, Roman Engel-Herbert, Michael J Janik, Hasan Metin Aktulga, Toon Verstraelen, Ananth Grama & Adri C T van Duin. 
2. On the tuning of electrical and thermal transport in thermoelectrics: an integrated theory–experiment perspective.
 Authors: Jiong Yang, Lili Xi, Wujie Qiu, Lihua Wu, Xun Shi, Lidong Chen, Jihui Yang, Wenqing Zhang, Ctirad Uher  &  David J Singh. 
3. Computational understanding of Li-ion batteries. 
Authors: Alexander Urban, Dong-Hwa Seo & Gerbrand Ceder. 
4. A general-purpose machine learning framework for predicting properties of inorganic materials.  
Authors:  Logan Ward, Ankit Agrawal, Alok Choudhary & Christopher Wolverton.
5. Shift current bulk photovoltaic effect in polar materials—hybrid and oxide perovskites and beyond. 
Authors:  Liang Z Tan, Fan Zheng, Steve M Young, Fenggong Wang, Shi Liu & Andrew M Rappe. 
6. Predictive modelling of ferroelectric tunnel junctions. 
Authors: Julian P Velev, John D Burton, Mikhail Ye Zhuravlev  &  Evgeny Y Tsymbal. 
7. Computationally predicted energies and properties of defects in GaN.  
Authors:  Lyons, John L.; Van de Walle, Chris G.
8. Understanding and designing magnetoelectric heterostructures guided by computation: progresses, remaining questions, and perspectives. 
Authors:  Hu, Jia-Mian; Duan, Chun-Gang; Nan, Ce-Wen; & Long-Qing Chen.
9. Multiple unpinned Dirac points in group-Va single-layers with phosphorene structure.  
Authors: Yunhao Lu, Di Zhou, Guoqing Chang, Shan Guan, Weiguang Chen, Yinzhu Jiang, Jianzhong Jiang, Xue-sen Wang, Shengyuan A Yang, Yuan Ping Feng, Yoshiyuki Kawazoe & Hsin Lin. 
10. Mechanochemical spinodal decomposition: a phenomenological theory of phase transformations in multi-component, crystalline solids. 
Authors: Rudraraju, Shiva; Van der Ven, Anton; Garikipati, Krishna
11. Computational modeling sheds light on structural evolution in metallic glasses and supercooled liquids.  
Authors:  Ding, Jun; Ma, En
12. Recent developments in computational modelling of nucleation in phase transformations.  
Authors:  Zhang, Lei; Ren, Weiqing; Samanta, Amit.