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The graduation season has arrived. Now, it is as good a time as any to reminisce about the college days, no matter whether you're fresh out of university or it's been a few years since you last took an exam.
Four years may sound like a long time, but it's amazing how time flies. 
It can play tricks on you, whizzing by when you wish it would stand still or slowing to a crawl when you long for it to speed up. 

One day, you're meeting your new roommates for the first time, but soon enough, it'll be time to say goodbye. 
Looking back at your college life, you're sure to recall many proud moments. 
But what about the things you regret doing? Or those you wish you'd done, and didn't? 
I wish I'd studied harder and found a direction in my life.
I wish I still had the same aspirations and ambition that I had when I first started university.
Back in the days when you were a freshman, you may well have attended talks given by senior students, who discussed their college experiences and any regrets that they had. 
This, in turn, could have made you determined to learn from their mistakes. To be hardworking and to accomplish all your goals. 
But in reality, things turned out a little different, didn't they? You'd make plans every week or every day, but they were always a little too ambitious. 
Instead of actually getting stuff done, you spent more time planning what you were going to do and then hating yourself for not doing it. 

Procrastination became your biggest enemy, which you only overcame the night before a deadline. 
As a consequence, you may have rejected taking up a productive role in society upon graduation, wishing instead to remain a student, because you had not yet found your path.
I should have taken part in more competitions and activities.

I wish I had traveled to more places.
Maybe you weren't confident enough to sign up for that singing competition, even if everyone who'd heard your voice said you would win first prize. 
Maybe you were too shy to join the campus TV station, even though that was your only interest. 
Maybe you were too lazy to pack your bags and go traveling, even though you'd always dreamt of seeing the wider world. 
It's only after graduation that you realize what you'd missed out on. 
College is a place where you have the freedom to pursue your hobbies and follow your heart. 

It's a period of time when you have at least three months of holiday every year and you're mature enough to travel with friends or by yourself without your parents' supervision.  
I regret not having said goodbye to my loved one face-to-face.
For many couples at the university, graduation means breakup. 
They may head to different cities or countries and lead completely different lives afterward. 
And despite all those wonderful memories, many relationships these days end with a few curt words or emojis via WeChat. 

So why not, instead, meet your loved one in person and give your relationship the ending it deserves? 

Here comes this week's Chitchat topic:

- Chitchat topic -
What do you regret most about your college life? 
Let's reflect on those four years of adventure as you share your stories with us! We will publish some of the best next Monday.
Editor: Zhang Xi 
Intern: Lin Yuqin  Click here for audio and translation of the story
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