编者按:万锦教育委员BILLY PANG 授权本号刊登他最近在教育局会议中的部分发言。
作为一个教委, 前天我在教育局的会议中敦促教育局高级职员们,不要犯同样错误, 在未查明真相前,不宜高调处理事件。我个人亦认同去届教委会主席在有需要时, 勇于向公众致歉。
作为一个政治人物, 我经常提醒自己,需要不偏不倚的作政治判断, 才能建立和谐社区。
 在这种情况下,教训是,当所有的事实都知道之前,当一个学校董事会和市政府,省级和联邦政治家跃跃欲试得出结论的时候,这些事实的启示可能会导致他们希望避免的事情 - 公开讥讽仇恨犯罪。
Since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory didn’t say it, we will.
 The problem with Toronto’s now infamous hijab hoax is that it will make Muslims and others who are actual victims of hate crimes more afraid to come forward for fear of not being believed.
 And it will make the public more cynical about the reporting of hate crimes.
 We aren’t going to fault the prime minister, the premier or the mayor for assuming the initial report of an 11-year-old child describing how she had been attacked by an “Asian man” who twice tried to cut her hijab with scissors was true.
 Many people believed it was true. We reported it on our front page.
 But once Toronto police said, following their investigation, that no attack had occurred, it was incumbent on Trudeau, Wynne and Tory to stress the dangers of anyone falsely claiming to be the victim of a hate crime, or for that matter any crime.
 Instead, they ran for cover, saying only that they were glad that no attack had occurred but that it was important to continue to be vigilant about fighting hatred and racism.
 Of course it’s important to fight hatred and racism, but that’s not the lesson to be learned from what happened in this case.
 The lesson in this case is that when a school board and municipal, provincial and federal politicians leap to conclusions before all the facts are known, the revelations of those facts can lead to the very thing they hoped to avoid — public cynicism about the reporting of hate crimes.
 When the media wrongly identify a member of a minority group as the perpetrator of a crime, politicians are the first to condemn them.
 Why then their silence when they wrongly identify a member of minority group as the victim of a crime?
 The next time a crime of this nature is alleged, we suggest our political leaders say words to the effect of: “If what has been alleged is true, it’s completely unacceptable in our city (or province, or country) and we are confident the police will treat this matter seriously and investigate it thoroughly.”
 Which, by the way, is exactly what happened.