
在警察接到报案45分钟之内,Jan. 12th. 9:49AM, CBC就神奇的完成了全套的规定动作:飞奔到学校(CBC飞奔到学校也至少需要半小时以上),录像,采访小孩&小孩她妈泣不啼声的哭诉。
CBC可以避开学校,警察,居然可以允许涉及到未成年受害人的案子里,第一时间让受害人公开出现在采访里?(有群友爆料,CBC 有木木注资)
What the...
总理,省长,市长无耻的跳出来,紧随其后的市议员Neethan Shan已策划好在月底的多伦多的市议会上提出一个动议,借这个小女孩受害之际,强加给多伦多人一个“Day of Remembrance & action on Islamophobia in Toronto"。
市长,女省长和土豆总理对"attack " 迅速地关注了,其它大的社会道德问题,安全问题,经济问题却没有听过他们如此快的回应。
“CBC 每几个礼拜就要出来闹妖”

Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl 'did not happen,' Toronto police say

Reported hijab attack on 11-year-old girl 'did not happen,' Toronto police say
An 11-year-old girl's report last week that a man tried to cut off her hijab as she walked to school didn't occur, Toronto police said Monday.
"After a detailed investigation, police have determined that the events described in the original news release did not happen," police said.
"The investigation is concluded."
The girl reported Friday that a man attempted twice to cut off her hijab as she walked to school with her younger brother. Police said last week that the alleged attack was being investigated as a possible hate crime. 
CBC News is not naming the 11-year-old out of a concern for her interests.
The girl, along with her mother and representatives from the Toronto District School Board, spoke to reporters inside her school Friday after she had talked to police.
Her story captured national attention, and drew public condemnation from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.
No legal consequences
"These allegations were extremely serious and not surprisingly, they received national and international attention," police spokesperson Mark Pugash said in an interview.
"Investigators worked extremely hard since the allegations on Friday. They gathered evidence from a variety of sources," before concluding the story was untrue, Pugash said, adding that the girl who reported the incident will not face any legal consequences.
On Monday afternoon, the prime minister said he was relieved that the incident hadn't in fact taken place.
"We have seen an unfortunate pattern of increased hate crimes in past months directed towards religious minorities, particularly towards women," he said, calling such violence "a warning sign of increased intolerance."
"We are a country that defends freedom of religion, freedom of expression, and people's rights to go to school without being fearful or harassed," he said. "This is fundamental to who we are."
In a statement issued Monday afternoon, Tory said "it is good to know" that no attack actually took place.
TDSB 'thankful' assault didn't happen 
Pugash said police don't know how the story escalated. He stressed it's "quite rare" for someone to make false allegations of this type, and said he hopes it will not discourage others from coming forward.
In a brief statement, the school board said it is "very thankful that this assault did not in fact happen.
"We won't be commenting further."
Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui, a researcher at Hamilton's McMaster University who focuses on hate crimes against Canadian Muslims, said her initial reaction to news that the incident did not happen was concern that it might eclipse real hate crimes. 
"Hate crimes toward Muslim people are real," she said. "I have heard stories of Muslim girls having their hijab pulled off their head, pushed, thrown to the ground. These are real stories ... and the reaction that we got from the government and leaders needs to still be there."
Amira Elghawaby, a human rights advocate based in Ottawa, said she was saddened to learn that the girl's story was not true, adding it will likely only serve to embolden "those who do hold discriminatory views of Muslims."
She also stressed that, as an 11-year-old, "she probably doesn't really understand the full implications of what she's done" and deserves compassion from adults. 
"Hindsight is 20/20 and I'm sure the police, and the school and everyone will be reviewing how this was addressed. And we, as community members, all we want to do is think about this young girl — give her support — we don't want her to be vilified," said Elghawaby.
"And we do deal with real issues of hate and discrimination too frequently in our society, and we must continue to address that."
CBC News has discontinued using the name and images of the 11-year-old in this story. Following our customary practice, because they represent the record of what took place, we are not altering previous stories.
转发自大多地区西区群网民的原创:小土豆杜鲁多是如何把加拿大伊斯兰化的? 原创作者名字找不到,如果有原作者认为侵权,请及时联系我们编辑部。
小土豆政府决定赔偿恐怖分子Omar一千多万加元的新闻,几个月来全国关注度持续不减,最新民调显示91%以上的人反对小土豆给钱。 更深一层考虑,实际上小土豆定意把国家伊斯兰化的行径是多方面的,每件事都很恐怖,对加拿大这个曾经的基督教文明国家造成颠覆性的破坏:
  1. 2015年大选自由党一胜,就宣布撤回原保守党政府就MSL入籍仪式戴面纱的官司,自由党不战而降,从此MUSILIN可以披着面纱只露出双眼就在加拿大的入籍法官面前宣誓入籍了。要知道,在巴基斯坦,曾有法官喝斥穆斯林在法庭上戴面纱,责令当事人取下。连巴基斯坦法官都不能容忍的,土豆却说这是宗教自由,逼加拿大的法官容忍。
  2. 不顾安全风险,短时间内大量接收叙利亚 “难民”,短短一年多接收了五万叙利亚“难民”,还有两万多在路上。 鉴于MSL的高生育率,加拿大国家人口结构在未来将发生重大的、不可逆的变化,国家面临YISILAN化的真实危险。很大比例的“难民”并非真难民,而是宗教殖民,他们大量移居西方是对西方文明的一场文化战。
  3. . 财富向MSL社区转移: 安置大量“难民”,让国库亏空; 向奥马尔这样的恐怖分子赔偿一千多万,也是一种财富转移。(这一千多万可能被用于建清真寺,推广YISILAN“文化”, 也可能被用于恐怖活动伤害加拿大人民)
  4. . 修改公民入籍指南, 删除原保守党政府写入指南的 反对“女性割礼”和“荣誉杀人” 等字眼。
  5. . 内阁YISILAN化。好几位穆斯林在内阁居高位。比如任命原索马里难民、穆斯林侯赛因出任移民部长,加拿大这个原基督教国家的国门钥匙如今被交到穆斯林手里,国门向全世界穆斯林大开。
6. 在国会通过M103 (谴责伊斯兰恐惧症动议),为MSL上了金钟罩,不让批评。
也有群友建议:给省长留言,大家给韦恩留言发之前要截图 记下日期 两周之内没有答复就再去问为什么没答复。大选在即我不信她就不管不问。
签名的可以先去第一时间由,The Rebel Media,已经牵头的情愿签名。这个签名目前正在签的人太多,需要等候saving. 如果签时发现一直显示saving不动,没关系,退出再进,就已经signed in了,同时在确认下收到的回复邮件