最近,又一个新晋男神强势上位了,那就是“霸气外长” 王毅。先给大家Po几张图感受一下:








交传:I want to make a response to the questions asked by this journalist about China. 

NYT:I want to make a response to the questions that the journalist has just raised concerning China. 

交传:I have to say that your question is full of prejudice against China and arrogance. I don't know where that comes from.

NYT:Your question was full of prejudice against China and  an arrogance that comes from I don’t know where. 

交传:This is totally unacceptable

NYT:This is totally unacceptable to me. 

交传:I have to ask whether you understand China. Have you been to China? Do you know that China has lifted more than 600 million people out of poverty? Do you know that China is now the second largest economy in the world from a very low foundation ?(漏了“人均八千美元”)

NYT:Do you understand China? Have you been to China? Do you know that China has come from a poor and backward state and lifted more than 600 million people from poverty?Do you know that China is now the world’s second biggest economywith $8,000 per capita?

交传:Do you think development is possible for China without protecting human rights? Do you know that China has written protection and promotion of human rights into our Constitution? 

NYT:If we weren’t able to properly protect human rights, would China have achieved such great development? Do you know that China has incorporated protecting human rights into its Constitution?

交传:And other people don't know better than Chinese people about human rights condition in China. It’s the Chinese people who are in the best position to have a say about China's human rights situation. 

NYT:I want to tell you that it’s the Chinese people who most understand China’s human rights record—not you, but the Chinese people themselves. 

交传:So I would like to suggest you that please don’t ask questions in such an irresponsible manner. And we welcome all good-will suggestions, but we reject groundless accusations.”

NYT:You have no right to speak on this.The Chinese people have the right to speak. So please don’t raise such irresponsible questions again. China welcomes all well-meaning suggestions,but we reject all groundless accusations.”

细细对比了下,就翻译质量而言,肯定是“纽约时报”译文质量更高,其中用词很精准,常用短句;现场翻译姐姐则是用了很多"I have to ","I would like to ",同时也用了很多“and”连接先后句。这些连词,委婉语的应用确实和缓了语气,再加上翻译姐姐软萌的声音,确实很难让人感觉“强硬霸气”。

但翻译的效果已经达到了,外国人都感受到王毅外长的愤怒。外媒都用"Castigate","Lash out ","Blast ","Outburst"来告诉大家王毅部长生气了。
还有外媒用俚语"throw a hissy fit(发脾气)"。。
 不过相信王毅外长心里的翻译是这样的:Do you know a f**king thing about China? Have you ever been there? China is the best in Human Right protection.  Are you a f**king Chinese? If not, put your shit together and get the hell out.
