▸ 中医和西医如何看待相思病
▸ “Limerence”是一种什么样的情感,当你对一个人着了迷会经历哪三个阶段?
▸ 暗恋与 Limerence 有区别吗,为什么说 Limerence 会和“强迫症”联系到一起?
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The People Whose Crushes Make It Hard for Them to Live
A Word Is Born
In the late 1960s, psychologist Dorothy Tennov, a professor at the University of Bridgeport, began studying a certain kind of lovesickness. Not passion, exactly, or heartbreak but the obsessive, all-consumingfixations we sometimes develop on people who do not feel the same, or whose feelings we cannot be sure about. This phenomenon was hardly new, but no one in Tennov's field had bothered to give it a name. So she named it limerence.

那些 Crushes,让人们艰难生活
20 世纪 60 年代末,布里奇波特大学教授、心理学家多萝西·泰诺夫开始研究某种相思病。确切地说,这不是激情,也不是心碎,而是那些你对对你没什么感觉,或者说你不太确定他是不是对你有感觉的这个人所产生的某种强迫性的、全神贯注的迷恋。这个现象没什么新鲜的,这个领域里也没人花心思来给这种情感命名。所以泰诺夫就把这种感受叫 limerence。
lovesickness /lʌvˈsɪknəs/ n. 相思病
○ a pining for a loved one
○ e.g. She has pined away since she got lovesickness. 她自从得了相思病,益发憔悴。
obsessive /əbˈsesɪv/ adj. 着迷的,迷恋的
○ (obsessive about sth./doing sth.) thinking too much about one particular person or thing, in a way that is not reasonable or normal
○ e.g. I try to stay fit, but I'm not obsessive about it. 我努力保持健康,但不痴迷于此。
obsess /əbˈses/ v. 使着迷,使心神不宁
○ to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not reasonable or normal
○ e.g. I was completely obsessed with the girl. 我对这姑娘彻底上头了。
all-consuming /ˌɔːl kənˈsjuːmɪŋ/ adj. 全身心投入的
○ taking almost all of your attention and time
○ e.g. Money is an all-consuming passion with them. 他们对金钱的追求达到极致。
fixation /fɪkˈseɪʃn/ n. 专注,迷恋
○ a very strong interest in sb./sth. that is unusual or not reasonable
○ e.g. He's got this fixation with cleanliness. 他有洁癖。
limerence /'lɪmərəns/ n. 迷恋,痴迷
○ the state of being obsessively infatuated with sb., usually accompanied by delusions of or a desire for an intense romantic relationship with that person
○ e.g. Her limerence lasted for around three months before she actually met him. 在她真正见到他之前,她的迷恋已经持续了大约三个月。
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