▸ 为什么同一个主题可以从二十二岁画到六十三岁?
▸ 库尔贝是如何画女人的?他又为什么这么做?
▸ 印象派画家为什么尤其注重光影的使用?
▸ 帝国美术联合会为何叫停德国柏林的蒙克个展?
▸ 什么是表现主义?《病中的孩子》如何能看出从写实到表现的过度?
▸ 蒙克的画为什么比梵高还贵,衡量艺术作品价格的标准又是什么?
▸ 是鲁迅的《呐喊》借鉴了蒙克,还是人都有呐喊的需要?
▸ 灵魂真的可以出窍吗?《临终之床》是如何勾勒死后的世界?
How Edward Munch turned his personal fears into universal symbols
Edvard Munch (1863-1944) and his slightly older peer Vincent van Gogh are commonly characterised as the twin exemplars of turn-of-the-century psychological painting. Van Gogh expressed his turbulent inner life through the interiors and landscapes of Provence while Munch did the same through the bourgeois homes and fjord shores of Norway. This, nevertheless, is a reductive reading. In Munch's case this involved a fervid period of stylistic experimentation before he settled on a method that he called "soul painting".
来源:The New Statesman
爱德华 · 蒙克是如何将他个人的恐惧变成普遍的符号
exemplar /ɪg'zemplə/ n. 模范,榜样,典型,范例
○ a person or thing that is a good or typical example of sth.
○ e.g. Ruth Ginsburg is the exemplar of young female independence. 金斯伯格是年轻女性独立的典范。
turbulent /'tɜːbjʊl(ə)nt/ adj. 动荡的,骚乱的,混乱的
○ full of confusion, violence, or disorder: not stable or steady
○ e.g. In every age the transition to adulthood is a turbulent time. 在每个时代,向成人期过渡的这段时期都是动荡不安的。
bourgeois /'bʊəʒwɑː/ adj. 中产阶级的
○ belonging to the middle class 
○ e.g. She came from a bourgeois family. 她来自一个中产阶级家庭。
fjord /fjɔːd/ n.(尤指挪威两岸峭壁间的)峡湾
○ a long narrow strip of sea between high cliffs, especially in Norway
reductive /rɪ'dʌktɪv/ adj. 简化的,还原论的
○ If you describe something such as a theory or a work of art as reductive, you disapprove of it because it reduces complex things to simple elements.
○ e.g. To represent this span of human history as a set of simple pictures may seem reductive. 用一组简单的图片来代表人类历史的这段时间似乎有些简化。
fervid /'fɜːvɪd/ adj. 过分热烈的,过度激烈的,太热情的
○ feeling sth. too strongly; showing feelings that are too strong
○ e.g. a fervid patriot 热情的爱国者
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