关于香港的 36 小时攻略
▸ 《纽约时报》的 36 小时专栏有啥来头?为什么叫“36 小时”?
▸ 香港这几年,市貌有何变与不变?老外视角中最重要的变化在哪里?
▸ 香港的文艺复兴之地在哪?除了金融,香港在艺术领域有何特殊地位?
▸ 一个小小的包子如何做到中西合璧?
36 Hours in Hong Kong

A booming art scene and excitingculinaryendeavors keep ever-changing Hong Kong in the spotlight.
As impressive as Hong Kong's skyline is, the city never seems to stop building. Case in point: the rapid expansion of the rail system. The MTR's Island Line was extended to the neighborhood of Kennedy Town at the end of 2014, sparking a development boom on the once-quiet western side of the city. Several other projects are also on the way, including an express link to the mainland border. With all this attention on infrastructure, though, Hong Kong hasn't sacrificed its soul. It remains one of Asia's most passionately creative cities, a playground for artists and designers, chefs and entrepreneurs. Kowloon, the congested district opposite Hong Kong Island, for instance, is getting a makeover as the sprawling West Kowloon Cultural District begins opening over the next few years, with M+ (a museum for "visual culture") as the focal point. While other newly rich Chinese cities vie for tourist dollars, it is cultural en­deavors like this that will keep Hong Kong in the spotlight—and as confident as ever.
来源:The New York Times

36 小时玩转 HK
蓬勃发展的艺术场景和令人振奋的饕餮美食,让不断变化的 HK 始终处在聚光灯下。
尽管 HK 已经拥有傲人的城市天际线,它却似乎从未停止过继续建设的步伐。其铁路系统的快速扩张就是一个例子。2014 年底,港铁的港岛线扩展到坚尼地城附近,在曾经沉寂的城西掀起一个兴建发展的热潮。还有其他几个项目也正在筹划之中,其中之一是直通大陆边境的铁路快线。但是,所有这些轰轰烈烈的基础建设并没有让 HK 失去它的灵魂,它依然是亚洲最热情的创意城市,是艺术家、设计师、厨师和企业家大展身手的地方。举例来说,HK 岛对面拥挤不堪的九龙区正在历经一场改头换面的变革。宽广的西九文化区将在近几年内开放,而 M+博物馆(一个以“视觉文化”为主题的博物馆)将成为其中心。目前,中国其他新富城市纷纷加入吸引旅游者的竞赛之中,正是这些在文化方面的努力,使 HK 得以充满信心,一如既往地成为世界瞩目的中心。
boom/buːm/ v. 迅速发展,繁荣
○ to have a period of rapid growth; to become bigger, more successful, etc.
○ e.g. By the 1980s, the computer industry was booming. 到 20 世纪 80 年代,计算机行业迅猛发展。
culinary /ˈkʌlɪnəri/ adj. 烹饪的,食物的
○ (formal) connected with cooking or food
○ e.g. culinary skills 烹饪技巧
○ e.g. Savour the culinary delights of Mexico. 品尝墨西哥美食。
endeavor /ɪnˈdevə(r)/ n. 努力,尽力
○ an attempt to do sth.
○ e.g. In spite of our best endeavors, it has proven impossible to contact her. 虽然我们尽了最大努力,但是已经不可能联系上她了。
spotlight /ˈspɒtlaɪt/ n. 聚光灯,反光灯;媒体和公众的注意
○ the area of light that is made by a spotlight
○ e.g. She stood alone on stage in the spotlight. 她独自站在舞台的聚光灯下。
○ attention from newspapers, television and the public
○ e.g. Unemployment is once again in the spotlight. 失业问题再次受到人们的关注。
spark /spɑːk/ v. 引发,触发
○ If one thing sparks another, the first thing causes the second thing to start happening.
○ e.g. What was it that sparked your interest in motoring? 是什么让你对开车产生了兴趣?
congested /kənˈdʒestɪd/ adj. 堵塞的,拥挤的
○ crowded; full of traffic
○ e.g. congested city streets 交通拥塞的城市街道
○ e.g. Many of Europe's airports are heavily congested. 欧洲许多机场都十分拥挤。
makeover /ˈmeɪkəʊvə(r)/ n. 翻新,改善,改头换面
○ the process of improving the appearance of a person or a place, or of changing the impression that sth. gives
○ e.g. She won a complete makeover in a magazine competition. 她在一次杂志比赛中赢得了彻底改头换面的机会。
vie /vaɪ/ v. 争夺,激烈竞争
○ (formal) to compete strongly with sb. in order to obtain or achieve sth.
○ e.g. She was surrounded by men all vying for her attention. 她周围尽是竞相博得她青睐的男子。
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