▸ 古希腊神话中如何讲述了“享乐”的诞生?
▸ 为什么西塞罗警告社会不应该神化快感?
▸ Pleasure 和 enjoyment 在英文中有什么区别?
▸ 批判和警惕快感带来的沉沦,就一定要意味着走向禁欲主义吗?
▸ 你知道品酒师这个职业是如何享受红酒吗?
▸ 为什么我们有时候会享受没有生理快感的事情,譬如健身?
▸ 你知道“goblin mode”这个短语是什么意思吗?
Choose Enjoyment Over Pleasure
Pleasure is addictive and animal; enjoyment is elective and human.
In Greek mythology, Eros and Psyche gave birth to a daughter named Hedone. A daemon, or minor deity, she has no myths attached to her, but is known for her one gift to humankind: pleasure. Her gift, however, was also a curse. In Rome, where Hedone was called Voluptas, the statesman and philosopher Cicero saw her deification as "vicious and unnatural," insofar as she "overpowers natural instinct." That's not so far from how we see things today. Pleasure can be a boon or a burden, depending on our relationship to it. It can leavenlaborious days, or lead us to waste them. The pleasures of a mild stimulant such as caffeine can be harmless or even beneficial, but the pleasures of amphetamines can be deadly.
来源:The Atlantic
animal /ˈænɪml/ adj. 肉体的,肉欲的,情欲的
○ relating to the physical needs and basic feelings of people
○ e.g. animal desires / passion / instincts 兽欲;肉欲激情;情欲本能
daemon /ˈdiːmən/ n.(古希腊神话中的)半神半人精灵
○ a creature in stories from ancient Greece that is half man and half god
deity /ˈdeɪəti/ n. 神,女神
○ a god or goddess
○ e.g. Greek / Roman / Hindu deities 希腊 / 罗马 / 印度教诸神
deification /ˌdiːɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 神圣化
○ If you talk about the deification of someone or something, you mean that they are regarded with very great respect and are not criticized at all.
○ e.g. the deification of science in the 1940s 二十世纪四十年代科学神圣化
boon /buːn/ n. 非常有用的东西,益处
○ something that is very helpful and makes life easier for you
○ e.g. The new software will prove a boon to Internet users. 这种新软件将会对互联网用户大有益处。
leaven /ˈlevn/ v.(添加…)使较有趣,使更令人愉快
○ to make sth. more interesting or cheerful by adding sth. to it
○ e.g. Her speech was leavened with a touch of humour. 几分幽默使她的讲话更为有趣。
laborious /ləˈbɔːriəs/ adj. 耗时费力的,辛苦的
○ taking a lot of time and effort
○ e.g. a laborious task / process 艰巨的任务;艰难的过程
amphetamine /æmˈfetəˌmiːn/ n. 安非他命
○ Amphetamine is a drug that increases people's energy, makes them excited, and reduces their desire for food. 
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