前天,小夏在《独家| 告别插队!美国移民或将取消绿卡国别限制...》一文独家报道了美国国会有可能会取消(使移民来源多元化的)原籍国 配额制
Center for Immigration Studies 网站 July 27, 2018 By David North报道, 在拨款法案中取消国别限制,这是一个惊人的进步!

An Alarming Development – Country of Origin Ceilings Partly Scrapped in Appropriations Bill
By David North on July 27, 2018
an alarming bit of news – generally ignored by the press – is that the country of origin ceilings that try to diversify our immigration streams may be scrapped by congressional action.
The House Appropriations Committee, while marking up the Department of Homeland Security spending bill this week, inserted language that would eliminate the long-standing requirement that no more than 7 percent of any group of employment-based immigrants could come from a single nation. The same provision would ease the 7 percent rule on family migration as well, but not eliminate it. (See the amendment here, on pp. 23-28; it was introduced last year as a stand-alone bill, H.R. 392.)
This came about because the chair of the DHS Appropriations Subcommittee, Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-Kan.), managed to persuade his colleagues on the full committee that the current system is unfair to the Indian nationals whose visa applications, notably in the EB-2 category, are backlogged for several years. The provision would also speed up the delivery of EB-5 (immigrant investors) to Chinese applicants, while slowing down their arrival for people elsewhere in the world.
While this would not directly increase the number of legal immigrants overall, it would speed up the visa issuances for those from China, India, and to a much smaller degree, aliens from Vietnam and three Central American nations (in the EB-5 and EB- 4) categories, and slow them for everyone else.
国土安全部拨款小组委员会主席Kevin Yoder认为目前的制度对于那些排期长达多年(尤其是EB-2签证类别)的印度申请人来说不公平。
The slowing of visa issuances to all nations then might lead to a successful effort to remove (or inflate) the current numerical ceilings, thus increasing overall immigration.
The committee action would have to be confirmed by the whole House, and by the Senate, and signed into law by the president. If a provision gets as far along as this one has, there's a good chance it will make it all the way.
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has headed off such legislation in the past.
One likely result of the most recent committee action is that this language might find its way into one of those omnibus appropriation bills which, for all practical purposes, cannot be amended on the floor of either house.
David North的这篇报道虽然短小,但信息量很大,可以消除很多人的疑虑:
其次,在《独家| 告别插队!美国移民或将取消绿卡国别限制...》发出后,有些读者拿这两张图质疑我,他们认为取消国别限制的规定只适用于EB-2、EB-3,不适用于EB-5。
The provision would also speed up the delivery of EB-5 (immigrant investors) to Chinese applicants, while slowing down their arrival for people elsewhere in the world.
注:H.R.392法案后来被参议院Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)枪毙。

如今,美国参议院司法委员会主席Chuck Grassley依然在位,所以,小夏不敢预测参议院能否通过本次国土安全部拨款法案修正案的草案,也没有预测草案最终通过后,将如何加速大陆EB-5排期。

This amendment language may not get into a final bill, and David/I may be misreading the application to EB-5. But still, it’s important for the community to be educated about what the per-country limit means for EB-5. Based on data for EB-5 usage to date, here is what I calculate would happen to EB-5 visa availability if the per-country cap were removed as part of the FY2019 funding bill in September:
  • The October 2018 Visa Bulletin would have a 2014 cut-off date for the EB-5 category for all countries.
  • From 2019 to 2027, Department of State would be issuing EB-5 visas to people already in the backlog as of 2018, with no visas left for contemporary demand. Here are my estimates for when visas would be available to investors from various dates, based on data about I-526 filings from 2014 to 2018 and assumptions about denials/dropouts, family size, and visas already issued. Investors from all countries would be in the same line in order by priority date, without regard to nationality.
    • 2014 priority date: visa issued in 2019 (5-year wait)
    • 2015 priority date: visa issued in 2020/2021 (6-year wait)
    • 2016 priority date: visa issued in 2022/2023 (7-year wait)
    • 2017 priority date: visa issued in 2024/2025 (8-year wait)
    • 2018 priority date: visa issued in 2026/2027  (9-year wait)
    • 2019 priority date: visa issued in 2027/2028
  • China-born applicants would dominate the front of the line for EB-5 visas, having the oldest priority dates. They would get 99% of EB-5 visas in 2019, and gradually reduce to about 80% of visas by 2027.
Pros and Cons
  • Removing the per-country limit for EB-5 would give past China-born investors a predictable visa wait of 5 to 10 years, mostly just competing with each other for visas. That would be better than the current hard-to-predict wait of 5 years to infinity that depends on the wild card of future incoming non-China demand. Removing the per-country limit would give the China-born investor filing today an estimated 9+ year wait rather than the currently-estimated 15+ year wait. This is a benefit for China, but not a solution even for China. 9 years is preferable to 15 years, but this difference becomes irrelevant if both times are unacceptably long.
  • Removing the per-country limit for EB-5 would be a pure disaster for non-China investors. All non-Chinese with pending I-526 or pending visa applications would find themselves in line behind the tens of thousands of Chinese with older priority dates, with many-year visa waits for everyone. Today’s China-born investor suffers, but at least it’s from policy that was in place when he invested, and an excess China demand situation knowable at that time. The non-China investor already in the system would suffer retroactively from new policy that didn’t exist when he invested.
  • Lacking the per-country limit to protect new investment from a variety of countries, the EB-5 program would be essentially dead as regards new investment for the next ten years. Interest might revive by 2030, when the backlog that piled up in 2011-2018 is out of the system, leaving visas available for new applicants. (Or earlier, if many people in the system are shocked at finding their visa timeline unexpectedly expanded by 5-10 years, and try to exit.)
    • 2014 年优先日: 2019年拿到临时绿卡 (从递交申请到拿到绿卡,等待5年)
    • 2015 年优先日: 2020/2021年年拿到临时绿卡 (6年等待期)
    • 2016 年优先日: 2022/2023年拿到临时绿卡 (7年等待期)
    • 2017年优先日 : 2024/2025年拿到临时绿卡 (8年等待期)
    • 2018年优先日 : 2026/2027年拿到临时绿卡  (9年等待期)
    • 2019年优先日 :  2027/2028年拿到临时绿卡
小夏估计,去年的H.R.392法案应该是他们努力的成果。其实早在2011年,犹他州的众议员沙费特兹(Jason Chaffetz)就提出“高技术移民公平法案”,并在众议院表决通过。

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