作为留学生的我们,在北美求职或者已经身处于职场,常常都会遇到大量的email要去回复,要去follow up,或者参加一些列的networking,或者于人的交涉之间,总是有很多的email要去处理。 小编作为一个一直致力于使自己每天效率高产的人,在经历过各类设置deadline或是找到最有效的方法来安排我的时间, 可是我发现,我仍然花很多时间在收件箱。收件箱就是一个巨大的时间杀手!因为最烦的是,有一些邮件,你会不停的发送出去一遍又一遍。 
直到我开始使用预录好的回复。 如果你不是特别熟悉,那么接下来我来教会你,小编最喜欢的5种最常见的模板, 这样你就可以省下很多的时间去反复输入差不多的邮件了。但是首先的首先,你需要设置,如果你是一个Gmail的用户,可以在这个link里面找到怎么样去设置(instruction link :http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Canned-Responses-in-Gmail)。如果你是Outlook的用户,指导设置link是 (https://www.laptopmag.com/articles/use-quick-parts-microsoft-outlook)
1. 推迟回答 To Put Off Answering
有时候,当你需要更多的时间去想一想怎么回复一些邮件的时候,你可以先发出这类“ 我会尽可能快的回复你” ,模板是长这样的:
Hi [Name],
Thanks so much for your question about [topic].
I just wanted to let you know that I’m looking into it and will get back to you before the end of week with an answer.
If you need me to get back to you sooner, please let me know!
[Your Name]
2. 缓和式的回复 To Defuse a Situation
你知道你能做的最糟糕的事情之一就是在有些紧张的情况下你需要在邮件里面告诉别人你的感受。 这个是在职场里面会遇到的情况。 你可以预先创建一个这样的模板来确保你使用的是适当的语气,而不是冒着强烈的感情发出一封贸贸然的邮件。它看起来是这样的:
Hi [Name],
Thank you for your honesty and constructive feedback. I understand where you’re coming from, and think it would be helpful to discuss further.
Do you have time to add a call or cup of coffee to your schedule this week? I think it would be helpful for us to talk about next steps, and how we might avoid similar miscommunication in the future.
[Your Name]
3. 分享指导 To share Instructions
当你需要不断的告诉人们如何浏览你的网站或是使用你的数据库的时候,你可以使用下面这个模板,这样你就可以避免一次次的发送,还可以避免遗漏一些步骤什么的,使收件方能够更清楚明白你的用意。It looks like this:
Hi [Name],
Thanks for reaching out with questions about [procedure]!
We prefer to use [program], and I’ve outlined the process for [project] below:
[Insert numbered list]
If you have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out.
[Your Name]
4. 丢掉低优先级的工作  To Punt Low-Priority Work
如果你有太多的事情要做,要学会拒绝。尽可能的使你的邮件更简洁和真诚,还要记得提供一些可选择性的东西, 比如:
Hi [Name],
Thanks for thinking of me for this project. Unfortunately, my schedule is jam-packed this week.
I do have a co-worker who has helped out with similar tasks in the past. I’d be happy to reach out to her and see if she has time to work on this.
How this sound?
[Your Name]
5. 发送附件 To Send an Attachment
“Please find attached …” 已经是最常见的回复了,但是你如果是一个不错的Candidate 要发出你的简历给对方的时候,你可以试一试下面这种简洁的回复:
Hi [Name],
I hope you’re having a good day.
Here’s that document I promised you. Please find it attached below.
If you have any questions, please let me know and I’d be happy to answer your questions.
[Your Name]
这五种保存的电子邮件将帮助你更好的管理你的收件箱和你的时间。最后不要忘记,因为保存了这些模板,并不意味着一成不变了。你随意改变和添加你需要的内容,因为它们真的会使你的工作Moving forward