译者 | 傅玄 福州大学本科
一审 | 汪晨涵 复旦大学法律硕士
二审 | 刘寅 西南政法大学本科
编辑 | 王妮茜 新疆农业大学本科
         邵娅绮 浙江工商大学本科
责编 | 戚琳颖 大连海事大学本科
Platform Competition, Vertical Differentiation, and Price Coherence
作者:Heiko Gerlach and Junqian Li
This paper analyzes merchants’ price coherence in two-sided markets with vertically differentiated platforms. When merchants are unable to charge different prices to consumers who purchase their products using different platforms, fee competition among platforms becomes more intense on both sides of the market. We show that with unrestricted prices, platforms compete for market share, while with price coherence, they compete for the entire sales of a merchant. As a consequence, price coherence can reduce total platform fees, increase consumer surplus, and raise total welfare. We also compare private and social incentives of a platform-merchant pair to impose price coherence, and we explore the effects of price coherence on investment incentives.
Jobs for Justice(s): Corruption in the Supreme Court of India
作者:Madhav S. Aney, Shubhankar Dam, and Giovanni Ko
We investigate whether judicial decisions are affected by career concerns of judges by analyzing two questions: Do judges respond to incentives to pander by ruling in favor of the government in the hope of receiving jobs after retiring from the Supreme Court? Does the government reward judges who rule in its favor with prestigious jobs? We construct a data set of Supreme Court of India cases involving the government for 1999–2014. We find that incentives to pander have a causal effect on judicial decision-making, and they are jointly determined by the importance of the case and whether the judge retires with enough time left in a government’s term to be rewarded with a prestigious job. We also find that authoring favorable judgments increases the likelihood of being appointed to prestigious post–Supreme Court jobs. This suggests the presence of corruption in the form of government influence over judicial decisions.

The Effect of Own-Gender Jurors on Conviction Rates
作者:Mark Hoekstra and Brittany Street
Despite concerns about gender bias in general and jurors’ gender in particular, little is known about the effect of jurors’ gender on conviction rates. We identify the effect of own-gender jurors by exploiting random variation in the assignment to and ordering of jury pools in two large Florida counties. Results indicate that own-gender jurors are significantly less likely to convict on drug charges, though we find no evidence of effects for other charges. Estimates indicate that adding one own-gender juror (∼1.6 standard deviations) results in a 30-percentage-point reduction in conviction rates on drug charges, which is highly significant even after adjusting for multiple comparisons. These findings highlight how drawing an opposite-gender jury can impose significant costs on defendants and demonstrate that own-gender bias can occur even in settings where the importance of being impartial is actively pressed on participants.
Did the Independence of Judges Reduce Legal Development in England, 1600–1800?
作者:Peter Murrell
Conventional wisdom confers iconic status on the clause of England’s Act of Settlement (1701) mandating secure tenure for judges. This paper uses new databases of judges’ biographies and citations to estimate how the move to secure tenure affected the number of citations to judges’ decisions, a measure of the quality of decisions. Several strategies facilitate identification of the effect of secure tenure. A court-year panel permits use of a difference-in-differences framework. Controls capture judges’ human capital and amount of litigation. Historical evidence, tests of sensitivity to omitted-variable bias, and instrumental variables estimates support the findings on the effects of tenure arrangements derived from ordinary least squares estimates. Secure tenure had a strong deleterious effect on associate judges’ decisions and a smaller positive effect on chief judges’ decisions. The effect of all judges having secure tenure is negative, large, and statistically significant. The act had an effect opposite of that universally assumed.

Does Media Coverage Cause Meritorious Shareholder Litigation? Evidence from the Stock Option Backdating Scandal
作者:Dain C. Donelson, Antonis Kartapanis, and Christopher G. Yust
This study examines the role of media coverage in meritorious shareholder litigation. Asserting a causal effect of the media on litigation is normally difficult because of the endogenous nature of media coverage. However, we use the Wall Street Journal’s coverage of stock option backdating to overcome these issues. Using a matched sample of firms with similar probabilities of backdating and related government investigations, we find consistent evidence of a causal relation between media coverage and meritorious litigation. We also find a negative abnormal market reaction to the articles and conduct a variety of analyses to show that it was the content of the articles, rather than the coverage itself, that resulted in litigation. Our results demonstrate that the media serves an important role in corporate accountability that both disincentivizes misconduct and holds firms accountable.
Governments’ Late Payments and Firms’ Survival: Evidence from the European Union
作者:Maurizio Conti, Leandro Elia, Antonella Rita Ferrara, and Massimiliano Ferraresi
Outstanding payments in commercial transactions, if delayed beyond the agreed period of time, can engender a range of negative externalities and expose firms to severe liquidity risks. In this study we examine to what extent stricter regulations addressing payment backlogs, brought about by the EU directive on late payments, have affected firms’ performance. We focus on government-to-business activities and on the firms’ responses to the introduction of these regulations. Our evidence suggests that firms’ exit rates fall relatively more in sectors that sell a larger fraction of their output to the government. We document more pronounced effects in sectors with a large share of small firms, for countries characterized by longer payment delays, and for countries with high levels of perceived corruption. Taken together, our findings indicate that more discipline in governments’ payment terms can have considerable effects on economic activity.
Intended and Unintended Effects of Banning Menthol Cigarettes
作者:Christopher S. Carpenter and Hai V. Nguyen
Bans on menthol cigarettes have been adopted throughout the European Union, proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration, and enacted by legislatures in Massachusetts and California. Yet there is very limited evidence on their effects using real-world policy variation. We study the intended and unintended effects of menthol cigarette bans in Canada, where seven provinces banned them prior to a nationwide ban in 2018. Difference-in-differences models using national survey data return no evidence that provincial menthol cigarette bans affected overall smoking rates for youths or adults. Although menthol cigarette smoking fell for both youths and adults, youths increased nonmenthol cigarette smoking, and adults shifted cigarette purchases to unregulated First Nations reserves. Our results demonstrate the importance of accounting for substitution and evasion responses in the design of stricter tobacco regulations.