我们硅谷地区是拥有美国最大的外国出生人口地区之一。本地区 200 万人口中约有 38% 出生在美国以外,移民占高技术职业劳动力的 70%。尤其是在圣克拉拉县,华人移民占硅谷职业市场的很大一部分。
自 Covid-19 大流行开始以来,反亚裔和反华言论和行为激增。愉园社的照片博客项目展现和讲述广大华人移民的故事,促进跨种族和跨文化的交流和理解,并强调华人移民对硅谷和湾区本地社区及美国的贡献。
新的一季里,小编继续发布硅谷华人可爱有趣的点滴故事。随后还有不断更新这一系列的文章,欢迎大家投稿并广而告之,让本地主流各个社群都来听到我们的故事,促进族裔团结和友谊。同时请在我们各大英文平台:Facebook,Instagram,YouTube和Linkedin订阅关注愉园社-Society of Heart's Delight。
本项目感谢硅谷圣克拉拉县Santa Clara County和Awesome Foundation San Jose 的赞助支持!
2022年10月18日,我们举办了“华人移民在硅谷照片博客”第一阶段结束庆祝大趴,所有故事人物前来参加。邀请了愉园社的好朋友圣何塞市市议员Pam Foley 和先生Mike Foley前来和大家一起庆祝!特别感谢VinusClub对本次活动提供高档红酒和香槟赞助!VinusClub-暖心盛宴- VinusClub 2022 冬季酒盒重磅发布 | 全美发货!
刚上高中的儿子Joshua开始纠缠着我们养一只狗,很快他说服了奶奶,爸爸,哥哥更是力挺,不久一只7周大的小金毛(Miniature Golden Retriever)就从遥远的Montana 空运到家,有了自己的酷名字 Reebo。Reebo在很多方面改变了我们全家的生活方式,
Joshua真正把它当弟弟对待,每天会花时间和Reebo在一起玩,负责给Reebo 刷牙和剪指甲,也教会了Reebo“打篮球”。他最是心细,会首先发现毛弟弟身体上的异常。为了靠近Reebo他愿意搬到沙发上睡觉;为了不影响Reebo的睡眠他会早早就把我们从客厅里赶走。原本担心Joshua会玩物丧志,不思进取,现在想起来真是多虑。近3年由于疫情,在大门不出二门不迈的生活里Reebo成为他的最好的陪伴,在互相给与的爱里成长,居然没有出现我们耽心的teenager的问题,出落成一个心地善良,懂得爱,负责任的年轻人。
对于老公和我,最大的改变是让我们有了社区意识。每天2次遛狗,即使在疫情期间也没中断,让我们结识了一些住在附近的人们,从他们那里知道了很多这个社区里的历史,从而折射出美国近几十年的变迁;知道每天这个社区的事件,了解到不少美国以及不同民族的文化;牵挂每天见到的人,尤其是老人。如果哪天没见到他们就会担心他们是否平安,会默默地为他们祈福。语言是我们和美国人交流的障碍,虽然交流得没那么深但是大家彼此关照,交流照顾狗狗的经验和信息,英语也有长进啊。自然也认识不少这个社区里的中国人,成为朋友,这一切在有Reebo 之前是不能想象的。
Yun Bai 
(Clinical Research Assistant, San Jose)
I never imagined I would be a dog mom! When our middle school aged son Joshua started pestering us to get a dog, he very quickly persuaded Mom, Dad, and especially his older brother. Before long, a 7-week old Miniature Golden Retriever suddenly arrived home all the way from Montana via airplane with his own cool name: Reebo. 
In many ways, Reebo changed our whole family’s way of living. Joshua really treated him like a little brother and would spend time playing with him every day, as well as taking responsibility for brushing Reebo’s teeth and trimming his nails. He also taught Reebo to “play basketball.”He’s the most attentive and would be first to notice anything abnormal on his little fur brother’s body. To be close to Reebo, he was willing to move to sleeping on the sofa. To keep from disturbing Reebo’s sleep, he would chase us out of the living room extremely early in the evening. 
I was originally worried Joshua would get distracted from focusing on things that mattered and fall behind, but thinking about it now, I see that I was just worrying too much. Due to the pandemic in the past three years, in our lives of not going outside, Reebo became his best companion. As they grew up with their love for each other, the “teenager” problems we had worried about actually never appeared. He matured into a kind-hearted, loving, responsible young man. 
For my husband and me, the biggest change was that having Reebo gave us a sense of community. Walking the dog two times a day every day, even during the pandemic, made us get to know a few of the people who live nearby, and from them we learned a lot about this neighborhood’s history, and how it reflected the past few decades of change in the United States. By knowing what was going on in this neighborhood every day, I came to understand quite a bit about American culture and different immigrant cultures. I cared for the people I saw every day, especially the older people. If there was a day when I didn’t see them, I would get worried about whether or not they were OK, and I would silently pray for them. Language differences make it hard for us to communicate with non-Chinese-speakers. While we may not have very deep discussions, we all take care of each other and share experiences and information related to taking care of dogs. 
And, hey, our English is also improving! Naturally we also met quite a few of the Chinese people in our neighborhood and became friends with them. I never could have imagined any of this before Reebo. Our whole family just celebrated Reebo’s 4th birthday, thanking him for bringing us so much happiness. This year Joshua is going to start college, and it’s possible that in the next few years he won’t be able to celebrate Reebo’s birthday in person. But, Reebo will be like a kite string keeping him tied to home. Later on, we’ll count on Reebo if we want to see our son more, haha!

多年来,烹饪艺术已成为我的艺术表达方式 - 分享我的个人故事,并通过学习其他文化的美食来重新创作新式菜肴。毫无疑问,我的餐桌是我更多地了解我的朋友以及了解不同观点的法宝。
Yan Zhu 
(Software Engineer, Sunnyvale)

Like many other new immigrants in Silicon Valley, I moved here because of my job. My love towards the area deepened with my growing passion towards culinary art.
The San Francisco Bay Area has the 2nd most Michelin restaurants in the United States. More importantly, we're blessed with pleasant weather to make farm-to-table dishes, which very much characterizes Californian cuisine.
Over the years, culinary arts has became my artistic expression to share my personal stories that I recreate by learning from other culture’s cuisines. Unarguably, my dining table is my secrete weapon to learn more about my friends and to initiate conversion with different perspectives.
我来自一个非常喜欢远游的中国家庭。我祖父在16岁时坐船漂洋过海到法国去寻梦。我父母大学毕业后在北京工作,七十年代他们在欧洲当外交官。我小时候在中国的江浙老家长大。大学毕业后到加拿大和美国留学,曾经在纽约华尔街当律师,后来和先生在加州安家落户,至今已在Santa Clara生活了30年。我们曾经旅游过很多国家,我先生还在英国工作过两年。但是我们最喜欢旧金山湾区。这里有最好的气候,有来自世界各地有趣富有创造力的人;有我们喜欢的各种食物,亚洲超市到处可见。硅谷有很多工作的机会。我们两个孩子都在这里出生长大,他们不仅懂多种语言,更懂得欣赏多种文化。一句话,我爱加州的蓝天和明媚的阳光。感谢这块土地接纳我们这些新移民并给予我们追求梦想的各种可能。
Xiaoshuang Fu 
(Attorney, Writer, Los Altos)
I came from a Chinese family that loves traveling and adventure. My grandfather sailed across the ocean to France at the age of 16 to pursue his dreams. My parents worked in Beijing, China after college, and they were diplomats in Europe in the 1970s. When I was a child, I grew up with my grandparents in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, China. After graduating from college in Beijing, I went to study abroad in Vancouver, Canada, then came to the United States for law school. After graduating from Duke University in North Carolina, I worked as a young attorney on Wall Street in Manhattan. Thereafter, my husband and I moved to California, and we have been living in Santa Clara Valley for the past 30 years. During this time, we also traveled extensively, and my husband even worked in England for two years, but we love the San Francisco Bay Area the most. Here we have the lovely climate, interesting and creative people from all over the world, all kinds of amazing restaurants, and Asian supermarkets are everywhere. Silicon Valley also provides many job opportunities. Both of our children were born and raised here, speak multiple languages and appreciate the many cultures that they have been exposed to. In short, I love the California sun and its blue sky. Every day I give thanks to this land for embracing us as new immigrants and giving us every opportunity to pursue our dreams.
在台湾长大,我一直期待着有一天我会访问美国。我的母亲会去美国旅行,回家时会给我带回礼物。对我来说,这些玩具有更重要的意义——它们唤起了好奇心、对进步和自由的向往。在 17 岁的时候,搬到美国享受自由听起来非常美好。
看,当你与众不同时,人们不知道该怎么对待你——有些人会说,有点“太”调皮了。当我们还是孩子或青少年时,人们能做的最糟糕的事情之一就是破坏他们的灵性,无论是否有意识地这样做。所以在 17 岁时,我发现自己陷入了自己的世界,一个充满派对和毒品的世界。
直到 7 年后,当我踏上夏威夷海岛时,我才发现大自然的疗愈作用。一点一滴,世界的美丽浸入我的灵魂,和我对话。我开始脱下为了度过充满挑战的童年而必须穿上的盔甲。一点一点,我开始回到自己内心的家。
这片土地教会了我美丽、善良、无条件的爱、同情心和社区。我们的空间叫作Forest & Flour,因为森林是一个不断发展的生态系统。每一棵树、植物、动物,都带着他们独特的天赋一起茁壮成长。
Sway Kuo Soturi 
(Creative Earthling, San Jose)
Growing up in Taiwan, I've always looked to the day that I'd visit America. My mother would go on trips in the states and bring me a gift when she returned home. To me, those toys had more significant meanings - they invoked curiosity, betterment, and freedom. And at age 17, that freedom of moving to the USA sounded pretty damn good.
My story would not be complete without mentioning my experience with mental health struggles and substance abuse. So a rebel at heart, I've found fast friends in this less conservative continent. But I've also gotten into a lot of trouble.
See, people don't know what to do with you when you are different - a little bit "too" spirited, some would say. When you are a child or an adolescent, one of the worst things you can do is break down their spirit, whether done consciously or not. So at age 17, I found myself sinking into my own world, one that was fueled with parties and drugs.
It wasn't until 7 years later that I discovered nature's healing when I set my foot in Hawaii. Bit by bit, the beauty of the world tapped into my soul and spoke to me. I began to take off the armor I'd had to put on to survive a challenging childhood. Bit by bit, I started to come home to myself.
I never thought I'd found a business; I'd say the business found me. It was as if I had been preparing for this journey all these years. My experience taught me strength, persistence, and to think outside the box.
The land herself has taught me beauty, kindness, unconditional love, compassion, and community. Our place is called Forest & Flour because the forest is an ever-evolving ecosystem. And each tree, plant, animal, and bring their unique gifts to thrive together.
The forest taught me that we carry beauty and purpose within each of us, and we are stronger in community.
我在福建建阳的一个小镇长大。在我五六岁时,和一群玩伴偶尔会到一个小摊位去买零食。我们都特别怕卖零食的那位中年大妈,她瞪一眼就可以让我们这一群小孩做鸟兽散。如果那时候知道Seinfeld电视剧里的凶狠的Soup Nazi(卖汤纳粹), 我们肯定叫她卖糖纳粹。有一天我落单了,鼓起勇气自己去买糖。买完了本应转身就跑,我却愣愣地站在那,红着脸,颤巍巍地说,”你,你,多找了我两毛钱。“ 我永远也不会忘记那一瞬间,如大厦倾塌,冰山消融,眼前哪还有凶狠,只有赞许和温存。懵懂地觉得,这个世界,如果卖糖纳粹都不可怕,还有什么可怕的呢。多年以后,才意识到,在那一刹那,勇气的秘密在我眼前闪过—善意地说出真相,世界都为你让道。
Hongming Liu 
(Attorney, Comedian, Pleasanton)
I have always been a shy and timid person.  Sometimes I wonder what I would do if I had a heart of a lion. I would probably eat it. (I am Chinese)  However people think I am courageous especially after watching my stand up routine. That is why I want to share this story that gave me a glimpse of the secret of courage.  
I grew up in a small town in Jianyang, Fujian(Southeast part of China). When I was five or six years old, one of my favorite activities was going to the only candy stand with a group of playmates. However, we were all super scared of the lady at the candy stand. If we had seen the Seinfeld episode of the Soup Nazi, we would definitely named this lady Candy Nazi. A mere look from her could cause a stampede of our whole group. One day I was alone and I really wanted to get some candy. I mustered all my courage to face the Candy Nazi alone.  Miraculous, I managed to get my candy without making eye contact. I should just run away but somehow I stayed. My face flushed under her scorching look, I stuttered with a weak but determined voice, “But, but, you gave me two extra dimes.”I will never forget how quickly this menacing lady melt before me. Everything about her became gentle and every bit of fear in me was gone. Although it took me years to articulate, that's the very moment the secret of courage was reviewed: speaking truth with kindness.
Estelle Zhao
(Administrative Manager, Palo Alto)
Being reluctant to leave the place where I have lived all my life, at least for someone like me, a person who enjoys a peaceful lifestyle and is content with the status quo, one cannot help but be filled with feelings of reluctance, nostalgia, and even a sense of rejection.
Ultimately, after the final decision was made, I went to several departments to fill out the departure paperwork, packed all my belongings into four boxes, and then, when evening fell, I went to the place I used to work, called my boss, all the while struggling to hold back my tears and feelings of sadness.
For a long time after I came to America, I was still struggling with that sense of inner turmoil inside of me. What could I do here? Everything is so unfamiliar to me. Since as long as I could remember, I have always been sheltered by my teachers and colleagues - never venturing far from my school campus or daring to mix into larger society. Perhaps they did their job too well - I grew accustomed to their protection and guidance - their easy-going tolerance of my mistakes and oversights made me feel safe.
Because I was always entangled in my reminiscence of the past, I met with various people to talk about my feelings of sadness and aimlessness. Luckily, these people would always tell me gently that everything will be okay. Who knows what the future will bring, but I believe my luck won't stop there.
Instead of mourning the past, why not embrace the future? Ever since then, I started to look at things from a different perspective and began to really observe the world all around me. I'm trying to take it all in, and see this as part of a long journey, viewing everything through a tourist’s eyes, without passing judgment, letting myself be open to surprise, while learning to appreciate every aspect of being in this new country.
Taking on this adventurer’s mentality - that of someone just passing through, can make our tightly-wound selves feel more relaxed, allowing us to stretch out and reduce our feelings of tension. Only then can we embrace life fully, and live enthusiastically.
If you also find yourself in a similar state of mind, give this a try - allow yourself to take a long-distance trip without changing your final destination.
中英文互译校对:Lillian Prueher, Jinglu Wang, Michelle Zhang,Pat Tietgens
- 您的姓名、职业和所在城市
- 个人生活风采照(可提供多张由编辑选择)
- 一个个人故事(可以是关于一个事件、一个地方、一个人、一段记忆或一个家庭故事。主题包括但不限于你的成长经历、你的工作、你的家庭、你的文化认同、你的移民体验、你的日常观察、你的爱好、你最喜欢做的事情……点点滴滴的生活细节和感受,不一而足)
- 故事内容不超过300字,短到几句话也可以。最好提供中英双语。

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