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“Are you OK? 我美式”的梗近日走红,一举成为当下年轻人中的流行问候语,这也象征着咖啡文化已经慢慢融入到年轻人的生活中。《2022咖啡潮流趋势》显示,咖啡渐渐成为年轻人的社交硬通货,独立咖啡馆数量也随之增长。
As it’s thought that coffee originated in Ethiopia, it’s also believed it made its way north, across the red sea into Yemen in the 15th Century. It then started to be grown here in the Yemeni district of Arabia, and by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.
The world’s first coffee house was opened in Constantinople in 1475, now known as Istanbul. Coffee was drunk at home as part of the daily routine, as well as to show hospitality to guests. Outside of the home, people visited coffee houses to not only drink coffee but to engage in conversation, listen to music, watch performers, play chess, gossip and catch up on news. Without the modern technologies we have today, coffee houses quickly became the epicentre for exchanging and gaining information. They were often referred to as “Schools of the Wise.”
世界上第一家咖啡馆于1475年在君士坦丁堡开业,现在被称为伊斯坦布尔。在家里喝咖啡是日常生活的一部分,也是为了表示对客人的热情。在家庭之外,人们去咖啡馆不仅是为了喝咖啡,而且是为了进行交谈、听音乐、看表演、下棋、闲聊和了解新闻。由于没有我们今天的现代技术,咖啡馆迅速成为交流和获取信息的中心。他们经常被称为 "智者的学校"。
And with thousands of pilgrims visiting Mecca each year from all over the world, knowledge of this “wine of Araby”, which it quickly became referred to, began to spread.
由于每年有成千上万的朝圣者从世界各地访问麦加,这种 "阿拉比之酒 "的知识开始传播,它很快就被称为 "阿拉比之酒"。

Then the course of coffee history begins to change. This exotic beverage certainly caused a stir for European travellers who were filled with intrigue and fascination. So, by the 17th century, coffee had made its way to Europe and became increasingly popular across the continent.
European coffee history begins in Italy, where it was imported from the Ottoman Empire. In particular, Venetian merchants contributed to the widespread popularity of coffee in European regions and in 1645, the first ever European coffee house was opened in Venice. Drinking coffee became a great commodity, especially for wealthy people.
Statistically, the U.S. is the biggest coffee consumer on a global scale. And it would be fair to say that America has become the hub of coffee consumption in 2022. But the culture of consuming coffee now extends beyond social gatherings. In fact, it is one of the fundamental elements in the modern work environment. For years, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals have consumed coffee to exchange innovative ideas and opinions. And today, American coffee is more personalized and stylized.
Unlike in Europe, the popularity of American coffee culture revolves around coffee outlets. Starbucks continues to play a key role in encouraging millennials and Gen Z to consume more coffee. In fact, over 45% of coffee in America is consumed by young adults. Data also shows that young Americans are 2 times more likely to consume coffee than adults over 60.
Italian coffee is world renowned for its superior taste, but drinking it in the coffee capital is a very different experience to your humble cup of Joe in Britain. For a start, you won’t find streets adorned with chains, but rather several quaint cafés with menus consisting of coffees beyond what you’ll commonly find.
Italians are passionate about their brew, and as such, there are numerous rules that are generally followed – including a specific schedule surrounding the best time to enjoy each beverage. 
The morning starts with a Cappuccino, this wonderfully frothy coffee is typically consumed before 11am. 
The afternoon brings the Caffe Macchiato into play. After dinner, Espresso’s are common place, but be warned – it’s not called an Espresso in Italy! Called Caffe (coffee), or Caffe Normale (normal coffee), this type is served black and enjoyed in small doses. 
下午时分,玛奇朵咖啡开始发挥作用。晚饭后,浓缩咖啡是常见的,但要注意--在意大利不叫浓缩咖啡,而是称为Caffe(咖啡),或Caffe Normale(普通咖啡),这种类型的咖啡是黑色的,少量地享用。
Brazil is a country filled with rich, rolling rainforests and striking mountainous regions, but that’s not all, it’s also one of the largest exporters of coffee in the entire world. Responsible for growing a third of the world’s coffee, the plants thrive in Brazil’s climate with the warm temperatures, heavy rainfalls and dry seasons, so much so that it may surprise you that these plants aren’t actually native to the country at all.
Coffee is drunk regularly throughout the day in Brazil, so much so that the word ‘cafezinho’, meaning ‘small coffee’ is a widely welcomed phrase. This small cup is drunk little and often and it’s not uncommon to find a coffee dispenser and a stack of cups at locations like petrol stations and restaurants, where you can help yourself for free. 
在巴西,一天中经常喝咖啡,以至于 "cafezinho "这个词,意思是 "小杯咖啡 "是一个广受欢迎的短语。这种小杯咖啡喝得少而频繁,在加油站和餐馆等地方经常可以看到咖啡机和一叠杯子,在那里你可以免费自取。
In comparison to other coffee drinking countries, coffee was introduced to South Korea quite late, which is a reason why their coffee culture is ever changing and constantly evolving and growing. It was only in the 1980s that coffee began to gain power.
For many in South Korea, coffee is more than just a drink, it plays a rather large role in Korean lifestyle. Grabbing a coffee during lunch hour has become part of the daily routine, and going to a café is not only for a drink, but to also enjoy moments of rest when sitting together for a chat, with a coffee in hand. South Korean coffee culture is defined by its variety of cafés and also the coffee menu. As with most countries, there is a variety of large chain coffee shops, however there are also a lot of small boutique cafés.
Americano(美式咖啡): 加了额外热水的浓缩咖啡
Cappuccino(卡布奇诺): 浓缩咖啡加蒸(热)奶和泡沫
Decaf(低咖啡因): 无咖啡因的咖啡
Doppio or Double: 两杯浓缩咖啡
Half-Caff(半咖啡因): 一半普通咖啡,一半无咖啡因咖啡
Latte(拿铁): 浓缩咖啡加蒸(热)奶
Macchiato(玛奇朵): 特浓咖啡加少量的蒸(热)牛奶
Mocha(摩卡): 加入少量巧克力的拿铁咖啡
Flat white(馥蕾白): 浓缩咖啡加牛奶和非常非常少的泡沫
Pour Over or Brewed Coffee(倒入或冲泡咖啡): 将热水倒入咖啡粉中
Matcha latte(抹茶拿铁): 加了抹茶(绿茶)粉的蒸牛奶
Whole milk (全脂牛奶)
2% milk /lowfat milk(2%牛奶/低脂牛奶)
Skinny or skim (脱脂牛奶)
Soy milk (豆奶)
Almond milk (杏仁奶)
Vanilla syrup(香草糖浆)
Hazelnut syrup(榛子糖浆)




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