Global Leader Talk
2023年4月7日(星期五)下午15:00-17:00,北大光华-Kellogg国际EMBA项目(简称GK)将在上海举办GK Global Leader Talk暨项目宣讲会,特别邀请到项目学员、欧莱雅中国副总裁马岚,为大家带来《如何在中国及全球市场获得成功》的主题演讲,与您分享她的宝贵经验。此外,项目学员、领购网首席执行官Vivek Prabhakar也将莅临现场,加入圆桌讨论环节,共同探讨他对全球市场的独到见解。届时,项目学术主任沈俏蔚教授也会在现场全面介绍北大光华-Kellogg国际EMBA项目特色。现场设有互动交流环节,诚挚欢迎各位报名参加!
The Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA program are delighted to welcome our current student, Angie MA, the Vice President of L’Oréal China, for a keynote speech on the topic “How to succeed in  China’s and the Global Market?” to share her insights and valuable experiences on April 7, 2023 in Shanghai. Following the speech, a current GK student Vivek Prabhakar, the CEO of Seelingo Inc., will also join us for a panel discussion to share his thoughts on the China’s and global market. On this occasion, Professor Qiaowei SHEN, the academic director of the Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA, will share with you the program's structure and its expansive networking opportunities. All participants will have the opportunity to directly interact with our speakers and admissions team. We all look forward to seeing you!
Scan the QR code or click "Read more" to sign up. Due to the limited number of seats, successful registration is subject to confirmation by Email / SMS.
主题演讲· Keynote Speech
How to succeed in China’s and the Global market?
In the past few years, most global brands have struggled with the inconveniences brought by the pandemic. However, in such an environment, Angie MA and her team, have been able to lead their brand to success despite the headwinds. In this rapidly changing global market, how did they build strong product, channel, and marketing capabilities? How did they gain recognition and success in the highly competitive Chinese market? Angie will share her valuable experience in her keynote speech.
主讲嘉宾· Guest Speaker
马 岚 Angie

Vice President
L’Oréal China
GK09, Class of 2024
马岚,欧莱雅中国副总裁,已在欧莱雅集团走过18年职业生涯,带领过巴黎欧莱雅、美宝莲纽约等品牌团队,担任过集团中国首席零售官、3CE中国总经理等要职。现在负责“欧莱雅皮肤科学美容事业部”,一直是欧莱雅集团的增长引擎,旗下拥有多个知名医学护肤品牌:修丽可(SkinCeuticals)、理肤泉(La Roche-Posay)、适乐肤(CeraVe)、薇姿(Vichy)等。马岚擅长从零打造品牌,融合中外团队,布局商业版图,有理想,也脚踏实地,致力于让品牌拥有长久的生命力。
Angie MA, Vice President of L’Oréal China, has had a 18-year career at L’Oréal Group. She has led teams for brands such as L’Oréal Paris and Maybelline New York and has held positions such as Chief Retail Officer of in China and General Manager of 3CE in China. Currently, she leads L’Oréal Dermatological Beauty Division, which has served as the engine of growth of L’Oréal Group, with several well-known medical skincare brands such as SkinCeuticals、La Roche-Posay、CeraVe、Vichy and etc. Angie is skilled at building brands from scratch, integrating domestic and foreign teams, and mapping out business strategies. Idealistic but also down-to-earth, she is committed to ensuring that brands have long-lasting vitality.
圆桌嘉宾· Panelists
Vivek Prabhakar
GK08, Class of 2023
CEO, Seelingo Inc.

沈俏蔚 教授
Qiaowei SHEN

Academic Director of GK EMBA
Professor of Marketing at Guanghua
Peking University
活动预告· Upcoming Events
四月 April:
苏州 Suzhou
五月 May:
广州 Guangzhou
六月 June:
新加坡 Singapore
六月 June:
印尼雅加达 Indonesia
联系我们 Contact us
010 - 62747151

010 - 62747158
Globalization Powered by Knowledge.
Welcome to the Guanghua-Kellogg Executive MBA Program!
✦ 希望从全球化视角认知当今世界变化,帮助企业实现转型升级的企业家;
✦ 从事国际化业务,计划开拓全球海外市场的企业高级管理人员;
✦ 立足中国市场,期待以国际视野提升竞争力的跨国企业领导者或专业人士。
✦ 已取得教育部认证的本科学位;
✦ 具有8年以上核心管理层全职工作经验;
✦ 能充分适应英语学习环境。
  点击阅读原文报名4月7日GK EMBA上海宣讲会。