2021年3月10日,缅甸曼德勒(Mandalay)的民众躲在车辆后面看着军人和防暴警察(© AP Images)
安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)国务卿于1月31日在宣布制裁措施时表示:“我们正在同英国和加拿大协调采取这些行动,以显示出国际社会对缅甸人民的坚定支持,并进一步追究政变的责任以及该政权犯下的暴力行径。”
受到制裁的有该政权国防部总司令下属的采购局(Directorate of Procurement of the Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services),以及同该政权破坏法治和缅甸民主机制的行径有关联的主要工商领导人和官员。
1月31日,布林肯国务卿以及其他八国外长和欧盟高级代表(High Representative of the European Union)谴责了该军事政权侵犯人权的行径,列举了有关酷刑折磨和包括性暴力在内的基于性别的暴力行径的报告,并指出自政变以来已有超过40万人逃离家园。

A year after coup, U.S. denounces Burma’s military, adds new sanctions

People take cover behind vehicles as they watch soldiers and riot police in Mandalay, Burma, March 10, 2021. (© AP Images)
One year after a military coup in Burma, President Biden denounced the military regime’s violence against civilians and called for democracy in the country.
“The coup has caused immense suffering across Burma and undermined regional stability, while the leaders of the regime and their supporters seek to profit off the chaos they have created,” Biden said in a January 31 statement. “To the people of Burma: We have not forgotten your struggle. And we will continue to support your valiant determination to bring democracy and the rule of law to your country.”
Full article of President Biden's statement: 
Since the February 1, 2021, coup, the military regime has killed nearly 1,500 people, including women and children, and detained around 10,000 people, according to the U.S. State Department.
Biden said the United States works with international partners to promote accountability for those responsible for the coup and committing violence against the people of Burma.
Coinciding with the president’s statement, the United States, in coordination with Canada and the United Kingdom, imposed new sanctions against officials of the military regime and business entities and individuals who support the regime.
“We are coordinating these actions with the United Kingdom and Canada to demonstrate the international community’s strong support for the people of Burma and to further promote accountability for the coup and the violence perpetrated by the regime,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said January 31, announcing the sanctions.
Among those sanctioned are the Directorate of Procurement of the Commander-in-Chief of Defense Services, prominent business leaders and officials connected to the regime’s efforts to undermine the rule of law and Burma’s democratic institutions.
On January 31, Blinken, the foreign ministers of eight other nations and the High Representative of the European Union condemned the military regime’s human rights violations, citing reports of torture, gender-based violence, including sexual violence, and noted more than 400,000 people have fled their homes since the coup.
“We call on all members of the international community to support efforts to promote justice for the people of Myanmar; to hold those responsible for human rights violations and abuses accountable,” the ministers said in the joint statement.
The foreign ministers represented were from Albania, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, South Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the High Representative on behalf of the European Union.