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Deutsche Bank

德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)德意志银行全称德意志银行股份公司,是一家私人拥有的股份公司,是德国最大的银行和世界上最主要的金融机构之一,总部设在美因河畔的法兰克福。其股份在德国所有交易所进行买卖,并在巴黎维也纳日内瓦、巴斯莱、阿姆斯特丹伦敦卢森堡安特卫普布鲁塞尔等地挂牌上市。
职位描述 …
  • Our Graduate Programme is a 12-month continuous learning journey that is the perfect start to your career in finance. We offer extensive training, exposure to stimulating projects, and the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills you need to provide innovative products and services to our clients. You’ll develop new skills whilst working alongside some of the industry’s top minds and build a valuable network that will support you as you progress in your career.
  • When you accept an offer with us, you will be provided with access to our Graduate App, which will provide you with all of the information you need ahead of your start date. It will also give you with the opportunity to start establishing your network with your future colleagues. Your training programme will commence in July and will begin with Global Graduate Orientation, where you will learn more about the vision, strategy, values and culture of Deutsche Bank. Our Management Board and senior leaders will also share their insights and experiences in a number of interactive sessions. Alongside this, you will benefit from building your global network and getting to know your peers from around the world. Following this, you will be introduced to your 12-month Professional Skills continuous learning journey, which will provide you with an introduction to the key skills required to succeed in your career and support your transition into the world of work.
任职资格 …
  • We look for more than just excellent academic achievement. There are a number of important attributes we measure through our assessment process, such as key behavioural skills related to working with people and tasks, as well as your core values and motivation. What’s more, you’re passionate about building a career in global banking, and have a deep interest in your chosen field.
  • Understanding these different attributes helps us not only build a better picture of you but also enables you to gain more of a feel for the role and how well it matches your preferred ways of working.
  • We accept applications from any degree discipline but to apply for our Graduate Programmes you must either be in the final year of your studies or have graduated within the last 12 months (with the exception of our Graduate Programme in Bucharest, Romania).
  • Our graduate programmes generally open between July and September each year. Please be advised that we recruit on a rolling basis so early applications are strongly advised.

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筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波人才服务中心战略合作伙伴,并荣登福布斯全球华人精英TOP100及胡润百富创业领袖榜单,至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等企业 offers。我们的服务包括:求职咨询、背景提升、名企内推、海内外招聘等;商务合作请联系:[email protected]
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