
哈佛大学语言学在读博士生,哈佛学联主席,一个在自我探索的道路上越走越深的人。筹划过哈佛学联龙舟赛,策划过Harvard & MIT舞会,这次来挑战Sanders Theatre的春晚大舞台!最开心的事情是做的学生活动可以被人记住!
The Lunar Chinese New Year in 2023 is a time to create, to cherish, and to remember. It’s my great honor to celebrate this special festival with so many theatre professionals and art talents. This is going to be great and we look forward to seeing you at Sanders Theatre.
苏禹宁,导演、演员。毕业于中央戏剧学院,就读于Emerson College。现居波士顿。他涉足戏剧与影视行业,导演过多部戏剧、影视、广告作品。舞台剧作品有《驴得水》《喜剧的忧伤》《资本论》《暗恋桃花源》《平行宇宙爱情演绎法》等。他也曾担任2022年常春藤春晚的总导演。
Yuning Su (he/ him), director, actor. He graduated from the Central Academy of Drama in China and is now based in Boston. He has a career in both theater and film directing. His work in the past years include plays such as Mr. Donkey, Sorrow of Comedy, Das Kapital, Secret Love In Peach Blossom Land, and Constellations. He is also the director of the 2022 Ivy League Spring Festival Gala . ins: @s.yuning
曾服务包括腾讯、阿⾥巴巴、CHANEL、Tiffany Co.、Louis Vuitton、李宁·韦德之道系列、梅赛德斯奔驰、哈佛⼤学、麻省理⼯学院等众多国内外知名公司、品牌、院校提供了不同层⾯的影视全案制作执行服务。
Xiao has served over 150 clients including the world's top 500 companies, Ivy University, Tencent, Alibaba, Li-Ning | Way of Wade, Mercedes Benz, Tiffany Co., Louis Vuitton and local organizations. Provide full producing and production services.
Hello, I am Eva. As the stage manager, I schedule rehearsals and meetings, facilitate communication across departments, and call technical cues during performances. Hope to see you at the show!
Assistant Stage Manager
哈佛大学工程学院材料三年级PhD, HCSSA External Co-chair.
Harvard SEAS Material Science third year PhD, HCSSA External Co-chair.
Front House Manager
哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院公共政策专业硕士在读,国际和全球事务方向,同时担任哈佛学联External Affairs部门的Co-chair。此次春晚负责统筹票务、礼仪、周边、赞助各组,在Sanders Theatre欢迎每一位嘉宾和观众的到来~
Ruijia is a second year Master in Public Policy student at Harvard Kennedy School with a concentration on International and Global Affairs, and currently serves as the Co-chair of HCSSA External Affairs. She will be at the Front House to ensure everyone receives a warm welcome and that service runs smoothly.
Yuxin Wu is the second-generation inheritor of Chinese Gehu, a guest lecture speaker at MIT, president of Chinese Music Industry club at Berklee, and a multi-instrument artist. He is also a composer, mixer, and master engineer. Yuxin has been highly recognized and praised by Shanghai Minhang Museum, China Central TV Station, the Communist Youth League of China, the Ministry of Education of the PRC, and the China National Intellectual Property Administration. Yuxin has appeared on several programs on China Central Television Station (CCTV1, CCTV3, CCTV9, CCTV15), Guangdong TV Station, Shanghai TV Station, Tencent Video, Bilibili, People’s Daily, China Ministry of Education, and many other platforms.
张翱 Peter
伯克利音乐学院中国音乐产业部CMI Concert Production Team的Vice Head,
在Berklee College of Music学习Electronic Production and Design和Contemporary Writing and Production 双专业,致力于研究现代音乐创作与制作的可能性与未来。说唱歌手,爵士、古典小号手。演出、合作经验丰富。2021年为青春恋爱网剧《百变少女姜小黎》配乐。2022年联合成立说唱厂牌SA6。以制作人兼rapper身份发布说唱团体Cypher单曲《2022 SA6 Cypher》。
I am Peter Ao, from Shenzhen, China. I am the Vice Leader of Chinese Music Industry Club at Berklee, as well as a dual major student of Berklee who’s currently majoring in Contemporary Writing & Production/ Electronic Production & Design, dedicated to exploring and developing the potential of contemporary music composition and production. I am a musician, trumpet player, recording artist, rapper, and experienced in live performance.
于博柔、闵嘉剑,MYStudio主理人,Harvard CAMLab研究员及项目负责人,中央美术学院建筑学院毕业设计导师,中国美术学院创新设计学院设计导师。关注数字文化遗产的当代表达,身体与剧场的跨媒介研究与创作,前沿科学的艺术转译与传播,混合现实的建筑创作。作品曾荣获爱马仕创意大奖白金奖,威尼斯Arte Laguna Prize,展出于林茨电子艺术节,法国蓬皮杜音乐与声学研究中心论坛,ACM Siggraph Asia Art Gallery,成都双年展等国际展与电影节。于哈佛、耶鲁、清华、NYU、UCSD等国内外高校讲座并评图。
Anna Borou Yu and Jiajian Min are the Founders of MYStudio, Fellow and Project Leads at Harvard FAS CAMLab, Visiting Critics at CAA and CAFA. They focus on contemporary interpretation of digital heritage, body and theater translation across media, mixed reality spatial design, as well as artistic expression of cutting-edge science research. Their artworks have been featured at Hermes Creative Awards, Arte Laguna Prize, Ars Electronica Art Gallery, ACM Siggraph Asia Art Gallery, IRCAM Forum at NYU, Indie Short Fest, Chengdu Biennale, Asia Digital Art Exhibition, etc. And they have lectured and reviewed at Harvard, Yale, Tsinghua, NYU, UCSD, etc.
I’m Yanke Song, a PhD student at Harvard Statistics Department. I love thinking about high-dimensional statistics, coding up 3D reconstruction algorithms, reading latest Deep Learning papers and writing notes in Obsidian.
Kuanhao Jiang is a PhD student in Statistics at Harvard University. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. He currently serves as the secretary of the Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association (HCSSA), mainly responsible for facilitating HCSSA’s communications with students and scholars.
Yinghou is currently a first-year student at GSD Master of Design Studies program. She is the co-chair of HCSSA Media and Technology department. In this year’s Spring Festival performance, she took care of the design and manufacturing of peripheral products and gifts.
哈佛大学景观建筑设计专业硕士在读,同时担任哈佛中国学联Media&Technology部门Co-chair及哈佛大学性别平等办公室(Office for Gender Equity)学生咨询委员会成员。作为一个设计类专业的学生,诸葛善于从社会观察中找灵感,在生活体验中找答案。她所期望的海报制作,不仅可以传递信息,还能传达祝福。她在这里祝大家:2023年,欢愉且胜意,万事皆可期~
Zhuge is pursuing a master's degree in landscape architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design. She serves as co-chair of the Media & Technology Department of the Harvard Chinese Students and Scholar Association, and a member of the student advisory committee for Harvard University's Office for Gender Equity. Zhuge is a design student who excels at drawing ideas from observing people and figuring out problems from personal experience. She hopes that in addition to conveying information, the poster will also convey blessings. She is here to wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2023, in which everything is to be anticipated!
哈佛商学院博士生三年级在读, 同时担任哈佛中国学联(HCSSA) 副主席。读博期间她主要的研究方向是网红经济,创新管理和计算社会科学。读博前,她在Facebook广告组和知识图谱组做机器学习相关的工作。她拥有浙江大学竺可桢学院的本科学位和斯坦福大学管理科学与工程的硕士学位。
Mengjie (Magie) Cheng is a Ph.D. student at Harvard Business School. She received her B.S. in Finance from Chu Kochen Honors College at Zhejiang University and M.S. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program, she worked as a machine learning engineer at Facebook Ads Ranking and Knowledge Graph teams. She combines economics principles and behavioral insights with causal inference, machine learning, and unstructured data to advise marketing decisions. Her research focuses on creator economy, innovation management, and computational social science.
Bill Ding
Bill Ding是哈佛商学商学院第一年学生,也是哈佛中国学联的成员。他之前就职于纽约麦肯锡也在快手负责拉美出海。他本科毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院。
Bill Ding is a first-year MBA candidate at Harvard Business School. He is a member of HCSSA. Prior to MBA, he worked for McKinsey in New York and led the team for Kuaishou for Latin America. He graduated from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
Ziwei Gu is a 1st-year Ph.D. student in computer science at Harvard University. He received his bachelor’s degree from Cornell University before working as a data scientist in the Bay Area. He is passionate about new media and new technology. He looks forward to meeting everyone at the Gala!
2023 年常春藤春晚购票方式
  1. 线上购票:请扫描下方二维码或者点击【阅读全文】前往Harvard Box Office 官网购票。购票后,晚会当天需要提前1.5小时到Harvard Box Office取纸质票。
    *由于进入Harvard Box Office网站需要注册新用户,用电脑操作较为方便。

  2. 线下购票:可以在Harvard Smith Campus Center 或 Sanders Theatre 购票窗口购买。地址如下:
    1. Harvard Smith Campus Center
      1350 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02138
    2. Sanders Theatre
      45 Quincy St, Cambridge, MA 02138

Harvard和其他Ivy League affiliates: $37; 
其他人员: $55
Harvard和其他Ivy League affiliates: $27; 
其他人员: $40
多媒体合作伙伴:The Blanc Studio