
来自美国弗吉尼亚大学的Patrick E. Hopkins教授领导的团队,通过系统的原子模拟研究了碳杂化对非晶碳结构中振动传热机制的作用。研究结果表明,sp3键合碳原子的比例在决定传播(类声子)振动模式的贡献及其对整体热导率的影响方面发挥了重要作用。作者发现,随着非晶碳结构中sp3键合碳原子的浓度从~10%增加到~80%,传播模式的贡献急剧增加,从而使热导率可以增加四倍。对于具有最高浓度sp3键合碳的非晶碳结构,该研究结果显示其热导率可以达到创纪录的11Wm−1K−1,这是迄今为止已知非晶固体的最高热导率。该研究揭示了原子配位与非晶碳中振动模式的基本特征之间的关系,为基于碳杂化有效调节这些材料的热导率开辟了一条途径。
该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 8:55 (2022)英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。
Atomic coordination dictates vibrational characteristics and thermal conductivity in amorphous carbon 
Ashutosh Giri, Connor J. Dionne & Patrick E. Hopkins 
We discuss the role of atomic coordination in dictating the vibrational characteristics and thermal conductivity in amorphous carbon. Our systematic atomistic simulations on amorphous carbon structures at varying mass densities show the significant role played by the ratio of sp2 to sp3 hybridized bonds in dictating the contributions from propagating (phonon-like) and non-propagating vibrational modes and their influence on the overall thermal conductivities of the structures. Specifically, our results show that as the concentration of sp3-bonded carbon atoms increases, the thermal conductivity can be increased by four fold, which is attributed to enhanced contributions from propagating modes in these amorphous structures. Our results shed more light into the role of atomic coordination on dictating heat transfer mechanisms in amorphous materials, and also provide a deeper understanding of the ability to tune the thermal conductivity of amorphous carbon structures through the control of the local atomic coordination.