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He Dropped Out to Become a Poet. Now He's Won a Fields Medal.
June Huh often finds himself lost. Every afternoon, he takes a long walk around Princeton University, where he's a professor in the mathematics department. On this particular day in mid-May, he's making his way through the woods around the nearby Institute for Advanced Study—"Just so you know," he says as he considers a fork in the path ahead, "I don't know where we are". Among the animals he spotsover the next two hours of wandering are a pair of frogs, a red-crested bird, a turtle the size of a thimble, and a quick-footed fox, each given its own quiet moment of observation.
来源  Quanta Magazine
drop out 退学
○ to leave a school or university before your course has finished
○ e.g. Bill dropped out of college after his first year. 比尔大学一年级后就退学了。
make one's way through 穿过
○ to navigate very carefully and slowly through a space and around a variety of people or things in one's way
○ e.g. You'll have to make your way through the briar patch to avoid getting scratched. 你得穿过荆棘丛以免被划伤。
spot /spɒt/ v. 看见,注意到
○ to notice sb. or sth., especially when they are difficult to see or recognize
○ e.g. I spotted a police car behind us. 我发现我们后面有一辆警车。
○ e.g. It can be hard for even a trained doctor to spot the symptoms of lung cancer. 即使是训练有素的医生也很难发现肺癌的症状。
crested /ˈkrestɪd/ adj. 长有羽冠的
○ a crested bird has a crest on its head
○ e.g. a red-crested cockatoo 红冠凤头鹦鹉
thimble /ˈθɪmbəl/ n. 顶针,针箍
○ a small metal or plastic cap used to protect your finger when you are sewing
○ e.g. Agnes, open that sewing box and pass me a thimble, will you? 艾格尼丝,打开针线盒递给我一个顶针,好吗?
quick-footed /kwɪk ˈfʊtɪd/ adj. 脚步敏捷的
○ having rapidly moving feet
○ e.g. a quick-footed woman 一个腿脚麻利的女人
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