Is being an only child harmful to psychological health? Evidence from a local instrumental variable analysis of the China One-Child Policy
Fan Li(Duke University)
Fan Li
众所周知,中国曾经有一段严格的计划生育政策。一些文献声称独生子女对心理健康有积极影响,但这些断言很难称得上是因果的。作者分析了中国家庭面板研究(CFPS)数据,描述统计量显示,一孩家庭更富裕、教育水平更高。因果推断的挑战是,是否是独生子女(处理变量)不是随机分配的,作者把一孩政策当作工具变量,一孩政策在不同地区执行强度不同,更倾向于是外生的。结局变量是序数型的,工具变量是连续的,所以作者采取了局部工具变量(local IV)方法。
Fan Li, PhD, is an expert in causal inference, the field of statistics concerned with evaluating treatments in randomized experiments and observational studies. She earned her BSc in Mathematics from Peking University and her PhD in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins University. Prior to joining the Duke faculty, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School's Department of Health Care Policy.
Her research includes advanced Bayesian methods for causal inference, missing data, and variable selection. Dr. Li's applied interests span the social sciences, economics, health policy, epidemiology and engineering.
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Two Dogmas of Methodology
Clark Glymour(Carnegie Mellon University)
Clark Glymour
1. 休谟证明了不存在因果性?但实际上休谟并没说过!
2. 因果性只能从对照试验中或的证据?但说这句话的费舍尔也研究确定性的科学!
3. 实验结局需要事先确定?这是口号,在实际研究中忽略这个口号!
4. 自动化的科学发现是不可能的(因为观察不到隐变量等)?但其实存在一些解决算法了。
5. 多重检验悖论?可以用真/假阳性、真/假阴性权衡,所有的校正方法都需要一个待校正的集合。
6. 搜索假设了忠实性或无冗余性?但实际上有算法不需要。
Glymour is the founder of the Philosophy Department at Carnegie Mellon University, a Guggenheim Fellow, a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, a Phi Beta Kappa lecturer,and is a Fellow of the statistics section of the AAAS. Glymour and his collaborators created the causal interpretation of Bayes nets.
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Combining Observational and Experimental Data for Personalized Causal Prediction
Sofia Triantafillou(University of Pittsburgh)
Sofia Triantafillou
Sofia Triantafillou is an assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Informatics in University of Pittsburgh
Research interests:
Developing causal discovery methods in the presence of latent variables, methods for integrative analysis of multiple experiments, modelling and application of causal discovery on neural and biological data.
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Personalized Dynamic Treatment Regimes in Continuous Time: A Bayesian Approach for Optimizing Clinical Decisions with Timing
Yanxun Xu(Johns Hopkins University)
Yanxun Xu
Yanxun Xu is an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Her research focuses on Bayesian statistics; cancer genomics; clinical trial design; graphical models; nonparametric Bayesian statistical inference for big data analysis; high-throughput genomic date; and proteomics data. She earned her doctorate (2013) at Rice University; her master’s (2010) at Texas Tech University; and her bachelor’s (2007) at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
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Higher order Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation and its Applications
Mark van der Laan(UCBerkeley)
Mark van der Laan
The goal of Mark's research group is to develop statistical methods to estimate/learn causal and non-causal parameters of interest, based on potentially complex and high dimensional data from randomized clinical trials or observational longitudinal studies, or from cross-sectional (e.g., case-control sampling) studies. The model assumptions under which these methods are valid should be clearly formulated, so that they can be subject to scrutiny. The estimates should be accompanied by confidence regions for the true parameter values or other types of confidence measures (e.g., variability/reproducibility of clusters as measured by the bootstrap). The longitudinal data structures may involve high dimensional measurements such as whole genome profiles at various points in time; censoring and missingness of data due to a subject not responding well to treatment (or not feeling well); and changes of treatment at various points in time, based on variables related to the outcome of interest. The methods are designed to rely on as few assumptions as possible on nuisance parameters so that they provide maximally objective statistical inference and testing procedures. To develop and refine these methods, work with simulated and real data in collaboration with biologists, medical researchers, epidemiologists, and others.
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Decomposition, Identification and Multiply Robust Estimation of Natural Mediation Effects with Multiple Mediators
Fan Xia (National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center, University of Washington, Seattle)
Fan Xia
Fan Xia is a postdoctoral fellow at NACC. Her primary areas of interest including causal inference and cluster randomized trials, especially causal mediation analysis and stepped wedge designs.
Deep Stable Learning and Heterogeneous Risk Minimization
Peng Cui(Tsinghua University)
Peng Cui
机器学习方法在许多领域取得了巨大的成功,但绝大部分方法都是基于独立同分布假定(这里指训练集的分布与测试集的分布一致),这极大地限制了它们的应用范围。当测试集与训练集的分布存在较大差异时,模型在测试集的表现将会很差,因而模型缺乏稳定性,这种现象称为out-of-distribution generalization problem。
Associate Professor (Tenured),Lab of Media and Network,Department of Computer Science and Technology. He has published more than 100 papers in famous conferences and periodicals in the field of data mining and multimedia, and has won the best paper awards in 7 international conferences and journals. He won the ACM China New Star Award in 2015 and the CCF-IEEECS Young Scientist Award in 2018. He is currently an outstanding member of CCF and a senior member of IEEE.
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Inference on effect size after multiple hypothesis testing
Ryo Okui(Seoul National University)
Ryo Okui
结果表明,财政补贴只对$given including match和response rate(红色部分)有显著影响。若我们只报告这两个结果,直接将这两个结果展现出来的做法是不正确的。因为这两个结果已经是经过我们删选过后的结果。事实上,现实生活中经常出现类似”报喜不报忧”的问题,我们只将那些显著的结果报告出来,而将不显著的结果隐藏起来,这样展现出的结论是有偏的。我们想知道在选出这些变量中,排除“报喜不报忧”引起的偏差后,究竟还有多少个变量(称为effect size)是显著的。Okui提出利用截断正态分布,提出了一种确定effect size的方法。
Ryo is an Associate Professor in Department of Economics, Seoul National University. His research interest includes  Microeconometrics, Applied microeconomics And Experimental Economics.
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Improved covariate adjusted average treatment effect estimate
Jinzhu Jia(Peking University)
Jinzhu JIA
Jinzhu JIA, researcher and doctoral supervisor, School of Public Health, Peking University. He graduated from Peking University in January 2009. From January 2009 to December 2010, UCBerkeley postdoctoral. From January 2011 to January 2018, he worked in the Department of probability and Statistics of the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University and the Statistics Center of Peking University, during which he visited Harvard University for one year. He joined the School of Public Health of Peking University in February 2018. The main research interests are high-dimensional statistical inference, big data analysis, statistical machine learning, causal inference, biological statistics and so on. He has published many papers in the fields of theoretical research on variable selection methods, the application of high-dimensional data and big data's statistical learning, and causal inference. He serves as deputy secretary-general of China probability and Statistics Society, executive director of Young statisticians' Association, director of Computing Statistics Branch of Field Statistics Research Society, and director of High-dimensional data Statistics Association of Field Statistics Research Society.
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Covariate-Specific Treatment Effect Curve in Precision Using Observational Data with High-Dimensional Covariates
Xiao-Hua Zhou(Peking University)
Xiao-Hua Zhou
Zhou提出的一系列方法属于第二类,但允许数据是高维的且未观测混杂存在。针对不同的结局类型,Zhou首先定义了不同的协变量特异因果作用CSTE (covariate-specific treatment effect)曲线,表示异质性因果效应,具有很好的因果解释。在高维情形下,当观察数据中存在未观测混杂时,Zhou通过工具变量定义了局部CSTE曲线,讨论了识别性,并给出了估计和相应的置信区间。
Professor and doctoral supervisor of Peking University, currently head of Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Peking University, Director of data Center of traditional Chinese Medicine University of Beijing big data Research Institute, Deputy Director of big data Center of Medical and Health, Director of Biostatistics Laboratory of Beijing International Mathematical Research Center, Chairman of China Branch of International Association of Biological Statistics, President of Biomedical Statistics Branch of China Society for Field Statistics, member of American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member of the American Statistical Society and member of the International Institute of Statistics. At present, he is a top journal of biostatistics, associate editor of StatisticsinMedicine, and editor of Biostatistics&Epidemiology, China Branch of the International Society for Biostatistics. In the top international journal of statistics and biostatistics, J.R.Statist.Soc.B Journal of the American Statistical Association, Biometrika, Ann.Statist,Biometrics,Stat.Med. More than 240 SCI academic papers have been published, of which more than 130 are the first or correspondent authors.
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Do-calculus and modularity in causal Markov category
Jiji Zhang(Hong Kong Baptist University)
Jiji Zhang
Zhang Jiji received his PhD in Logic, Computation, and Methodology from the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University in 2006, and taught previously at California Institute of Technology and Lingnan University, before joining the Department of Religion and Philosophy at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2021. His philosophical interests lie mainly in philosophy of science, formal epistemology, and logic. The interdisciplinary part of his research centers around the topic of causation, addressing both the epistemological and logical aspects of causal reasoning, and the statistical and computational aspects of causal modelling and discovery. His work has appeared in both premier journals in philosophy, such as Journal of Philosophical Logic, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Science, Synthese, etc., and in leading venues in computer science and statistics, such as Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Statistical Science, as well as some top conference proceedings in the field of Artificial Intelligence. With the new opportunities provided by the Ethical and Theoretical AI lab, he aims to work with colleagues across and beyond the university to apply causal modelling tools to shed new light on some important issues with implications for AI ethics, including especially machine learning interpretability, algorithmic bias, and AI-powered personalized medicine.
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Hidden causal representation learning via surrogate variables
Ruichu Cai(Guangdong University of Technology)
Ruichu Cai
Ruichu Cai is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Computer Science, Guangdong University of Technology. Received a doctorate in engineering from South China University of Technology in 2010 and entered Guangdong University of Technology; was named associate professor in 2011; was named professor and doctoral supervisor in 2015; went to National University of Singapore during 2007-2009 and 2013-2014 Visited and studied with UIUC Advanced Digital Science Research Center. He has presided over 2 National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 Provincial Outstanding Youth Fund, 1 Pearl River Science and Technology Rising Star and other projects. Dr. Cai focuses on research in fields such as causality discovery and high-dimensional data mining. More than 30 papers have been published, including important conferences in the fields of ICML, SIGMOD, SDM, and internationally renowned journals such as TNNLS, Bioinformatics, TKDE, NN, and PR; 4 authorized invention patents, 2 of which have been implemented in NetEase’s mailbox; related achievements have been implemented successively Won the second prize of Provincial Science and Technology Award (the fourth completer), and the first prize of Provincial Science and Technology Award (the third completer).
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Causality for Extreme values
Sebastian Engelke(University of Geneva)
Sebastian Engelke
Engelke的报告分为两部分。第一部分为重尾模型中的因果发现方法。Engelke首先介绍了因果尾系数(causal tail coefficient)的定义,它可用于任意两个变量因果的方向。对于任意p个变量,因果尾系数可用于恢复它们的因果序,并有理论保证。
Sebastian is assistant professor at the Research Center for Statistics at the University of Geneva, where is holding an Eccellenza grant. He was visiting professor at the Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Toronto from 2018 – 2019. Previously he was an Ambizione fellow at EPF Lausanne with Anthony Davison. Sebastian did his studies in Mathematics at University of Göttingen and UC Berkeley, and he finished his PhD as a Deutsche Telekom Foundation fellow in 2013 at the University of Göttingen with Martin Schlather. His research interests are in extreme value theory, spatial statistics, graphical models and data science. Since 2018, Sebastian is Associate Editor of the Springer journal Extremes and the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.
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Semiparametric inference for nonignorable nonresponse with paradata
Wang Miao(Peking University)
Wang Miao
Wang is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Probability and Statistics at Peking University. He studied undergraduate and Ph.D. in the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University from 2008 to 2017. He did postdoctoral research at the Department of Biostatistics at Harvard University from 2017 to 2018. He joined Peking University in 2018.
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Accounting for selection bias due to death in estimating the effect of wealth shock on cognition for the Health and Retirement Study
Mike Elliott(Vertex)
Vincent Tan (University of Michigan and Vertex)
Vincent Tan
Vincent started working at Vertex Pharmaceuticals as a Senior Biostatistician in Jan 2020. He have served as a Study Biostatistician for 6 studies - 2 successfully data base locked, 2 transitioned, and 2 ongoing (1 of which just had a Interim Analysis data cut). 3 protocols and 1 SAP were completed during this period. The disease areas that he have worked in are Cystic Fibrosis and Type 1 Diabetes. The study designs that he have been involved in are Phase 1 BA, Phase 3 Mechanistic studies, Phase 3 Open Label Studies, and Phase 1/2 studies. He look forward to continue developing my knowledge on the role of a Study Biostatistician in the pharmaceutical industry at Vertex Pharmaceuticals.
Michael Elliott
Michael Elliott is a Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and Research Scientist at the Institute for Social Research. He received his PhD in biostatistics in 1999 from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining the University of Michigan in 2005, he held an appointment as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and prior to that as a Visiting Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and as a Visiting Research Scientist at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. Dr. Elliott's statistical research interests focus around the broad topic of "missing data," including the design and analysis of sample surveys, casual and counterfactual inference, and latent variable models. He has worked closely with collaborators in injury research, pediatrics, women's health, and the social determinants of physical and mental health. Dr. Elliott serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association and the Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
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Causal inference on distribution functions
Linbo Wang(University of Toronto)
Linbo Wang
传统因果推断往往是考虑处理对于某个实值的结果变量的因果效应,而讲者则关心的是处理对于分布函数的影响。这是因为在讲者所研究的问题是关于结婚对于运动量的分布情况的影响。当结局变量是一个分布时,首先要定义关于分布的平均,以及两个分布之间的差值。对于第一个问题,讲者提出利用Wasserstein barycenter来得到不同分布之间的平均值,讲者指出这样得到的平均能够反映出原来分布的一些性质;而对于第二个问题,讲者利用分位数给出了比较合适的潜在结果之间的差,并具有因果的含义。在定义好因果参数后,讲者给出了类似于实值结局变量时的估计方法,包括逆概率加权,回归以及双稳健方法。
Linbo Wang received his PhD in Biostatistics from University of Washington in 2016. Prior to joining the University of Toronto, he spent two years at Harvard Causal Inference Program. His research interest includes causal inference, graphical models, and modern statistical inference in infinite-dimensional models. He is the recipient of several research awards, including a NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement in 2019.
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Parameterizing and Simulating from Causal Models
Robin Evans (Oxford University)
Robin Evans
Robin is an Associate Professor in Statistics, and a fellow of Jesus College. He received his PhD in Statistics from the University of Washington in 2011, and was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Statistical Laboratory in Cambridge from 2011 to 2013. His research interests include graphical models, causal inference, latent variable models and algebraic and semi-parametric statistics.
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Semiparametric efficient estimation of structural nested mean models with irregularly spaced observations
Shu Yang(North Carolina State University)
Shu Yang
Shu Yang graduated from Iowa State University in 2014 with major in Mathematics and comajor in Statistics working with J.K. Kim and Z. Zhu. After graduation, she joined Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health as a post-doc with Judith Lok. She then joined NC State as a faculty member since 2016.
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Proximal Causal Inference
Eric J. Tchetgen(University of Pennsylvania)
Eric J. Tchetgen
未观测混杂是因果分析的一个很重要的问题,讲者介绍了一种新的能够处理未观测混杂的统计推断方法。讲者首先回顾了可忽略性假定成立是识别因果作用所需的条件。讲者认为很多时候,我们测量的并不是精确的混杂变量,而是混杂变量的代理。此时想要识别因果作用,讲者指出,当存在两个代理变量,且存在bridge function时,因果作用就可以识别。这样的识别条件大大减弱了工具变量识别因果作用的严格条件。同时讲者也简单讲解了非参情形下可以利用minimax方法来估计bridge function。当在线性模型下,讲者给出了类似于工具变量的两阶段最小二乘方法,这使得新提出的方法在应用时非常方便。
Eric J. Tchetgen Tchetgen is the Luddy Family President’s Distinguished Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Professor Tchetgen Tchetgen comes to the University of Pennsylvania from Harvard University, where he has served since 2008 as Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiologic Methods with joint appointments in the departments of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
He researches infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, and the role of genetic and social factors in the patterns, causes, and effects of public health. Professor Tchetgen Tchetgen has received grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control.
He completed his Ph.D. in Biostatistics at Harvard University in 2006 under the supervision of Professor James M. Robins. He received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Yale University in 1999.
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MRCIP: a robust Mendelian randomization method accounting for correlated and idiosyncratic pleiotropy
Zhonghua Liu(University of Hong Kong)
Zhonghua Liu
Dr. Liu received his doctorate in biostatistics from Harvard University, advised by Prof. Xihong Lin. He worked on the Wall street as a quantitative strategist in NYC before joining HKU. His current research interests are: Statistical inference for massive data, Big Data Analytics, Causal Mediation Analysis, Machine Learning, Signal Detection, Statistical Genetics and Genomics.
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Model-assisted analyses of cluster-randomized experiments
Peng Ding(University of California, Berkeley)
Peng Ding
Peng Ding is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Berkeley. From 2004 to 2011, he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics and economics and a master's degree in statistics from Peking University. He received a Ph.D. in statistics from Harvard University in 2011-2015, and then did postdoctoral research in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health.
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An omitted variable bias framework for sensitivity analysis of instrumental variables
Carlos Cinelli
Carlos Cinelli
Carlos is a PhD candidate in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (2016-2021). Starting this Fall 2021, He is joining the Department of Statistics at the University of Washington as an Assistant Professor.His research focuses on developing new causal and statistical methods for transparent and robust causal claims in empirical sciences.
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A simple cure for bias from weak instruments and horizontal pleiotropy in Mendelian randomization
Ting Ye(University of Washington )
Ting Ye
Ting Ye is an Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at the University of Washington. Before joining UW, she was a postdoctoral fellow in the Statistics Department of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (mentored by Dylan Small and Sean Hennessy).
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Assumption-Lean Inference for Cox Regression Parameters
Stijn Vansteelandt(Ghent University (Belgium) and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine )
Stijn Vansteelandt
比例风险(hazard ratio)是流行病和药学中的一个重要概念,尽管缺乏明确的因果解释,比例风险模型仍然是有用而合理的近似。问题是,危险率不一定是比例的,或者协变量建模可能有误。当模型设定错误,部分似然估计收敛到哪里是不确定的。可以把Cox模型变复杂,但这会导致简单性和正确性的取舍。那么该怎么办呢?作者认为,应该以一个非参数的待估量为目标,而不是以模型为目标,从而发展基于有效影响函数的非参数推断,推断不依赖于模型是否正确。
Stijn Vansteelandt graduated as Master in Mathematics at Ghent University in 1998, and obtained a PhD in Mathematics (Statistics) in 2002 at the same university. After postdoctoral research at the Department of Biostatistics of the Harvard School of Public Health, he returned to Ghent University in 2004, where he is now Full Professor (80%) in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics. He is furthermore Professor of Statistical Methodology (20%) in the Department of Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
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Estimating causal effects on multi-state outcomes - an application to return to work after sick leave using Norwegian registry data
Jon Michael Gran(University of Oslo)
Jon Michael Gran
Jon Michael Gran is an associate professor at the department of biostatistics of University of Oslo. His current projects are Causal and statistical models for patient outcomes after traumatic injury, and Effects of workplace initiatives on sick leave and work participation - new statistical and causal models to utilise population registries.
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Causal inference when treatment resources are limited
Mats J. Stensrud(University of Geneva)
Mats J. Stensrud
Mats is a tenure-track assistant professor of statisticsat the Department of Mathematics, EPFL. His research focuses on methods for causal inference. He is particularly interested in settings with exposures and outcomes that depend on time, that is, longitudinal data. Many of his works are inspired by applications in (bio)medicine.
Before he came to EPFL, he was privileged to work with Miguel Hernán and other excellent researchers at Harvard School of Public Health as a Kolokotrones research fellow and Fulbright Research Scholar. He also had the pleasure of being a part-time postdoctoral researcher under supervision of Kjetil Røyslandand Odd Aalen at the University of Oslo. Before he became a full time academic, he had a short career as resident doctor in internal medicine.
Mats received his MD, Dr.Philos in Neuroscience and BSc in Mathematics from the University of Oslo. He also hold a Msc in Statistics from the University of Oxford.
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Experimental Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Causal Inference
Kosuke Imai(Harvard University)
Kosuke Imai
Kosuke Imai is a professor in the Department of Government and the Department of Statistics at Harvard University. He is also an affiliate of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science. Before moving to Harvard in 2018, Imai taught at Princeton University for 15 years where he was the founding director of the Program in Statistics and Machine Learning. In addition, Imai served as the President of the Society for Political Methodology from 2017 to 2019 and was elected fellow in 2017. He has been Professor of Visiting Status in the Faculty of Law and Graduate Schools of Law and Politics at the University of Tokyo.
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因果科学与Causal AI读书会第三季

第三季因果科学与Causal AI读书会从2021年10月24日开始,每周日上午 10:00-12:00举办。共11-12期,每周一期。持续时间预计 2-3 个月。

