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Risk Advisory
德勤是全球领先的专业服务机构,世界四大会计师事务所之一。德勤成员机构网络已遍及全球超过150个国家和地区,拥有约345,000 名专业人士 ,为客户提供包括审计及鉴证、管理咨询、风险咨询、财务咨询、税务与商务咨询 等在内的全方位的专业服务。
职位:risk advisory

• Perform IT risk assessment and IT audit, in areas covering general IT controls and application controls

• Assist in facilitating our clients to improve their accounting/ financial/ business related processes by the adoption of new technologies, tools, solutions and/ or application

• Prepare written reports on findings and recommendations from project work

• Be innovative in developing new tools and new solution for our clients in different industries

Fintech Assurance:

• Participate in assurance engagements in emerging technology, such as Fintech and blockchain platforms and solutions

• Assist our clients to build and further improve their businesses with the adoption of emerging technology while managing the cybersecurity/ IT related risks

• Identify and present findings and recommendations to clients from project work

Digital Assurance:

• Analyse clients' business challenges, evaluate suitable solutions with digital enablement based on existing best practices, conduct analysis and present your recommendations to the client’s middle or top management

• Make your design real by developing your idea to the actual solution and test it through a full lifecycle

• Document your design and solution to help clients to follow your thoughts

• Applies analytical thinking and professional skepticism to surface more complex issues within the audit and appropriately document judgements
University graduates in any discipline who demonstrate the following, where graduates from accounting, finance, business, information security, information system, computer science, computer engineering, mathematics preferred but not a must:

• Aspire to be a professional and demonstrate strong interest in developing a career in information security, IT audit and digital transformation

• Demonstrate multi-tasking ability

• Be able to communicate and relate with people effectively

• Demonstrate leadership potential at extra curriculum activities

• Proficient in MS office and other computer software. Proficiency in programming language, especially in HTML5, Java, PHP or Python, SQL is an advantage.

• Other technical knowledge would be an advantage:

o Data analytic skills, understanding or project experiences are preferred, including R, SAS, SPSS, Tableau, QlikView, BI skillset and database management, data modeling etc.

o Other AI relevant technologies including cognitive technology (OCR, Image recognition, voice recognition)

o Knowledge related to a broad range of operating systems, databases or other technologies, e.g., UNIX, Linux, Windows, firewalls, routers, IDS systems, mobile applications, web-based applications or blockchain

o Knowledge and understanding on information and digital technologies, including RPA (e.g. UIPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism, etc), Artificial Intelligent, Machine Learning, Data Analytics, ERP, Accounting systems, Information Securities, and etc. Accounting knowledge not necessary but will definitely be a plus
扫码发送关键词0803 海归秋招

筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波市人才服务中心官方合作伙伴,多次荣登胡润榜单。
至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等顶级企业 offers,擅长领域包括:金融、会计、咨询、数据、互联网、快消等:
想像我们的学员一样收到名企 Dream Offer 吗?
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筑梦求职 INTERNATIONAL IDEAL ,2014 年成立于美国,是北美最早成立的留学生求职咨询平台之一。我们是宁波市人才服务中心官方合作伙伴,多次荣登胡润榜单,至今已帮助 8000+ 学员获得来自 Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Deloitte, P&G  等企业 offers。我们的服务包括:求职咨询、背景提升、名企内推、海外招聘等;商务合作请联系:[email protected]
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