在一个凉爽的秋天下午,当学生们站在我周围等待校车到达时,我无意中听到他们在讨论唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)竞选2024年大选的胜率。
然后,那个在Instagram搜索的女孩转过身来,命令我立即取消关注 Trump. 
当我问她为什么时,她回答道,“你就是不能关注Trump, 因为你是亚洲人。”
我试图向她解释,我在Instagram上关注两党及其高层人物,包括 Trump和Biden。因为我希望能够去比较他们发布的内容。
然而,当前普遍希望“保护”年轻人避开有争议的想法,导致了刻板印象的加深(比如identity politics),并产生了一种让年轻人缺乏独立思考的文化。 
You just can’t… because you are Asian
Author: Emily Wang
As students stood around me waiting for the school buses to arrive on a crisp fall afternoon, I overheard quiet whispers behind me, getting louder and louder as my peers began to discuss Donald Trump’s bid for the 2024 election. Soon the criticism began: my peers were upset about his immigration policy and his abrasive character. Suddenly, one of my classmates called out “Guys, let’s see who is a Trump supporter at our school.” A crowd of students soon began to form around that classmate as she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through Instagram. As she went through the list of followers, she yelled out the names of the students that followed Donald Trump. Someone said, “I knew he is a Trump supporter, that’s why he is always so obnoxious.” Someone else said, “No wonder she has no friends.”
As I sat behind them, my heart was in my throat; I prayed that they would not see my name on the list. “Emily?” she said, “Wait, do you guys know that Emily follows Trump on Instagram?” “How can she do that?'' someone said, “doesn't she know she's an immigrant?” “Shush," another girl whispered, "she's behind us.”
Everyone began looking at me. I could see the confusion in their eyes. My face went red and I didn't know what to say. Then the instagram-scrolling girl whipped around and commanded me to “unfollow Donald Trump.” When I asked why she responded, “You just can’t… because you're Asian.” I tried to explain to her that I follow both parties and their senior figures, including Donald Trump and Joe Biden, on Instagram because I want to be able to compare what they are posting. But she walked away, shaking her head and refusing to even have a conversation with me.
In the next couple of months, gossip began to grow from “Emily follows Trump,” to “Emily is uneducated,” and to “Emily hates Asian immigrants.” I heard people talking about me as I walked in the hallway. I waited and waited for someone to ask me about my decision to follow Trump on instagram. However, no one, not a single person did. Many automatically criticized me without understanding the context. I was seen as a betrayer of my own race.
In a moment of increasing political polarization, engaging in controversial discussions as a young person is becoming difficult. A set of implicit codes has come to define one side of a controversial topic as “morally right.” Even respectfully questioning that side is often described as “offensive,” which creates an unhealthy learning environment. Young people can only think critically in an environment in which they are encouraged to explore new ideas, investigate different philosophies, and seek to interrogate specific differences. However, the current, prevalent desire to shield young people from controversial ideas or present only one side of an issue has fostered stereotypes and generated a culture in which young people rarely think for themselves.
After the instagram incident, I started a discussion platform in my school’s newspaper called “Think Critically” that allowed students to engage in discussions on controversial issues. During those discussions, I shared the story behind my decision to follow Trump on Instagram and I was intrigued by the stories and perspectives of others, regardless of whether or not I agreed or disagreed. Many classmates sent me texts saying that the platform gave them a place to genuinely share the ideas that were often considered “unacceptable” by other students.
Controversies will always exist in America because, in a democracy, people are inevitably going to disagree. There’s a difference between responding “You just can’t….because your Asian” and responding with a precise criticism that respectfully pushes me to defend my political beliefs or my decisions to consume particular media. This respectful dialogue is what drives democracy forward, slowly, through many difficult discussions, and ultimately to more compromise and unity.

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