


拓扑材料可谓近年来凝聚态物理和材料研究中十足的热点。这一方面由于该类材料物理丰富,其载流子属性独特,如Dirac、Weyl 和Majorana费米子等,可以在凝聚态体系中实现高能物理中的粒子行为。另一方面由于其在量子计算以及超导体方面具有潜在应用前景。相比三维体系,二维拓扑材料因其潜在的器件小型化应用及性质易调控等优势更加引人关注。然而,潜在的二维拓扑材料数量庞大,开展高通量理论计算筛选,为实验合成提供指导十分必要。


该文近期发表于npj Computational Materials 6: 49 (2020),英文标题与摘要如下,点击左下角“阅读原文”可以自由获取论文PDF。

Computational search for magnetic and non-magnetic 2D topological materials using unified spin–orbit spillage screening 

Kamal Choudhary, Kevin F. Garrity, Jie Jiang, Ruth Pachter & Francesca Tavazza 

Two-dimensional topological materials (2D TMs) have a variety of properties that make them attractive for applications including spintronics and quantum computation. However, there are only a few such experimentally known materials. To help discover new 2D TMs, we develop a unified and computationally inexpensive approach to identify magnetic and non-magnetic 2D TMs, including gapped and semi-metallic topological classifications, in a high-throughput way using density functional theory-based spin–orbit spillage, Wannier-interpolation, and related techniques. We first compute the spin–orbit spillage for the ~1000 2D materials in the JARVIS-DFT dataset, resulting in 122 materials with high-spillage values. Then, we use Wannier-interpolation to carry-out Z2, Chern-number, anomalous Hall conductivity, Curie temperature, and edge state calculations to further support the predictions. We identify various topologically non-trivial classes such as quantum spin-Hall insulators, quantum anomalous-Hall insulators, and semimetals. For a few predicted materials, we run G0W0+SOC and DFT+U calculations. We find that as we introduce many-body effects, only a few materials retain non-trivial band-topology, suggesting the importance of high-level density functional theory (DFT) methods in predicting 2D topological materials. However, as an initial step, the automated spillage screening and Wannier-approach provide useful predictions for finding new topological materials and to narrow down candidates for experimental synthesis and characterization.



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