我相信世界正在进入一个新的时代。这场全球性疫情是一个转折点,甚至可以说是一个引爆点... 推动进步的唯一方式,也是最明智的方式,就是携手合作。
美国与其他国家一道,呼吁在世界银行设立一项新的金融中介基金(Financial Intermediary Fund),以帮助我们为大规模传染病预防工作汇集新的资源。今天,我自豪地宣布,美国准备捐赠至少 2.5 亿美元来帮助启动这项基金,并且我们已经要求美国国会追加 8.5 亿美元。但需要再次强调的是,这是一项需要所有国家携手合作才能完成的工作。...我们的共同目标是募集100 亿美元的初始资金。这个数目并非遥不可及,就全球 GDP而言,它远远不及其百分之一。
美国还支持建立一个全球健康威胁委员会(Global Health Threats Council),该委员会将追踪进展并找出差距。
Remarks by Vice President Harris At Virtual Global COVID-⁠19 Summit
On September 22, # Vice President Harris # delivered remarks at Virtual Global COVID-⁠19 Summit. Below are the key points of her speech.

I do believe that our world is embarking on a new era.  The global pandemic was a turning point and, indeed, a tipping point.  These past 19 months have revealed systemic flaws and reminded us of our collective resolve.... the only way to move forward, the smartest way to move forward, is together.
In this new era, preparedness is a necessity.  And it requires sustained and predictable funding that is on top of the emergency response mechanisms that already exist.
We need to act so that our world will be ready to respond before, and not after, the next pandemic emerges.
... the United States joins the call for a new Financial Intermediary Fund at the World Bank, which will help us bring together new resources for pandemic preparedness.
And today, I am proud to announce that we — the United States — are prepared to contribute at least $250 million to help get this fund started.  We have also requested an additional $850 million from the United States Congress.  But again, it’s going to take all of us to get this work done.
... And we have a collective goal of reaching $10 billion at the outset.  And let’s put this in context: That is a fraction of a percent of global GDP.
the United States also supports a Global Health Threats Council that would monitor progress and identify gaps.  
Generations from now, I believe we will all be able to look back to this very moment, at the start of this new era, as the moment when our world joined together to realize a better future — a future in which all nations have equal capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to biological threats and are equally held to account…
Full remarks: