一年一度的“普华有爱日”在PwC Shanghai ACers的满满爱意中圆满地落下了帷幕。这个在普华永道AC上海传承了近十年的节日总是在冬日提醒我们,就算寒冬再凌冽,也要把爱心献给需要的人。

Our annual "AC Shanghai Care Day" was a resounding success, and received appreciation from all. The festival has been a tradition at AC Shanghai for nearly ten years, always reminding us that even in the cold winter, we should spread love to those in need. 
Delicious food and exquisite DIY handmade crafts showcased the diverse talents of our professionals, and our ways of expressing love. We hope that everyone’s dedication and caring will bring the warmth of the new year to all children in need. Passing on love to others is the best way to bring warmth to the cold winter and welcome the new year!